Brewer and Treyens💗 Flashcards
Investigate the role of schema in the encoding and retrieval of episodic memory.
86 university psychology students
- First: Individually seated in room made to look like office (had items office would typically have, and not have. Some typical items were omitted)
– Kept in room for 35 seconds. Told they were ‘waiting for previous participant to be finished’ - Second: they were put in 1 of 3 recall conditions (30 written recall followed by verbal recognition, 29 drawing recall, or 27 just verbal recognition)
Afterwards they were given a questionnaire with one critical question asking them if they thought they were going to be asked to recall the items in the room, and 93% said no.
Results and Conclusion
Write/draw: More likely to remember items that were congruent with schema of office, and changed nature of objects to match schema
Verbal: More likely to remember congruent items despite them not being in the room, and also remembered incongruent items that were in the room better
This shows that their schema played a role in the encoding and retrieval of memory.