Britain: Health and the People, Medicine stands still + Renaissance impact in Britain Flashcards
When was the Medieval period (Middle Ages)?
AD 500 - 1500
What sections can the Middle Ages be divided into?
Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, Late Middle Ages
What people could you go to in Medieval England for treatment?
Local wise woman, barber-surgeon, university-trained doctor (expensive), markets and fair individuals, local monastery or parish priest
How did Medieval doctors produce a diagnosis of disease for a patient?
Took pulse, noted colour, smell and taste of urine
What were natural treatments a Medieval doctor might give?
Bloodletting by opening vein or using leeches, giving something to make you vomit or go to the toilet
What were supernatural treatments a Medieval doctor might give?
Prayers, charms and astrology
What was the theory of the four humours?
Medical theory stating there were 4 humours in person’s body, became sick when humours were out of balance, doctor needed to restore balance
What were the four elements and which humour did they show themselves in according to the theory of the four humours?
Fire - Yellow bile; Earth - Black bile; Water - Phlegm; Air - Blood
How long could it take to qualify as a Medieval doctor, and where might you study?
At least 7 years of study at university like Oxford or Cambridge
Where did Medieval doctors get their medical knowledge from?
Treatments of Hippocrates and Galen, medical knowledge from Muslim, Indian and Chinese worlds, studied British medical textbooks
When was Comendium Medicine written and by who?
Gilbert Eagle in c1230
What treatments did the wise people of villages offer?
Mixture of natural herbal remedies, first aid and supernatural cures
What was Leech book of Bald and when was it written?
Anglo-Saxon manuscript written in 950
What treatments would people in markets and fairs offer?
Herbal potions, pull teeth, mend dislocated limbs, set a fracture in splints
Who did people often pray to to help cure illness and how?
Prayers often made to Christian saints said to cure specific ailments
What responses did the Christian Church give to the sick?
Important to care for patient, not cure them; prayers; pilgrimages to shrines with body parts of holy people; traditional medical knowledge of Ancient World, Hippocrates and Galen
How many hospitals were started in England between 1000 and 1500?
More than 700
How were hospitals financed?
Depended on charity for money, mainly financed by Christian Church or by wealthy patron
What were different types of Medieval hospitals?
Hospitals or asylums for mentally ill, monasteries had infirmaries (small dormitory wards), few large hospitals, Lazar houses dealt with leprosy
By 1370, how many people could St Leonard’s look after?
over 200
When did the training of doctors begin in Europe?
After 1200
Who was Roger Bacon?
A 13th-century English monk
Who was Faritius?
11th-century doctor and abbot of Abingdon
When was the height of Islam’s culture and learning?
c750 - 1050