Bone Markings Flashcards
Hole through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass.
4 foramens
1) vertebral foramen- encases spinal cord
2) obturator foramen- in ischium, obturator nerve
3) intervertebral foramen- formed by superior/inferior notch of vertebrae
4) transverse foramen- hole for arteries in cervical spine
Hollow or depression
4 fossa’s
1) glenoid fossa- lateral scapula where it attaches to humerous
2) coronoid fossa- distal anterior surface of humerous
3) olecronon fossa- distal posterior surface of humerous
4) intercondylar fossa- posterior surface of distal femur between medial and lateral condyle
Ditchlike groove containing a tendon or blood vessel
1 groove
Bicipital groove- proximal anterior humerous dividing greater and lesser tuberosity, where bicep tendon runs
Canal or tubelike opening in a bone
1 meatus
External auditory meatus- hole where ear is (behind TMJ)
Air filled cavity within a bone
3 sinus
1) sinus tarsai- between talus and calcaneus of foot
2) frontal sinus- inside skull above and between eyes
3) maxillary sinus- skull on either side of nose
Rounded knuckle like projection
3 condyle
1) mandibular condyle- on skull TMJ
2) medial and lateral condyle of femur- distal end
3) medial and lateral condyle of tibia- proximal end
Projecting, prominent part of bone
1 eminence
Intercondylar eminence of tibia- superior proximal tibia
Flat or shallow articulate surface