Bowel/Fecal Elimination Flashcards
True or False:
The normal color of feces for adults is brown and yellow for infants.
True or False:
The consistency of feces must be formed, hard, and dry.
False - Formed, soft, semisolid, moist
True or False:
Feces with constituents such as pus, mucus, parasites, blood, large quantities of fat, foreign objects are considered as abnormal
It is defined as fewer than three bowel movements per week
A mass or collection of hardened feces in the folds of the rectum, results from prolonged retention and accumulation of fecal material
Fecal impaction
Refers to passage of liquid feces and an increased frequency of defecation, results from rapid movement of fecal contents through the large intestines
Refers to the loss of voluntary ability to control fecal and gaseous discharges through the anal sphincter
Bowel Incontinence
The presence of excessive flatus in the intestines and leads to stretching and inflation of the intestines
It is a solution introduced to the rectum and large intestines. The main actions are to distend the intestines and to irritate the mucosa thereby increasing peristalsis and the excretion of feces and flatulence.
What are the 4 types of enema?
Cleansing Enema
Carminative Enema
Retention Enema
Return Flow Enema
Which type of enema is:
• Done to prevent the escape of feces during surgery
• Prepares the intestines for certain diagnostic test such as colonoscopy
• Remove feces in instances of constipation or impaction
Cleansing Enema
It is given to cleanse as much of the colon as possible.
High Enema
It is used to clean the rectum and sigmoid colon only.
Low Enema
Enema that is given primarily to expel flatus
Carminative Enema
Enema that introduces oil or medication into the rectum and sigmoid colon
Retention Enema
Enema that is used occasionally to expel flatus
Return Flow Enema
The solution used in enema that distends colon, stimulates peristalsis, and soften the stool
The solution used in enema that draws water into the colon
The solution used in enema that irritates the mucosa and distends the colon
The solution that is used in enema to lubricate the feces and colonic mucosa
Oil (Mineral, olive, and cottonseed)
An opening for the colon onto the skin to divert and drain fecal material
Bowel Ostomies
True or False:
Bowel Ostomies is classified into two parts: Permanence and Anatomic Location
True or False:
A temporary colostomy is classified when the patient had only experienced traumatic injuries and inflammatory conditions of the bowel
True or False:
It is considered as a permanent colostomy when the rectum/anus is non-functional
What are the 6 anatomic locations for bowel ostomies?
Ileostomy - Empties from the distal end of the small intestine
Cecostomy - empties from cecum (the first part of the ascending colon)
Ascending colostomy- empties from the ascending colostomy
Transverse colostomy- empties from the transverse colon
Descending colostomy- empties from the descending colon
Sigmoidostomy- empties from the sigmoid colon
The type of stoma where one end of the bowel is brought out through an opening onto the anterior abdominal wall
Single stomata
The type of stoma where the loop of bowel is brought out onto the abdominal wall and supported by a plastic bridge, or a piece of rubber tubing
Loop colostomy
The type of stoma where it consists of two edges of bowel brought out onto the abdomen but separated from each other
Divided colostomy
The type of stoma where the proximal and distal loops of the bowel are sutured together and both ends are brought up onto the abdominal wall
Double-barreled colostomy
True or false:
To promote regular defecation during constipation, decreased daily fluid intake and avoidance fiber in the diet must be observed
False - Increase daily fluid intake, and instruct the client to drink hot liquids and fruits juices. Especially prune juice. Include fiber in the diet.
True or False:
To avoid/decrease flatulence, carbonated beverages must be limited and avoid the use of drinking straws and chewing gum
True or False:
Closed pouches used by people who have a regular stoma discharge must be changed 4 times a day
False - Empty pouch 1-2 times a day
A stoma management used only for clients who have a sigmoid or descending colostomy
Colostomy Irrigation
True or False:
The color of the stoma must be very pale or darker-colored stomas with a dusky a bluish or purplish hue
False - stoma should appear red, and slightly moist
True or False:
The stoma size and shape must protrude slightly from the abdomen. New stomas normally appear swollen but swelling generally decreases over 2 or 3 weeks or for as long as 6 weeks.
True or False:
Slight bleeding initially when the stoma is touched is normal
True or False:
Use warm water, mild soap, and a washcloth to clean the skin and stoma.