Brachyspira sp. Flashcards
Five species of brachyspires have been isolated from pigs, namely;
Brachyspira hypdysenteriae, B. pilosicoli, B. B. intermedia, B. innocens and B. murdochii
two brachyspira species considered to be nonpathogenic
B. innocens and B. murdochii
has been associated with intestinal spirochaetosis in chicken and pigs
Brachyspira intermedia
are found in the intestinal tract of both clinically affected and normal pigs
Pathogenic Brachyspira species
Carrier pigs can shed ______________ for up to 3 months and are the principal source of infection for healthy pigs
B. hyodysenteriae
is associated in with vent disease in rabbits
treponema paraluiscuniculi
have been identified in lesions of bovine digital dermatitis and contagious ovine digital dermatitis
Treponema species
have six to fourteen spirals and are 0.1 to 0.5 um in width
Brachyspira and Treponema species
Causative agent of swine dysentery
B. hyodysenteriae
causative agents of intestinal spirochaetosis of pigs, dogs, birds and humans
B. pilosicoli
implicated in porcine spirochaetal colitis
B. intermedia
cultures are incubated anaerobically at?
42°C for at least 3 days