Bone Healing (Exam 1) Flashcards
Form bone matrix and synthesize type I collagen.
90% of mature skeletal tissue. Control extracellular concentrations of calcium and phosphorus.
Bone resorption cells.
Normal, mature lamellar bone.
Type I
Weak, fragile, immature woven bone. Found in newborns, embryos, bone tumors.
Type II
Lifelong activity that responds to mechanical stress (torsion, bending, compression).
Wolff’s Law
Inflammation and hematoma formation. 24-48 hours.
Phase I
Chondrocyte formation and angiogenesis.
Phase II
Cartilage and calcification.
Phase III
Cartilage removal.
Phase IV(4)
Bone formation.
Phase V(5)
Bone remodeling (may take several years).
Phase VI(6)
Decreased rate of normal remodeling after slightly longer than one week.
By 3 months bone strength only 55%-60% of normal.
Effects of Immobilization
Slower rate than expected.
Delayed union
Healing process has stopped.
Nonatomic Position
Tobacco, Malnutrition, Poor vascular supply, Infection, Inadequate reduction.
Factors influencing bone healing.
Rehab Goals Bone Healing
Overall fitness. Motion of unaffected joints. Minimized atrophy. Isometrics and EMS. Improve muscular strength. Protect healing structures.
Treatments after immobilization of bone.
Thermal agents for motion/circulation.
Isometrics, Concentrics, Eccentrics, Isokinetics, CKC
Balance, Coordination, Proprioceptive
Cardio Rehab