Bone and joint Anatomy Flashcards
What are the four cranial bones?
Frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal
Coronal, suture
Sagittal, suture
Lambdoid, suture
Squamous, suture
Show the parietal bone, temporal bone, zygomatic bone
Name the zygomatic, arch and temporomandibular joint
Where is the external occipital protuberance?
what bone is this
cribriform plate
Perpendicular plate
Ethmoidal labyrinth
Two greater wings and two Lester wings, and pterygoid process
sphenoid bone
What bone is this and name the locations?
This is the temporal bone
Where is the lacrimal
Medial wall of the orbits scales bond of the face
name everything
What are the cavities of the skull?
- cranial cavity
Nasal cavity
Oral cavity
Paranasal sinus
What are the names of the three paranasal sinuses?
Frontal Sinus
Ethmoidal sinuses
Maxillary sinus
what are the three nasal conchaes?
where’s the vomer and inferior nasal conchae
zygomatic: prominence of cheek
Frontal, temporal, maxillary processes
what are the 4 processes of the maxilla?
Frontal, Alveolar, palatine (anterior 2/3 of hard Palate) and zygomatic process
Mandible: lower jaw
coronoid process
condyloid process
side view of skull
Pterion - frontal/parietal/sphenoid/temporal
Zygomatic arch
Temporomandibular joint
Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, and temporal
Which bones of the following contribute to the formation of the nasal septum
Vomer and ethmoid bone
Learning objective vertebrae
there are ______ individual vertebrae and fused the sacrum and _______
24 and coccyx
Cervical vertebrae
Thorax t1-t12
Lumbar and sacrum
L1-L5 and S1-S5
_______ (tailbone) ___ coccygeal vertebrae
coccyx and 4 coccygeal vertebrae: CO1-Co4
4 spinal curvature
Cervical: forward
Thoracic: backward
Lumbar: Forward
Sacral: Backward
Superior/inferior _______ facet
__________ Process/foramen
is this C1, what is the red spot? Where is the anterior and posterior archesWhat is the superior articular facet?
superior articular facet
C _____ produces _____ acts as a pivot for atlas to rotate around it
- Permits shaking the head “no”
- Is there a spinous process?
are the cervical transverse processes as big as the thoracic transverse processes?
________ spinous process: specific to the cervical vertebrae except C7
No, the cervical transverse processes are smaller than the thoracic transverse processes.
What does the spinal process look like on the cervical region?
it will look more like the thoracic vertebrae
What vertebrae is this? label each section
What shape is the body?
are there costal facets?
Heart shape body
Costal Facet
- Superior/inferior articular facets (they lay right on top of each other
What is the difference between the spinous process of the thoracic and lumbar region
Thoracic Is skinnier and longer
While the spinous process of the lumbar region is shorter and broader
what is the difference between the transverse Process compared to the thoracic and lumbar region
Thoracic is bulkier
lumbar is skinnier and longer