Book 2 part 2 Flashcards
seges –etis f.
a field of grain; standing corn; crop, harvest, growth of spears; pasture land
sēgnitiēs –ēī f.
sloth, tardiness, delay (> segnis)
senex senis
old, aged
sentis –is m./f.
a thorn, brier, bramble
sepeliō sepelīre sepeliī/sepelīvī sepultum
to bury
serēnus –a –um
serene, calm
serō serere sēvī satum
to plant, sow
serpēns –entis (gen. pl. serpentum) m./f.
a creeping thing; snake, serpent (> serpo)
serpō –ere –serpsī –serptus
to creep, glide; steal on or over
servāns –antis (superl. –servantissimus –a –um)
observant, w. gen.
sērus –a –um
late, too late
sībilus –a –um
siccus –a –um
Sīgēus –a –um
pertaining to Sigeum, a promontory and town in the Troad, at the mouth of the Dardanelles, about five miles northwest of Troy; Sigean (> Sigeum)
signō signāre signāvī signātus
to sign, signify, mark
simulācrum simulācrī n.
likeness, image, statue
sinistra –ae f. (sc. manus)
the left hand
Sinōn –ōnis m.
Sinon, a Greek, son of Aesimus
sinuō sinuāre sinuāvī sinuātus
to make into a fold or folds; to coil, wind (> sinus)
sistō sistere stitī status
to stop, check; cause to stand; set up
socer socerī m.
socius –a –um
sharing, joining in, partaking, united, associated, kindred, allied, fellow, common
solidus –a –um
dense, firm, solid
sollemnis –e
annual, stated, established, appointed
sonitus –ūs m.
a sounding; noise; roaring; thunder (> sono)
sonus sonī m.
sound, noise
sopor –ōris m.
sleep; sound, deep slumber; personified
sortior –ītus sum
to cast lots; obtain, get, take by lot; share; distribute; assign, allot, appoint; select, choose (> sors)
Sparta –ae f.
Sparta, or Lacedaemon, in Laconia
spīra –ae f.
a fold, coil, especially of serpents
spissus –a –um
close, dense, thick
spōnsa –ae f.
one promised as a bride; the betrothed (> spondeo)
spūmeus –a –um
foamy, frothy, foaming (> spuma)
squāleō –ēre –uī
to be rough, foul, neglected, waste; p., squalens, entis, foul, filthy, neglected, squalid; of armor, scaly, covered with work of scales, embossed
squāmeus –a –um
covered with scales; scaly (> squama)
stabulum –ī n.
stable, stall; a shepherd’s dwelling, grange; den, haunt; cattle–camp (> sto)
statiō statiōnis f.
standing, station
Sthenelus –ī m.
Sthenelus, an Argive chief, charioteer of Diomedes; Sthenelus, a Trojan slain by Turnus
stūppeus –a –um
made of tow or flax; flaxen (> stuppa)
subiciō subicere subiēcī subiectus
to throw under, place under; make subject; expose
subitus –a –um
having come up suddenly; unexpected, sudden; suddenly (> subeo)
sublābor –lāpsus sum
to slip or glide beneath; sink down, decline, ebb, wane; pass silently by
subsistō –ere –stitī
to stand after; halt, stand still; wait, remain; tarry, remain behind; stop; withstand, resist, hold out
successus –ūs m.
a going up, an advance; success, good fortune; speed (> succedo)
sūdō sūdāre sūdāvī sūdātus
to sweat, w. abl.; ooze out, distill
sūdor sūdōris m.
sufferō –sufferre –sustulī –sublātum
to take up, submit to, undergo, bear, endure, suffer
sufficiō sufficere suffēcī suffectum
to suffuse, supply, suffice
sulphur –uris n.
for the last time (> superus)
suscitō suscitāre suscitāvī suscitātus
to stir up, turn up; to rekindle; rouse, incite; call forth
suspectus –a –um
suspicious, suspect
tabulātum –ī n.
a planking; floor, platform, story (> tabula)
tāctus –ūs m.
a touching; touch (> tango)
tēctus –a –um
covered, roofed; hidden, secret; concealed, disguised; guarded, secretive
tempus temporis n.
the side of the forehead, temple
Tenedos –ī f.
Tenedos, an island in the Aegean about five miles from shore in sight of Troy
tenuis tenue
thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble
terebrō terebrāre terebrāvī terebrātus
to bore through; pierce, penetrate; take out by boring, bore out (> terebra, an instrument for boring)
testor –ātus sum
to testify, bear witness to, with acc. of object witnessed; to call to witness, appeal to, with acc. of witness called upon; invoke; w. object omitted, adjure, implore; declare, proclaim; beseech
Teucria –ae f.
the Trojan land, Troy (> Teucer)
texō –ere –texuī –textus
to weave; to build cunningly; form, fashion, fabricate, construct; make intricate movements, interweave; p., textus, a, um, woven, constructed, made
thalamus –ī m.
marriage bed; bedchamber
Thessandrus –ī m.
Thessandrus, a Greek chief
Thoās –antis m.
Thoas, a Greek chief; Thoas, an Arcadian, follower of Pallas
Thȳbris –idis m.
Thybris, an ancient king of Latium
Thymoetēs –ae m.
Thymoetes, a Trojan
torrens –ntis m.
a rushing stream, torrent
tranquillus –a –um
calm, still; subst., tranquillum, i, n., a calm; calm weather
tremefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus
to cause to tremble or quake; to shake; make to tremble with fear; cause to tremble; p., tremefactus, a, um, trembling; quivering (> tremo and facio)
tremendus –a –um
to be trembled at; dreadful, fearful, terrible (> tremo)
tremor –ōris m.
a trembling; quaking; tremor, a shudder, horror (> tremo)
trepidō trepidāre trepidāvī trepidātus
to be fearful/agitated, tremble
trepidus –a –um
fearful, agitated
trisulcus –a –um
three–furrowed; three–forked (> tres and sulcus)
Trītōnis –idis f.
Pallas or Minerva, so called from Lake Triton near the Lesser Syrtis in Africa, near which, according to an Egyptian fable, she was said to have been born
Trītōnius –a –um
pertaining to the lake Triton (see Tritonis); Tritonian, an epithet of Pallas; subst., Tritonia, ae, Minerva, Tritonia (> Triton)
triumphus triumphī m.
trucīdō trucīdāre trucīdāvī trucīdātus
to slaughter
truncus –ī m.
the stem, stock, or trunk of a tree; stem, trunk; trunk of the human body
tuba –ae f.
a trumpet; trumpet–signal
tumeō tumēre tumuī
to swell, puff up
tumultus tumultūs m.
commotion, confusion, uproar; rebellion, uprising, disturbance
tumulus tumulī m.
turris turris f.
tower; high building, palace, citadel; dove tower, dove cot
tūtor tūtāvī tūtātus sum
to watch, make safe, guard, keep, protect, defend
Tyndaris –idis f.
a daughter of Tyndarus; Helen
vādō vādere vāsī vāsum
to go, rush
vagor –ātus sum
to wander about; ride to and fro, career about; to be rumored round, spread (> vagus, wandering)
Ūcalegōn –ontis m.
Ucalegon, a Trojan; (meton.), the house of Ucalegon
vellō vellere vulsī/vellī vulsum
to pluck
vēlō vēlāre vēlāvī vēlātus
to cover, conceal
venter –ris m.
stomach, belly
ventūrum –ī n.
that which is to come, the future, futurity (> venio)
vērum –ī n.
that which is true; truth, justice, right
vestibulum –ī n.
entrance, porch, portal, vestibule
vetustus –a –um
old, ancient
vibrō vibrāre vibrāvī vibrātus
to set in tremulous motion, move to and fro, brandish, shake, agitate
vicis vicis f.
change, interchange, alternation, succession, vicissitude
vigeō –ēre –uī
to flourish
vigil –ilis
awake, on the watch; sleepless; perpetual; subst., vigil, ilis, m., a watchman, guard, sentinel (> vigeo)
violābilis –e
that may be violated; violable; non violabile, inviolable (> violo)
violō violāre violāvī violātus
to violate, dishonor; outrage
virgineus –a –um
maidenly, of a virgin
vīsō vīsere vīsī vīsus
to visit, go to see; look at
vīsus vīsūs m.
vitta vittae f.
ulcīscor ulcīscī ultus sum
to avenge
Ulixēs –is –eī or ī m.
Ulysses, son of Laertes, king of Ithaca, and one of the Greek chiefs at Troy, distinguished for shrewdness and cunning
ultima –ōrum
the end, goal; the last, the final hour; the end (> ulterior)
ultor –ōris m.
avenger, punisher
ultrīx –īcis
avenging (> ulciscor)
furthermore, beyond, besides; far away; gratuitously, wantonly; voluntarily
ulva –ae f.
water–grass, sedge
ululō ululāre ululāvī ululātus
to howl; wail, shriek; to utter wild cries of triumph; shriek the name of; invoke with cries
umbō –ōnis m.
the boss of a shield; a shield
undō undāre undāvī undātus
to rise in waves, surge
vōciferor –ātus sum
to raise the voice; cry out, exclaim; utter with loud cries (> vox and fero)
volūmen volūminis n.
book, roll
uterus –ī m.
the womb, belly; cavity
Vulcānus –ī m.
Vulcan, the god of fire and of the forge