Booklet 2 My Notes 1894-1901 Flashcards
Who ruled from 1861-75?
Tongzhi with mother Cixi and uncle Prince Gong as regents
Who ruled from 1875-1908?
Guangxu with auntie Cixi as regent until he was ole enough to rule
What was Cixi like politically?
Reactionary and ultra conservative
Zongli Yamen
Foreign Office run by Prince Gong
What happened to Prince Gong
Removed from power in 1884 after crossing Cixi
Give an an example of a revolutionary group and what did they want?
Alliance league (Tongmenghui) who called for the collapse of the Qing and establishment of a republic
How many Treaty Ports by 1900
What was there an expansion of in the Treaty Ports?
Concessions like British, German, French and American
Where did the middle class youth go?
Educated abroad and brought back western ideals like democracy, modernisation and socialism
How did the Chinese feel towards ‘foreign devils’?
What was the revolution in Japan where they modernised?
Meiji restoration
Before the Meiji restoration what was Japan like?
Locked away from the outside world
What caused Japan to open up?
Four American warships came to open up Japan in 1853 and other nations soon followed
How did Japan initially respond to foreigners?
What did Japan later adopt?
The slogan of Japanese spirit with western ideas
What was Japan’s view of China for centuries?
They were intrigued by China whose culture dominated the Pacific
On their way home from the west what shocked Japan?
How foreigners dominated China
What was Meiji a symbol of?
A new Japan which would transform itself in 40 years
How did Japan develop?
. Electricity, wheels, trains
. Some democracy by taking the Prussian constitution
Industrial Revolution in Europe vs Japan?
150 years in Europe vs 40 years in Japan
How did Cixi react to reform?
Oppressed reform because it threatened her hold on power and she looked to the nostalgia of China’s past
What did Japan do in 1884 and why?
Japan want rice from Korea and access to their markets so they invaded and provoked war with China
Japan’s army vs China’s?
Much better trained and equipped than China’s
What did the Japanese do to the Chinese in Korea?
Drove China out of Korea pushing onto the mainland
How did Japan now look at China?
As figures for fun or ridicule
How was China’s empire crumbling?
Russia took Manchuria and Japan dominated Korea
What did Japan do in 1904
Launched a surprise attack on Manchuria and crippled the Russian fleet and then declared war
How long had Japan spent mobilising for the conflict with Russia?
10 years
Why could Japan modernise more successfully than China?
. Geography
. Western interference
. Receptivity
. Leadership
Why did Japan’s geography mean it could modernise more successfully than China?
. Their smaller size made it easier for a strong central government to control regional revivals
. China had to put down far off rebellions
Why did Japan’s receptivity mean it could modernise more successfully than China?
. China had 2000 years of cultural superiority which was hard to break
. Japan had assimilated outside influences from China and Korea
. Japan borrowed from other cultures
Why did western interference mean it could modernise more successfully than China?
. Imperialist powers initially by-passed Japan in favour of the profit in China
. Less impulse to interfere with Japan’s internal affairs than China’s
Why did leadership mean it could modernise more successfully than China?
. Importance of Samurai class who were bold, dairying and seized opportunities
. China was led by scholars and the monarchy who did not want to defy their traditions
What did Japan negotiate in 1876?
A treaty with Korea which had previously been a subsidiary to China
1876 Japanese and Korean treaty impact?
. Caused controversy
. Opened up Korea to foreign trade for the first time
. 3 ports opened to the Japanese
What happened in Korea in 1882?
Former leader of Korea led a revolt against Queen Min and Kojong
What did the rebels do in Korea?
Burned down the Japanese legation in Seoul and 7 Japanese officers were killed
What did China do to the rebels?
Intervened, imprisoned the leader and six battalions of Chinese troops were posted in Korea to prevent a repeat of the uprising.
What happened after the uprising?
. Koreans agreed to apologise for the loss of Japanese lives, pay a fine and allowed the Japanese to post troops at their Seoul legation
. Japanese began to prepare for war with Korea or with China
What happened in 1884
During a clash with the French, the Chinese withdrew three of the six battalions which encouraged a pro-Japanese revolt
What happened after the 1884 revolt?
. For a short period King Kojong led a pro-Japanese, anti-Chinese government
. The remaining Chinese battalions in Korea quickly overthrew this new government
What was the aftermath of the 1884 revolt?
Japan and China signed a new treaty in which they agreed to withdraw all troops from Korea and give the other government notice if they needed to send them back - Treaty of Tianjin
What was Japanese public opinion like in the aftermath of these disturbances?
. Supported further intervention in Korea
. Tied in with expansionist mood in Japan
Why did tension rise again in 1894?
. In March the pro-Japanese Korean leader Kim Ok-kyn was assassinated in Shanghai
. The Japanese secret societies began to agitate for war
What did the Korean government ask China for?
To send troops, and a 2,500 strong expeditionary force was sent to Asan
How did the Japanese feel about the expeditionary force?
Saw this as a breach of the Tientsin treaty and they sent 8,000 troops to the port of Inchon
What did the Japanese troops do?
Moved to Seoul, where on 20 July they seized control of the Korean government
When did the first fighting of the war take place?
25 July 1894
When was war officially declared between China and Japan?
1 August 1894
What was signed in 1885
The Tianjin Convention
When was the Tianjin Convention signed
Factor’s which caused the first Sino-Japanese (4 points)
. China’s weakness militarily and not understanding Japan’s modernisation
. Japan’s arms strength and imperialism
. Domestic problems in Korea - if Korea was stable this would not have happened
. Foreigners causing problems for China
Why did China lose the Sino-Japanese War?
. Japanese military and technological strength
. Chinese Confucian ideology
. Chinese impotence
. Poor Chinese commanders
. Japanese were quick in getting to Korea
. Chinese soldiers were conscripts, not professional
When did Japan seize Seoul?
21st July 1894
What happened on the 1st August 1894?
British transport ship with 1200 Chinese troops - declaration of war
When was the British transport ship sunk?
1st August 1894
What happened in Seoul and Pyongyang?
Land battles and Japan pushed Chinese troops out of Korea
What did Japan seize?
The Lushan peninsula and port Arthur
What happened in September 1894?
Naval battles - China looses 2 battleships, 10 cruisers and 2 torpedo boats
Where did the Chinese navy and army retreat to?
Wei Hei Wei
Where did Japan attack in January 1895 and with how many
Wei Hai Wei with 20,000+ soldiers
How did the war end?
China sued for peace
How was China shown to the world after the war?
Weak, corrupt and arrogant to the point of delusion
What was the treaty which needed the Sino-Japanese war and when was it signed?
Treaty of Shimonoseki - April 1895
6 terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki
. China conceded every territorial claims and was forced to recognise Korea’s full autonomy and independence
. The payment of tributes and formal subservience to China was immediately stopped
. China seeded the Liodong peninsula in Manchuria as well as Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands
. War indemnity in excess of $100 million
. Japan accorded further privileges with more ports opened for trade
. Japan has the right to manufacture goods on Chinese soil
How big was the Japanese army vs China
270,000 - Over 1 mil (1/3) of China’s army were trained green standard troop
Li Hongzhang
. Started the USA education mission with 120 student
. Sent students to France, Germany and Britain
. Diplomat who negotiated Shimonoseki
. Set up Zongli Yamen
. Moderniser + conservative
. Main person of the self-strengthening movement
. Got Cixi to pay for docks and coal mine
What was the scramble for concessions?
. Territorial demands of colonial powers through unequal treaties
. China had a period of self reflection
. Distrust of foreigners continued
What did Britain gain from China by 1900?
. Hong Kong had been ceded to Britain back in 1842
. Britain obtained trade rights in the Yangtze valley
. Britain received part of Weihaiwei
Why was Britain not keen to partition China like the other western nations?
. If China’s sovereignty was upheld and there was the appearance of national unity, British trade interests would be protected
. Britain’s interests were only economical not territorial
. Britain did not want to overextend the empire
Supposed and real aims of the Triple Intervention in 1895?
. Germany and Russia supported the mediation to uphold China’s sovereignty but really wanted to further its own interests
. Germany wanted to direct Russia from its western border and have a naval base
. Territories would be easier to squeeze territories out of China for making Japan stand down
. French obliged to support Russia due to Franco Russian agreement of 1814 - wary of Germany aspirations also
What did France gain from China?
. Sent its navy into Guangzhou bay and leased it
. Given spheres of influence in south e.g. Guangdong province
. France granted the right to build a railway linking its colony of Indochina to the mainland
What did Russia gain from China?
. A Russian fleet entered Lushun
. Claimed to be protecting China from Germany and Japan but wanted an all year round war water port
. Leased Dalian and Lushun for 25 years
. Could construct the south Manchuria railway
What did Germany gain from China?
A German naval force entered the port of Qingdao and took control of the whole province obtaining railway building rights
What treaty happened in 1874?
Second Treaty of Saigon - Vietnam became an independent (of China), French Protectorate
When was the Second Treaty of Saigon?
What did the French do 1882?
Seized Hanoi as Li Hongzhang’s negotiations failed
When did the French seize Hanoi?
What war happened in 1883-85?
. Sino French War over North Vietnam
. France destroyed Chinese Fujian fleet with attack on Fuzhou Shipyard
When was the Sino French War over North Vietnam?
What happened in the Treaty of Tianjin?
China conceded to Vietnam as a French protectorate and French trading rights in SE China
When was the treaty of Tianjin?
What treaty was passed in 1885?
Treaty of Tianjin
What did France secure in 1897?
France secured a lease on Guangzhouwan (South West China)
When did France secured a lease on Guangzhouwan?
What happened with France in 1905?
They owned a large share in the Russo-Chinese bank
What started construction in 1891 and what did this threaten?
Trans Siberian Railway which threatened by Japanese concessions in NE
When did the Trans Siberian Railway start construction?
When was the Triple Intervention?
Summarise the Triple Intervention
Russia, supported by France and Germany, force Japan to give up the Liaodong (Port Arthur) peninsula in exchange for more money from Chinese government
What permitted the building of the TS railway through the north and when
1896 - Li Hongzhang’s alliance with Russia permitted building of TS railway through north in exchange for Russian assistance against a potential Japanese attack.
What lease was agreed in 1898 and for how many years?
25 year lease of Port Arthur
When the the Port Arthur lease agreed?
What did Germany want to establish in the 1890s?
A naval base and sphere of influence
What happened in 1897 with Germany?
. Murder of two German Catholic missionaries caused Germany to seize Shandong peninsula
. China forced to: grant a 99 year lease on Jiaozhou Bay and give concessions for German railways and coal mines
When did Germany seize Shandong peninsula?
What did the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 and Tianjin in 1860 give Britain?
A huge amount of influence over SE China, the Yangtze and Hong Kong
After 1896 what did Britain secure?
. A lease on Weihaiwai in Shangdong
. Guarantees from the Imperial Government for her economic interests on the Yangtze
. 99 year lease on the ‘New Territories’
How was western imperialism catastrophic for China’s economy?
. Caused a silver drain
. Import of cheap British cotton damaged Chinese handicraft industry
. Concessions gave foreigners control over China’s heavy industrial areas
. Indemnity payments crippled the government
. Extraterritoriality in treaty ports meant Chinese enterprise could not compete
. Unequal treaties allowed foreigners to control tariffs
What % of cotton cloth was still woven in China by the 1930s?
Short term causes of the Boxer rebellion: 8 causes
. Failure of self-strengthening
. Defeat in Sino-Japanese war
. Chinese corruption
. Scramble for concessions
. Impotence in opposing territorial demands
. Growth of Chinese nationalism which manifested as anti-foreign feeling
. People felt China’s Confucian essence had been lost
. Anger at missionaries
How did Cixi help cause the Boxer rebellion in the short term
. She was ultra conservative
. Imprisoned Guanxu and reforms halted
What contraction did the Chinese resent and why?
Chinese resented building of railways and churches which disrupted Feng Shui
What did the Boxers attack?
Anything of western origin
How did Cixi react to the Boxers?
. Hoped to use the Boxers to get rid of the foreigners and she gave her backing
. She ordered the Qing troops to assist the uprising
How did the Qing troops react to the uprising?
Powerful regional bosses such as Li Hongzhang and Yu’an Shikai ignored Cixi’s order to assist the Boxers
What did the western powers do during the rebellion?
They sent an army to relieve the besieged legations
What were the western forces known as during the rebellion?
The Eight Nation Army
How many troops did the Eight Nation Army have?
Which nations mostly made up the Eight Nation Army?
Japanese, Russia and British
How did the western powers stop the siege?
They landed in Tianjin and marched to relive Beijing with the siege lifting on the 14th August 1900
Why did the Boxers fail?
. Lacked charismatic direction and it was unclear what outcome they wanted
. Lacked leadership
What did the Boxer commit?
Atrocities in Shandong during the 1890s with approximately 30,000 Chinese Christians being killed
By 1900 what had the Boxers done?
. Several hundred Christians had been killed
. Churches + railways were burnt
. Telephone poles cut
. Missionaries murdered
What happened in Taiyung?
The governor promised promised to shelter missionaries and their families from the Boxers but he lied and they were put to death
Where did the governor promised promise to shelter missionaries but put them to their death?
What did the Boxers do in Beijing?
Besieged the foreign legations; a Japanese diplomat and a German minister were assassinated
What happened to a British relief force?
Force of 2000 was beaten back
What broke out when the Eight Nation Army entered Beijing?
Chaos and Cixi and her advisors retreated westwards out of Beijing to Xian
How to Cixi sort out negotiations after the rebellion?
Cixi recalled Li Hongzhang from semi retirement to lead negotiations for China and he died within a year of signing the Boxer Protocol
What did the Boxer Protocol demand?
. Apologies for the murder of the Japanese diplomat and a memorial was to be constructed to commemorate the German ambassador
Was the rebellion what was the legation Quarter turned into?
A foreign quarter where the Chinese people could no longer reside
What was established after the rebellion?
Minister of Foreign Affairs
What was each participating foreign nation given access to?
Access to the sea and allowed to station troops in Beijing
What happened to the leaders of the rebellion?
What was suspended after the rebellion?
Official Jinshi examinations were suspended for five years in areas where foreigners had been harassed
What membership was prohibited after the rebellion?
Membership of anti-foreign societies
What did the Chinese have to pay after the rebellion?
Had to pay an indemnity of 450 million taels until 1940
How much had China paid by 1940 due to the rebellion?
China’s entire annual income amounted to approx 250 million taels - when including interest rates by 1940 China had paid nearly 1 billion taels
What type of state was China after the rebellion?
China remained a unitary state as western powers deemed it better for trade
How many Chinese refugees stayed in the legations?
More than 3000
How long were Beijing’s western residents given to leave Beijing?
24 hours - some believe they would be killed on the way to the east
How much food did the foreigners have to last them?
6-8 weeks
What when did the court return to Beijing to rule and what did they have to do?
. Accept they started the war
. $450 million in repatriations to foreigners
. Arsenals. And forts destroyed
. Foreign troops in Beijing permanently
. Humiliating
. Lack if faith in the Qing government
What encouraged Boxer groups to attack Christian missionaries in the countryside?
Poor harvests and floods
Who did Boxers target?
Urban legations and concessions e.g. Beijing, burned foreign buildings, tore up railroads, destroyed telegraph wires and attached Chinese Christians.
Where did the Boxers protest outside of?
The German embassy - German troops attacked Chinese for three nights
What did the Europeans order the imperial government to do?
Ban Boxer groups
How did Cixi misread the situation?
. She believed foreigners wanted to restore Guangxu, so she punished but did not ban Boxers
. Europeans and Boxers believed imperial government sanctioned Boxer actions.
What did Cixi give foreigners?
24 hours to leave Beijing under imperial protection from Boxers, but foreigners marched troops into Beijing to protect their citizens, ignoring Cixi
What happened after the German Ambassador was killed?
The Boxers sieges the legations and fought foreign troops
Who did Cixi appeal to and what happened?
Regional governors to send troops to support imperial army, but they refused and foreigners sweep easily through Tianjin and into Beijing
Who and why was China invaded from the coast?
9 nations join to invade China from the coast, in order to free Beijing legations from Boxers - most troops are Japanese.
What was the last event of the rebellion?
The Boxers are easily defeated and foreign troops looted, sacked and pillaged Beijing. Cixi, Guangxu and imperial court fled to Xian
How many Boxers were there?
Around 200,000
What happened in 1902 which lead to the collapse of the Qing?
. Cixi attempts reforms
. High interest loans
. Taxes for reparations
What happened in 1906 which lead to the Qing’s collapse
Anti-American boycott
When does Cixi die?
What uprising causes the Qing’s collapse?
Double tenth Wuchang uprising against central control of provinces
When is China declared a republic?
November 1911
Who was invited to rule after the Qing?
Sun Yat-sen and the Alliance League
How old was Puyi in 1912
What did the Chinese believe the Qing dynasty had lost?
The Mandate of Heaven
Where was Sun Yatsen at the end of the 19th century?
. In exile in Britain after attempting revolution
. Formed the Revolutionary Alliance, later GMD to overthrow the Qing
What did Guangxu try to do in 1898?
Modernise China through the 100 days of reform
When were the 100 days of reform and who implemented them?
1898 - Guangxu
What did students read and how did this impact the Alliance League?
Chinese students read Sun Yatsen’s revolutionary newspaper - the membership of the Revolutionary Alliance rose to over 10,000 by 1911
What caused massive famine and homeless peasants and when?
1910 - torrential rains caused floods in the Yangtze valley
Who did Sun Yatsen recognise as the leader of China?
Yuan Shikai