Business Advantage Banking and Savings Flashcards
Business Advantage Fundamentals Banking
Ideal Client
Have a start-up or smaller business with basic business needs
Combined average monthly balance of less than $15,000
Write and deposit fewer than 200 checks per month through non digital channels
Deposit less than $7,500 in cash per month
Business Advantage Fundamentals Banking
Features Include
BA Savings account $10/month
0% liability guarantee on business debit and employee debit cards
Account management - $15/month
Stop payments - $30/item
Incoming domestic wires - $15/item
International Incoming Wires - $16/item
Business deposit cards for employees used at ATMs for deposit only
Business Advantage Fundamentals Banking
Business Advantage 360- small business online banking
- ability to deposit checks using mobile device
Customizable alerts
Balance Connect - overdraft protection (need to enroll)
Next-Day availability of Merchant Service Funds processed with BofA
Business Advantage Fundamentals Banking
Pricing: Clients can avoid the $16 by doing the following each statement cycle:
- Spend $250 each statement cycle on new net qualified purchase using a linked BofA business debit card
- Maintaining a combined average monthly balance of $5,000 in linked business deposit accounts
- Become Business preferred rewards member
(First 4 checking accounts per enrolled business)
Business Advantage Relationship Banking
Ideal Client
Business with employees, higher balances, high transaction volume, and greater cash handling needs
Average monthly balance of over $15,000 or need additional services like merchant services or payroll needs
Write Deposit fewer than 500 checks per month
Deposit less than $200,000 in cash per month
Business Advantage Relationship Banking
No fee for BA savings account
Second business Advantage Relationship Banking account- no monthly fee
0% liability
Account management - no fee
Stop payments - no fee
Wires - no fees
Business deposit cards for employers - ATM only for deposits
Business Advantage Relationship Banking
Business Advantage 360 - ability to deposit check with online banking
Customizable alerts
Balance Connect - over draft protection
Next day availability of merchant service funds processed with Bank of America
Business Advantage Relationship Banking
Avoid the $29.95 monthly fee by doing one of the following each statement cycle:
- spend $250 each statement cycle on new net qualified purchases using linked Bank of America business debit card
- become preferred rewards member (first 4 checking accounts per enrolled business)
Full analysis business checking
Ideal Client
- Deposit balance = $60,000 or more
- Writes more than 150 checks and deposits more than 200 checks per month
- Regularly wants to initiate or receive wires or other payments electronically to save time and money
- Streamline reconciliation of bank statements
- I prove fraud control
- Accrue earning credits on balances that can be used to offset most or all account fees
Full Analysis Business Checking
0% liability on fraud for business and employee debit cards
Stop payments (fees vary)
Incoming domestic wires (fees vary)
International Incoming wires (fees vary)
Business Deposit Cards for employees - deposit ATM only
Full Analysis Business Checking
CashPro for online baking Customizable cash alerts in Cash Pro Next day availability of merchant services proceeds with B of A ACH Services FX Solutions Fraud Prevention Cash Vault
Full Analysis Business Checking
Clients charged per item fees for transactions like deposits, debits and transfers
Clients may apply an earning allowance toward service charges based on balance
Business Advantage Savings
Clients looking to earn interest while maintaining fast access to funds (without locking into Term)
Business Advantage Savings
$100 minimum opening balance
Monthly Fee Waiver: minimum balance of $2,500 or link BA savings account to BA Relationship Banking solution or preferred rewards
Rate - Variable
No Term
Unlimited daily deposits (fees may apply)
No fee for early withdrawal
Transaction limits apply to certain types of withdrawals and transfers
No automatic renewal
Preferred Rewards interest rate booster eligible
Balance Connect
Business Advantage 360
FDIC insured
Business Featured CD
CD with fixed rate at a higher yield
Business Featured CD
Minimum Opening: refer to deposit sheet Term: refer to deposit rate sheet Rate: Fixed No additional deposits or transactions until maturity There is a fee for early withdrawal Automatic renewal NOT preferred Rewards eligible Business Advantage 360 FDIC insured $0/month
Fixed Term Business CD
CD with fixed rate and flexibility to choose their Term to plan for when $ is needed
Fixed Term Business CD
Minimum Opening: $1,000 long term or $15,000 short term Rate: Varies with investment Term: Varies No additional deposits or transactions until maturity Automatic renewal NOT preferred Rewards eligible Business Advantage 360 FDIC insured $0/month
What are the monthly fee waivers for Business Advantage Relationship checking account and the Business Advantage Fundamentals checking account?
- Spend $250 each statement cycle on new net qualified purchases using a linked BofA business debit card
- become a business preferred rewards member (first 4 checking accounts per enrolled business)
Business Advantage Fundamentals Banking ONLY
-maintaining a combined average monthly balance of $5,000 in linked business deposit accounts
The business Advantage Fundamentals checking account is designed for what type of client?
Start up Banking
Smaller businesses
Less employees
The Business Advantage Relationship checking account is designed for what type of client?
Bigger business
More employees
What is the minimum opening deposit amount for a business Advantage Fundamentals checking account?
$100 for both types of accounts
Which of the following products can have a Business Advantage Savings Account linked and included for no fee?
Business Advantage Relationship Banking