Bornaviridae, Astroviridae & Prions Flashcards
Borna disease virus is mostly detected in? USA Iceland Africa Central Europe
Central Europe
The fatal form of Borna disease is: the neurological disease the gastrointestinal disease the reproductive tract disease the mucosal disease
the neurological disease
“Dribbling and champing of jaws” is a clinical sign of Borna disease.
Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in neurons called “Joest-Degen” bodies are pathognomonic for Borna disease Virus infection.
Ante-mortem diagnosis is of Borna disease is difficult mainly because of similarities in neurological manifestation. Which is of following diseasescan be considered as differentials? EHV-1 infection rabies West Nile All above options are valid
All above options are valid
What disease does the avian bornavirus cause? rhinotracheitis osteopetrosis “Big leg” syndrome Proventricular dilatation disease
Proventricular dilatation disease
During infection with the avian bornavirus, proventricular dilatation is a direct result of:
progressive indigestion
progressive neurological dysfunction
progressive neurological dysfunction
Although Astroviruses are known to cause diarrhoea in many animal species, however, a fatal diarrheic disease can be observed only in: birds humans pigs cattle
Astroviruses have a linear, positive sense, single-stranded RNA and the RNA is: semi-infectious quiescent non-infectious infectious
The term prion means: primitive form of virus infectious protein or rogue protein non-infectious protein precarious protein
infectious protein or rogue protein
What classification system is used for prions?
microorganism classification system
Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology
There is no classification system for prions yet
International committee on taxonomy of viruses
There is no classification system for prions yet
What is the abnormal form of the prion protein? PrPsc PrPc PrP PrPs
Prion proteins are mostly expressed in: muscle cells enterocytes neurons and lymphoreticular cells skull osteocytes
neurons and lymphoreticular cells
Why are prions difficult to eliminate?
there envelope coat is resistant to proteases
they are resistant to chemical and physical conditions
they are made of RNA that is resistant to ultraviolet light
they are invisible
they are resistant to chemical and physical conditions
How do prions replicate?
they use reverse transcriptase to transcribe their genetic material
they are amplified by Taq polymerase
by transduction
the PrPsc catalyses the conversion of PrPc into PrPsc
the PrPsc catalyses the conversion of PrPc into PrPs
Scrapie is a prion disease mainly found in: pigs sheep camels cattle
In animals infected with the scrapie prion, histopathological lesions are characterized by wide spread inflammatory reaction in the brain.
Why has prion infection in cattle been termed “mad cow disease”?
constant mooing of the affected animal
aimless wondering of the affected animal
Abnormal posture and progressive apprehensive behaviour of the affected animal
weight loss of the affected animal
Abnormal posture and progressive apprehensive behaviour of the affected animal
Although the transmission of prions is not fully known, what is the accepted mode of transmission currently? oral route ticks mosquitoes thrips
oral route
Histopathological examination of a brain from a cow suspected to have died from Bovine spongiform encephalopathy would show:
Astrocytic hypoplasia
Neuronal vacuolation and degeneration
lymphocytes infiltration around neurons
vestibular neuronitis
Neuronal vacuolation and degeneration