Bullying and SEL! Flashcards
what are the 4 main types of bullying?
- physical
- verbal
- relational
- cyber
what is the TRIAD and why is it important?
bullying should be looked at within a triad: which is:
- harmful, repeated, unequal.
what are the long term effects of childhood bullying??
- depression
- anxiety
- suicide
what do bystanders feel?
bystanders are also impacted, finding it difficult to engage in learning and may avoid areas of the playground, they can feel helpless and feel guilt that they did not prevent or interfere, furthermore bystanders who do intervene sometimes have negative repercussions from other students or from teachers.
how do we find out about violence and bullying in schools (assessment) and what are the implication of each one?
- adult (teacher and parent) reports, limited value as adults only aware of a fraction of what is going on
- self reports widely used n anonymous questionnaires
- peer nominations maybe most reliable method for class based work
- direct observations - avoid reporting bias but difficuult and time-consuming
- other methods: in depth interviews, focus groups, incident reports etc.
what have been some implications to finding out about bullying in early childhood?
- studies in early childhood have demonstrated more difficulty in identifying bullying
- another enduring belief is that young children do not engage in bullying
- failure to recognise aggressive behaviours as a precursor to bullying as aggressive behaviour are sometimes dismissed as part of immaturity
- some healthy plpay such as rough and tumble is sometimes curtailed as it is mistaken as bullying
what is moral disengagement?
moral disengagement as multiple side mechanisms that affect teachers and students that may impact bullying behaviours.
what is SEL?
sel stands for social and emotional learning
and is the process through children
- acquire and apply knowledge to understand and manage emotions
- set positive goals
- feel and show empathy for others
- establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions
why is SEL important?
- important for behaviour change in the future
- develop lifelong skills
- social competence comes before content learning
how is SEL framed?
it is framed through ACARA
what is the acronym to SEL planning and what are they?
S- sequenced, breaking down new behaviours into smaller steps
A- active emphasis on active forms of learning e.g. roleplay/ hypothetical/ case studies NEVER DIRECT
F- focused - provide sufficient time and attention for the activity
E- explicit - clear and explicit learning objectives.
how are some ways/ examples of SEL planning being used?
- children may recieve a lesson on how to calm particular emotions
- children may label their emotions
e.g. identify the emotion, what triggers it, how it makes you feel, appropriate ways/ solutions to dealing with particular emotions.
what are some existing resources that support SEL? and give a simple explanation of each,
- the worry woos (different emotions)
- be a bucket filler
- paper crinkle.
why is school grounds/ educators an important place to learn about bullying and behaviours?
- children spend leisure time at school that is supervised
what is the key thing educators need to do/know to enforce social and emotional skills?
- safe and well managed environment
- warm and trusting relationships
- high expectations and challenging environment
- rigorous, relevant curriculum and engaging instructional practices.
what is the importance of social and emotional learning?
- integral part of education and human development!
- advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships.
what does CASEL stand for?
Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotionnal Learning.
self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationships skills, responsible decision making skills
what is self awareness in casel competencies?
- identifying and recognising emotions, recognising personal interests and strengths, maintaining a well-grounded sense of self-confidence
what is self-management in casel competencies?
regulating emotions to handle stress, control impulses, motivating oneself to persevere in overcoming obstaces, setting and monitoring progress toward the achievement of personal and academic goals ; expressing emotions appropriately.
what is social awareness in casel competencies?
- the ability to take the perspective of and empathise with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to understand social and ethical norms for behaviour, recognise familyy, school, community resources and supports.
what is relationship skills in casel competencies?
- ability to maintain a healthy and rewarding relationship with diverse individuals and groups, including communicating clearly, listeing actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed.
what is responsible decision-making skills in casel competencies?
- making decisions based on consideration of all-relevant factors including ethical standards, safety concerns, social norms, the likely consequences of taking alternative courses of action, evaluation and reflection.
what does ACARA stand for?
Australian Curriculum, Assesssment and Reporting Authority.
what are some examples of framework through assessment of acara?
e.g. the framework is understand basic emotions, a standard should follow e,g recognising and labelling their own emotion, instruction - role playing situations triggering emotion and then assessment through direct assessment, teacher ratings of emotion knowledge.