Booklet 3 - 1850-59 Second Italian War Of Independence Flashcards
What did Cavour do in 1855 ?
Speech to parliament - stated ‘Sons of Italy fight with true valour on the field of glory’
What was this speech able to tell us about Cavour’s beliefs?
Cavour believed in unification and fighting Austria, but disagreed with Mazzini’s radical ideas
How did Cavour’s speech encourage nationalists?
Cavour had major influence in Piedmont, and nationalists knew Piedmont had the strength to lead a unification movement
What was the National Society?
Grew in Piedmont - 8000 members by 1857 - spread nationalism around Piedmont through newspapers and public meetings
Which member of the national society met Cavour in 1856?
Who else did Cavour meet in 1856, and what was the impact of this?
Cavour met Garibaldi to discuss possibilities of a War with Austria - showed Piedmont were considering unity
Although Garibaldi agreed to support Piedmont against Austria, why was Cavour nervous over starting a war?
Cavour had fears of upsetting France + only wanted a united northern Italy, had no interest in the south
What personal reasons did Louis Napoleonic have for supporting Italian nationalism?
Lived in Italy when younger due to being exiled from France in 1830-31, also pro-liberalism
Why else did Napoleonic want to support Italian nationalism ?
Supported war with Austria in 1859 - would weaken Austria and gain a southern European ally
What did Napoleonic want for central Italy in 1859 as Piedmont only wanted unification with Northern Italy?
Wanted it as a separate, French-controlled state
What occurred on July 21st 1858?
Pact of Plombieres - meeting between Cavour and Napoleon
How can the Pact of Plombieres show Cavour as an opportunist?
Knew France held more power, so pact was more in Napoloen’s favour so that he would agree
What were the agreements regarding war in the 1858 pact?
France would agree to help Piedmont if Austria were the aggressors to war
What was the division of Italy decided to be in the 1858 pact, should the Austrians be defeated?
Piedmont rule kingdom of upper Italy, Pope keeps Rome, Central Italy goes under Tuscany/French control and France have no intervention in Naples
What did France want from Italy in the 1858 pact?
Nice and Savoy
How did the 1858 pact upset Garibaldi?
His hometown of Nice was to be given to France after war
How was the 1858 pact finalised?
V.Emmanuel’s 15 year old daughter was to marry Jerome Bonaparte
How can the 1858 pact be seen as anti Italian nationalism?
Only benefited northern Italy, central and south still under foreign control
What was V.Emmanuel’s issues in starting the 1859 second war of independence?
Needed to provoke Austria so they are seen as the aggressor, needed to provide an army of 100,000 so that Napoleon provided 200,000 troops, needed to avoid upsetting Prussia, needed to keep Napoleon committed
What did V.Emmanuel smartly do in March 1859 to provoke Austria?
Mobilised troops on Piedmont’s border, angered Austria as looked like Piedmont were preparing to attack
What did Austria do on the 23rd April 1859?
Demanded Piedmont demobilise in 3 days, otherwise they’d engage
What did Austria do on April 29th?
Declared war, invaded Piedmont but were met by French troops arriving by train
What were the 2 major battles in the second war of independence?
Magenta and Solferino
When was the Battle of Magenta?
30th May - 4th June
Why did the Battle of Magenta upset nationalists?
Austrians defeated but was a French victory ( no casualties for Piedmont ) - shows over dependence on France
How did the Battle of Magenta benefit Piedmont?
Able to gain more central control
Where else did Piedmont see victories during the Battle of Magenta?
Alpines, Garibaldi used guerrilla warfare learnt in Argentina vs Uruguay
When was the Battle of Solferino?
21st to 24th June
Where were the Austrians forced back to as a result of the Battle of Solferino?
The Quadrilaterals
How many deaths were caused as a result of the Battle of Solferino?
17,000 allies, 21,000 Austrians
What occurred on the 11th July 1859 as a result of major deaths on both sides?
Austrian Emperor Franz Josef met with Napoleon - signed was Armistice
How did the armistice signed upset Piedmont?
They weren’t consulted about it - undermined their power
What occurred in Florence in March 1859?
A demonstration leading to the creation of a provisional government under Ricasoli
What did the national society organise in the central duchies in May 1859?
Peaceful revolutions in Modena and Parma
What occurred in Modena and Parma in June 1859?
Farini created a government , area almost became a Piedmontese colony
How were the national society able to increase nationalism in 1859?
Took advantage of Austrian distractions in North - also showed nationalism outside of Northern Italy
What Treaty was signed in 1859?
Treaty of Villafranca
Why did Napoleon agree to sign the Treaty of Villafranca?
High casualty rate, lack of faith in Piedmont maintaining conflict, Austrians at Quadrilaterals so difficult to defeat, believed Papal States under threat, Prussian troops mobilised off Rhine on June 24th
What was the doctor to casualty ratio in the second war of independence?
What were the terms of agreement of the treaty of Villafranca to France?
France were given Lombardy but gave it to Italy
What were Austria able to gain back due to the 1859 treaty?
Retain Venetia, Modena and Parma were to be given back to rulers who fled
What was to be created in 1859, with the pope as head?
Italian confederation
How did the creation of an Italian confederation hurt nationalists?
Pope was head, didn’t support war against Austrians + little interest in unification
What were Piedmont able to gain from the 1859 treaty?
Lombardy , although initially given to France
Why did the 1859 treaty upset Cavour?
Piedmont were once again excluded
What treaty formally ended the war in November 1859?
Treaty of Zurich
What did the national society stand for?
Austria out and some level of unification under Piedmont. (No longer pro republic after 1860).
What was the Orsini plot?
Count Felice Orsini plotted the assassination of Napoleon in the name of Italian nationalism.
Who was Niagra?
Premier Cavour’s trusted advisor and confident. He negotiated with the French.
What terms of the Plombieres meeting shows Cavour as an opportunist?
For French help, Cavour accepted the unification of Italy into four blocks and gave France Nice and Savoy.
Name 3 reasons why Cavour resigned at the end of the war
Piedmont ignored, Lombardy given to France (to be given to Piedmont), No Venetia, Grand Duchies squashed
Who gave France Savoy and Nice, even though not all of the terms of Plombieres were met, and why?
Cavour (came back to power in 1860) - justified through plebiscites
Cavour arranged the annexation of the Central Duchies. How did he justify this?
A vote held to the public on important changes to them (I.e change of leadership)
What was the significance of events occurring in the central duchies for Italian unification?
Piedmont approving decisions for the duchies + they were controlled under owner government
How did Cavour convince Napoleon of a central duchy annexation?
Used plebiscites to prove Piedmont was popular in the duchies
What were the results of plebiscites in the central duchies of annexation by Piedmont?
426,000 for to 1,506 against
What were the results of plebiscites in Tuscany for annexation by Piedmont?
366,571 for to 14,925 against ( but 153,000 abstained - argument plebiscites not as effective )
What were the results in plebiscites in Nice for annexation by France?
24,448 for to 160 against
Why can the plebiscite in Nice be seen as controversial?
Napoleon had the voting held when him and his army were passing back through Nice - scare tactic
What aid group was created as a result of the Battle of Solferino?
Red Cross - showed the death rate
How did Cavour convince Napoleon to let Piedmont take the Central Duchies?
Gave France Nice and Savoy