BSS Flashcards
Adherence: emphasizes how behavior interacts with environemnt and internal personal factors
Social cognitive theory
Adherence: preception of suscepibility, severity, benefits, barriers
and cues to action
Health belief model
Adherence: Stages of change
Transtheoretical model
Adherence: shaping behvaior
Applied behavior analytic theory
calculate standard deviaiton
square root of variance
variance = sum of all [(#-mean)^2]/(n-1)
what is Gaussian distribution?
mean = median = mode (bell curve)
What is standard normal distribution? How do you assess for it?
mean = 0, std = 1 68% data is within 1SD 95% within 2SD 99.7% within 3 (bins/QQ plot/shapiro wilk test where null is normal distribution)
3 types of prevention
primary: prevent onset
secondary: delay symptoms
tertiary: delay death
What is lead time?
time that diagnosis is pushed back because of a screen
What is “detectable preclinical phase”?
time between when you can screen and when symptoms develop
Internal vs external validity
Internal: does test measure what its supposed to
External: is it generalizable
What is sensitivity?
postive test with disease
——————————————- (high w high transmission)
actual number of people with disease
What is specificity?
negative test without disease
—————————————— (high with terminal+anxiety)
positive and negative without disease
HOw do you determine overall accuracy?
all negative tests
Calculate positive predictive value (PPV) and NPV
true positives divide by total positives
true negatives divid by total negatives