BOHA - 14 Flashcards
what are the 3 differences between extroverts and introverts?
extovert = external focus, energy gained from stimulation, think broadly Introvert = internal focus, energy gained from quiet contemplation, think deeply
how do introverts and extroverts brains differ?
Introverts = long acetylcholine pathway extrovert = shorter dopamine pathway
describe Stanley Milgrams experiments on obedience
tell volunteer to teach an actor something and the give them an electric shock every time they got it wrong, they would be ordered to do this by a person of higher authority - test to see how far they would go before refusing to hurt the person anymore
what are the 6 personality axes used by psychologists?
1) extroversion
2) dominance
3) dependability
4) emotional stability
5) agreeableness
6) openness
what is the definition of personality used by people studying animal behaviour?
non-random, individual behavioural specialisations - copying styles
what are 2 environmental effects on personality?
1) birth order
2) social contact
why is birth order not always the direct link to personality?
it is often confounded with family size and in turn socio-economic factors
what is it thought the differences are between the personalities of first borns and last borns?
first borns - conscientious, responsible, leaders
last borns - outgoing, rebellious, social
Describe Harry Harlows experiment on social contact?
he investigated the effect of social deprivation on young monkeys by using surrogate mothers made with wire or cloth to prove babies dont just want their mothers for milk they need contact aswell (attachment theory)
what does the INAH - 3 in the hypothalamus control and is it larger in men or women?
controls sexual behaviour and is 2-3 times larger in males
what does the SG in the prefrontal cortex of the brain associated with?
social cognitition - 10% larger in women
what is the hippocampus in the brain associated with?
cognitive map - neural representation of the environment
it was originally thought hippocampal volume was a sex difference but what does it actually depend on?
ecology and behaviour
what must intelligence testing in animals reflect?
what is likely to be important e.g. the fertility of a female
what did the test on personality of great tits show the difference to be between the fast and slow ones?
fast = bold, aggressive, unphased by novel changes slow = shy , reserved, cautious about novel challenges
what is the adaptive significance of the difference in great tit personalities?
‘fast’ birds are more competitive and survive better when resources are scarce
‘slow’ birds do better when resources are abundant
- selection fluctuates year to year as resources vary