Breathless Teenager Flashcards
what is hyperventilation?
increased work of breathing results in a reduction alveolar and arteriolar pCO2
what is hyperpnoea?
greater than normal level of ventilation
what is cheyne stokes?
abnormal breathing pattern characterised by progressivley deeper and or faster breathing ( brainstem issue/end of life)
where do you have receptors that may influence breathlessness?
intrapulmonary parenchymal stretch receptors, carotid body and central medullary chemoreceptors, peripheral vascular receptors, pulmonary artery baroreceptors
why do you need to think about oral contraceptive in someone who is breathless?
risk factor for pulmonary embolism
diagnosis of asthma is done how?
clinically: wheeze, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough and exercise related symptoms
tests for asthma?
PEFR variability (bakers asthma every 2 hours at work)
spirometry- variable air flow obstruction/ reversibility
inducible airways hyperesponsiveness (methacholine/histamine)
airway inflammation (eosinophil count, FeNO)
bronchodilator reversibility 400mg slbutamol changes?
greater than 12% in FEV1 or 200ml
what change would you expect to see in FeNO?
> 40ppb
direct bronchial challenge test?
looking for a fall of 20% in FEV1, a provocative concentration of 8mg/ml or less is regarded as positive
asthma mimics?
inducible laryngeal obstruction, exercise induced laryngeal obstruction, sinus disease, airway obstruction, cough hypersensitivity, GORD
why give magnesium?
mast cell stabiliser
when is research ethical approval required?
studies involving humans/animals if you are gathering novel data and creating knowledge that can be generalised beyond participant sample or setting
which do not require ethic approval?
service evaluation/quality improvement
clinical audit (against a benchmark)
frequency of cases of a disease in a given population at a designated time
point prevalence?
proportion of population that has the characterisitic at a specific point in time
lifetimes prevalence
have you ever had…?
point and period prevalence are better?
patient recall, tracking changes
lifetime prevalence is better for
short fluctuating and episodic conditions
cross-sectional study?
defined population is surveyed to measure variable of interest outcome or exposure. inclusion and exclusion criteria selected.
advantaged of cross sectional study?
compare prevalence in exposed and non exposed group to risk factors, quick and inexpensive, can be used to initally explore/inform a hypothesis
disadvantages of a cross sectional study?
not suitable for rare disease, cannot separate cause exposure and outcome , cannot measure rate of new cases arising
Supplementary prescriber?
someone able to prescribe medicines in accordance with a pre-agreed care plan that has been drawn up between doctor and patient