Book of Acts Flashcards
Acts Chapter 1
Luke’s intro
Meeting in Jerusalem
Replacing Judas
Acts Chapter 2
Peter’s preaching
Lives of believers and God adding to the church
Acts Chapter 3
Healing the lame man
God answers the people and preaches more
Jesus as The Prophet
Acts Chapter 4
Peter and John arrested, “Judge for yourselves whether or not we should obey men rather than God.”
The prayer of the saints after the religious leaders’ threat
The Saints share everything
Acts Chapter 5
Ananias and Saphhira
Arrested again with an angel escape
The High Council backs off after beating the apostles who were overjoyed
Acts Chapter 6
Acts Chapter 7
Hellenist Jews left out and appointment of deacons
Stephen arrested after false accusation
Stephen’s in front of the council and his stoning
Acts Chapter 8
Philip in Samaria
Peter and John come and Simon the Sorcerer gets rebuked
The Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts Chapter 9
Saul meets in the Lord
Paul starts preaching and meets opposition and escapes from Damascus
Barnabas helps Paul get received in Jerusalem
More opposition until he goes off to Tarsus
Peter raises Tabitha from the dead in Joppa
Acts Chapter 10
Cornelius and Peter have visions
The Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles and the Church learns God has no favorites
Acts Chapter 11
Peter explains in Jerusalem
The Gospel spreads further through persecution and into Antioch
Barnabas brings Paul to Antioch and also a famine is prophesied
Acts Chapter 12
James is killed and Peter arrested
An angel helps Peter escape
Herod gets struck down
Barnabas and Paul deliver the relief offering to Jerusalem and bring Mark back to Antioch
Acts Chapter 13
Paul and Barnabas commissioned for missions
Cyprus and Bar-Jesus
Paul preaches in Antioch (Pisidia) after Mark goes home
Two sabbaths with pandemonium on the second. Jews and non-Jews believe. They get kicked out.
Acts Chapter 14
Jews and non-Jews believe in Iconium but are kicked out to Lystra and Derbe
At Lystra they’re considered gods after healing a crippled man and Paul preaches, “In the past, God let all the nations go their own way. But now!..turn from vain things…”
Paul is stoned and left for dead
Next day backtrack through all the towns telling them this life also has “hard times” and arrives in Antioch to report back.
Acts Chapter 15
After Paul and Barnabas return, there’s a split in the church as to what’s required for gentiles to be believers
Taken to Jerusalem, the issue gets heated
Peter and James give counsel of 3 basics necessary
Back to Antioch with Silas and Judas. Church is relieved to hear the report from Jerusalem
Paul and Barnabas to go back but split over taking Mark. Paul goes with Silas instead and heads through Syria.
Acts Chapter 16
Paul meets Timothy in Lystra and has him circumcised to take with him.
The Holy Spirit blocks them from going West or too far north so they end up in Troas (Aegean Sea) where Paul has the Macedonian call/dream.
Lydia and her family get saved in Philipi (Roman Colony)
Paul rebukes the slave-girl’s demon and they get beaten and thrown in jail.
Earthquake while singing, the guard and his family get saved all the way until dawn. The town leaders apologize and they leave.