bowel elimination Flashcards
describe the large intestine
-primary organ of bowel elimination
-extends from the ileocecal valve to the anus
what are some functions of the large intestine
-absorption of water (aprox. 1000ml/day)
-formation of feces
-expulsion of feces from body
describe the small intestine
-secretes enzyme aiding in protein and and carb digstion
-3 parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum
-connects to large intestine
what the functions of the small intestine
-receive liver and pancreases juices for digestion
-food digestion and nutrient absorption in the bloodstream
what are some variables influencing bowel elimination
-developmental considerations
-food and fluid
-daily patterns
-activity and muscle tone
-psychological variables
-pathologic conditions
-diagostic studies
-surgery and anesthesia
developmental considerations
-characteristics of stool and frequency depend on formula or breast feedings
-breast fed babies have bowel eliminations more frquently, more yellow and creamy
-formula fed babies have less freuent and darker shits
developmental considerations
physiologic maturity is the first priority for bowel training/voluntary bowel control between 22-36months
developmental considerations
defacation patterns vary in quantity, frequency, and rhythmicity. 1-2/day to 1 every 2-3days
developmental considerations
older adult
constipation is often a chronic problem; diarrhea and fecal incontinence may result from physiologic or lifestyle changes resulting in a decrease in motility
name some constipating foods
cheese, lean meat, eggs, pasta
name some foods with laxative effects
fruits and veggies, bran, chocolate, alcohol, coffee
name some gas producing foods
onions, cabbage, beans, cauliflower
how does aspirin and anticoagulants effect shit
pink to red to black shit
how do iron salts effect shit
black stool (pts need accurate assessment of nuber of BM with stool softener elimination when taking iron tx bc it can cause constipation)
how do antacids effect shit
white discoloration or speckling in stool
how do antibiotics effect shit
green-grey color
describe the physical assessment of the anus and rectum
inspection and palpation
-lesions, ulcers, fissures (linear break on the margin of the anus), inflammation, and external hemorrhoids
-ask pt to bear down as though having a bowel movement. assess for the appearance of internal hemorrhoids or fissure and fecal masses
-inspect perineal area for skin irritation secondary to diarrhea or fecal incontinence
describe stool collection
-medical aseptic technique is imperative
-hand hygiene, before and after glove use is essential
-wear disposable gloves
-do not contaminate outside of container with stool
what are you testing for when you collect stool
-occult blood
-culture and sensitivity
-ova and parasites
what are the instructions/how-to for stool collection
-void first so that urine is not in stool sample
-shit into the container rather than the toilet bowl
-do not place toilet tissue in the bedpan or specimen container
-notify nurse when specimen is available
describe occult blood testing
used to test stool sample for presence of hidden blood
-uses solution of guaiac to test for presence of blood
-using small wooden blade smear small amount of shit on the testing slide to test for presence of occult blood
describe esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
-looks at lining of esophagus, stomach, and down to the duodenum
-uses concsious sedation to stop gag reflex and local anesthetic in the throat
-NPO beforehand to prevent aspiration
-needs a driver afterwards, cant eat or drink until after local anesthetic wears off
describe colonoscopy
-passage of cam through anus, rectum, and large intestine
-NPO beforehand
-conscious sedation
-complete a series of bowel prep to make sure they have eliminated as much material from large intestine as possible
describe sigmoidoscopy
-similar to colonoscopy
-cam goes through anus, rectum, sigmoid colon, but not whole length of large intestine
-indicates diverticulitis or certain types of cancers or inflammatory diseases
describe wireless capsule endoscopy
-campsule with cam in it
-good to visualize small intestine
-helpful to identify cancers, erosion, inflammatory diseases, ulcers
-kidney, ureter, bladder
-term for abdominal xray -> looking at abdominal cavity below level of diaphragm
-no prep needed, may be done standing or sitting
upper GI/small bowel series
-pt ingests oral contrast then xrays are taken to observe how everything moves through the body
-can show hernias, leaks, irregular shape, or dilation
-usualyl NPO prior to UGI or clear liqs
describe barium enema
-similar to UGI but for lower digestive track
-bowel prep and clear liq diet
-administer barium directly into rectum to illuminate lining of large intestine