Board Qs Flashcards
Wernicke: oculomotor dysfunction, ataxia, encephalopathy; mamillary bodies; alcoholics; thiamine (B1) def
Korsakoff: chronic deficiency = amnesia, confabulation, apathy
Fragile X
Fragile X syndrome is caused by an increased number of CGG trinucleotide repeats on the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene on the long arm of the X chromosome. This leads to hypermethylation and inactivation of FMR1; macroorchidism, large jaw, intellectual disability
Huntington disease
CAG repeat on chromosome 4 caused by looping and repair during replication, unequal crossing over during meiosis
Friedreich’s ataxia
FXN gene encoding for frataxin (GAA)
stumbling, childhood kyphoscoliosis, hammertoes, pes cavus, dysarthria, nystagmus
direct bilirubin disorders
Rotor (NML liver histology, elevated total urine coproporphyrin) and Dubin Johnson (black liver, NML total coproporphyrin)
recurrent infections, FTT, diarrhea
ADA deficiency
William Syndrome
elfin face, hypercalcemia, developmental delay, well-developed skills, cardiac issues
encephalopathy secondary to liver cirrhosis pathophys
ammonia is metabolized in liver > when it’s not, it causes swelling in the brain > somnolence, asterixis (hand-flapping tremor), coma
AKA primary ciliary dyskinesia
defect in dynein
chronic resp infections, recurrent OM, infertility, situs inversus (point of maximal impulse may be on right), bronchiectasis
presentations of SCD
vaso-occlusive crisis (dactylitis most often)
stroke (pediatric)
acute chest syndrome (fever, chest pain, hypoxemia, resp distress)
splenic sequestration (SM, decreased Hb, thrombocytopenia)
Lesch Nyhan
deficiency of HGPRT
developmental delay, self-mutilation, gout, choreiform movements
Lassa fever
arenaviridae (grains of sand appearance on EM) > 2 segmented ambisense ssRNA genome; hemorrhagic fever (pharyngitis, cough, N/V/D, myalgia, retrosternal chest pain, back pain, abd pain; face swelling, pulm edema, mucosal bleeding ,hypotension, deafness if severe
swimming pool conjunctivitis (fever, sore throat, coryza, red eyes, pharyngitis)
def in tryptophan > precursor to niacin (B3) > pellagra (4 Ds = dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, death)
how do you decrease type II error?
increase power by increasing sample size or decreasing variability
carcinoid syndrome
secretes high levels of serotonin; hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) is metabolite of serotonin found in urine of these pt
Presentation: wheezing, diarrhea, flushing, right-sided valvular lesions (esp tricuspid regurg)
low platelets, low plasminogen, high PT (activation of both coagulation and fibrinolytic system > excessive consumption of clotting factors and platelets)
low platelets, elevated bleeding time, NML PT, PTT; idiopathic meaning there’s not really anything besides low platelets and high bleeding time consequently to tell you anything
NML platelets, high bleeding time and PTT (VIII stabilized by vwf)
vitelline duct abnormalities
persistent vitelline duct (fistula) = meconium discharge from umbilicus
Meckel diverticulum = most common
vitelline sinus
vitelline duct cyst
West Nile
fever, headache, rash, neuroinvasive sx (Parkinsonian, asymmetric flaccid paralysis)
where are lipophilic drugs (like anesthesia) absorbed quickly?
Well-vascularized tissue > brain, kidney, liver, lungs, heart
delayed distribution in skeletal m, bone, fat
chronic bronchitis most commonly caused by…
type I pneumocytes
form alveolar capillary barrier with endothelial cells
Reye pathophys
aspirin use during viral infxn > mitochondrial toxicity > impaired FA metabolism > microvesicular fat deposits in liver > hepatic dysfunction > hyperammonemia > diffuse astrocyte swelling (cerebral edema)
sirolimus MOA
binds FKBP that inhibits mTOR to stop IL-2 signaling
cyclosporine and tacrolimus MOA
binds cyclophilin or FKBP (respectively) which then inhibits calcineurin and stops IL-2 gene transcription
what can’t use ketones in the body?
+ membrane potentials
Na or Ca
- membrane potentials
K or Cl
1 SD, 2 SD, 3 SD
68%, 95%, 99.7%
normal AG causes
simply d/t loss of bicarb > HARDASS Hyperchloremia Addison RTA Diarrhea Acetazolamide Spironolactone Saline infusion
elevated AG causes
d/t accumulation of unmeasured acidic compounds > MUDPILES (CAT) Methanol Uremia DKA Paraldehyde Iron, Isoniazid Lactic acidosis Ethanol, ethylene glycol Salicylate/ASA/Aspirin
Carbon Monoxide
montelukast and zafirlukast MOA
inhibit leukotrienes (“lukast” = LEUKOtriene)
CV abnormalities in Turner
Aortic coarctation, bicuspid aortic valve
pathogenesis of preeclampsia
ABNML placental development that results in high resistance, low perfusion vessels leading to ischemia > triggers widespread maternal endothelial dysfunction (vasospasm), increased vascular permeability, and decreased end-organ perfusion > classic presentation is HA and visual changes
what psych medication is CI in binge eating?
schizotypal personality disorder
magical beliefs, social anxiety, eccentric behavior, odd perceptual experiences
type IIa dyslipidemia (hypercholesterolemia)
high total cholesterol, high LDL, everything else NML
type I dyslipidemia (hyperchylomicronemia)
NML to high cholesterol, super high TGs, CM elevated
type IIb dyslipidemia (hypercholesterolemia)
LDL and VLDL high, high cholesterol, high TGs
type III dyslipidemia (dysbetalipoproteinemia)
IDL high, high cholesterol, high TGs
type IV dyslipidemia (hypertriglyceridemia)
VLDL high, NML to high cholesterol, high TGs
type V dyslipidemia
VLDL and CM high, high to moderately high cholesterol, super high TGs
subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
AKA de Quervain thyroiditis; often after viral URI, only form that results in painful thyroid gland
Courvoisier’s sign
painless palpation of distended, obstructed gallbladder in pancreatic CA
signs of pancreatic cancer
Courvoisier’s, Trosseau (migratory and recurrent thrombophlebitis), Virchow’s node (L supraclavicular)
digoxin toxicity and MOA
bradycardic, visual disturbances (yellow halo), N/V
MOA: inhibit myocardial Na/K ATPase
why are local anesthetics less effective at sites of infection and thus require a higher dose for infected sites?
Local anesthetics are alkaline and infection results in an acidic environment
tuberous sclerosis
seizures, intellectual disability, subependymal astrocytoma, ash leaf spots, ungual fibromas, angiomyolipomas
adopts and models behaviors of another person
only focuses on + traits of self or others and overlooks flaws
PROVe: pulmonary stenosis (left USB harsh systolic murmur), RVH (boot-shaped heart), overriding aorta, VSD
Cyanotic spells (often caused by crying, fever, exercise d/t exacerbation of RV outflow obstruction) > squatting increases SVR > decreases R-L shunt > improves cyanosis; a/w 22q11 syndromes
DM, liver failure, skin hyperpigmentation, cardiac sx (dilated CM, restrictive CM, arrhythmias), arthritis
thiazide diuretics MOA (hydrochlorothiazide, metolazone, chlorthalidone, indapamide)
inhibit NaCl reabsorption from luminal side of epithelial cells in DCT by blocking Na/Cl transporter
berry aneurysm b/w anterior communicating and anterior cerebral can cause what visual field defect?
bitemporal hemianopia
what nerve is most likely injured in fibular fracture
common peroneal n > inability to dorsiflex foot (foot drop) > tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus and hallucis
where does prolactin come from?
anterior pituitary
what hormones come from posterior pituitary?
vasopressin and oxytocin
fever, sore throat, dysphagia, drooling, muffled voice, respiratory distress (tripod position opens airway), thumbprint sign on XR
3Ds: dysphagia, drooling, distress are hallmark
albuterol MOA
beta 2 agonist > activates AC > increases cAMP > increased PKA > smooth muscle relaxation > bronchodilation
hypertrophic CM
syncope in athletic setting; AD condition caused by missense mutation in genes for beta-myosin heavy chain
NK cells induce apoptosis by…
perforin and granzyme production; Fas/FasL binding on cell surface
presynaptic disorder of NM transmission in which there is reduced ACh release d/t Ab against voltage-gated Ca channels; paraneoplastic; leg weakness, general weakness, pain, stiffness, arm weakness, ptosis, dry mouth, constipation, impotence
signs of hypothyroidism, hx of autoimmune disorders, germinal centers w/ lymph infiltrate and follicular destruction; anti-TPO
schizoid personality disorder
no desire for close relationships, flat affect, prefers solitary activities, little or no interest in sexual experiences, enjoys few or no activities, indifferent to criticism, praise, or other people’s opinions of them, no close friends
Wallenberg syndrome
lateral medullary syndrome; PICA; ipsilateral loss of pain and temp in face, contralateral loss of pain and temp in body, dysarthria, dysphagia, ataxia
lateral pontine syndrome
AICA; ipsi face analgesia, contra body analgesia, ipsi face hemiparesis, ipsi deafness
MCA stroke
contra hemianesthesia, contra hemiplegia, contra homonymous hemianopia, ipsi horizontal gaze preference
mid-shaft humerus fractures most commonly injure what nerve
radial > brachioradialis, extensors of the wrist and fingers, supinator, triceps (BEST)
borderline personality disorder
instability of relationships, self-image, and affect, marked impulsivity, avoid abandonment; initial tx is CBT/DBT, psychodynamic therapy
hereditary fructose intolerance
hypoglycemia, tiredness, vomiting, diaphoresis since introducing fruit; deficiency in aldolase B > buildup of F1P
Marcus Gunn pupil
alternating constriction and dilation of both pupils with swinging flashlight test; when directed into NML eye, pupils constrict like NML, but when directed into affected eye they appear to dilate; damage to either optic n or retina
what happens to increase blood flow to muscles during exercise?
local metabolites (Co2, H+, K+, adenosine) and decreased O2 > dilate arterioles and recruit capillaries
ankylosing spondylitis
low back pain that gets better with exercise, worse @ night, SI joint, enthesitis, restrictive lung disease, aortic insufficiency, uveitis, systemic sx
cocaine MOA
inhibits reuptake of DA, 5-HT, NE into presynaptic neurons > increased risk of preterm delivery
heparin MOA
potentiates action of antithrombin III
what layer of bowel is most susceptible to ischemia?
Innermost > mucosa
MHC II function
Present antigens to the CD4 helper T cells
atrial myxoma
constitutional sx; often in left atrium > impaired blood flow through mitral valve and reduce preload > low CO > syncope > early diastolic murmur that changes in frequency with changes in pt body position > can develop embolic stroke, mesenteric ischemia, arterial insufficiency, AKI
COPD path from smoking
increases oxidants in lungs
Ebstein anomaly
tricuspid regurg, downward displacement of TV leaflets into RV, RHF can occur > JVD, peripheral edema, and/or HM; hypoxemia, cyanosis
cecum supplied by branches of …
SMA (lower duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon to splenic flexure)
tx of phthirus pubis and scabies
topical permethrin
cleft lip results when…
maxillary prominence fails to fuse with intermaxillary segment
MCC of renal infarction
Systemic thromboembolism from LA or LV; common complication of afib
age-related changes to resp system
decreased chest wall compliance/expansion, decreased alveolar elastic recoil (increases compliance and increased air trapping), increased a-A gradient (increased deadspace)
graft immunocompetent T cells migrate into host tissues, where they recognize host MHC antigens as foreign and become sensitized > destroy host cells
will get diffuse response w/ rash, jaundice, diarrhea, HSM
efflux pump found in brain that prevents many substances from entering
PTH function
increase bone resorption > Ca and P release > increase Ca in blood
kidneys increase Ca reabsorption and decrease P reabsorption > increase Ca in blood, increase P in urine
Pott disease
progressive back pain, intermittent fever, vertebral bone destruction w/ abscess > M tuberculosis spondylitis (infection spreads behind ALL to vertebrae and IVD space > abscess)
D/t hematogenous seeding of vertebrae from primary pulmonary infxn; months to years later
REM sleep behavior disorder
parasomnia characterized by dream-enactment behaviors d/t loss of atonia; a/w alpha-synuclein neurodegeneration like Parkinson, Lewy body dementia
Catheter pressures
RA = <10
RV = <10-25
PA = 10-25
PA wedge = ~10
what portion of the nephron absorbs the most water?
severe mitral regurgitation can result in…
L-sided volume overload with S3 gallop d/t large volume of regurgitant flow reentering ventricle mid-diastole
digoxin toxicity
GI distress, arrhythmias, fatigue, confusion, weakness, color vision alterations, high K (from inhibition of Na/K pumps)
Tx for HF
lesion in internal carotid artery of TIA
contralateral leg weakness, ipsilateral vision loss (amaurosis fugax); internal carotid supplies EXTERNAL brain (hemispheres)
alcohol withdrawal effects on receptors
decreased GABA activity, increased glutamate activity d/t increased # of NMDA receptors
Berger/IgA nephropathy
MCC of glomerulonephritis; painless hematuria accompanied by URI
lung abscess antibiotic tx should cover…
facultative and strict anaerobes (often present)
what part of the posterior urethra is more prone to injury following pelvic fx in male?
tibial n injury
inability to plantarflex, invert, and flex toes; sensory loss over sole
oculomotor n injury
down and out eye, diplopia, dilation of pupil and loss of accommodation, ptosis; SR, MR, IR, IO, LPS
what amino acid is a/w folate?
mitochondrial diseases
“red ragged muscle fibers”; maternal inheritance
femoral nerve block site
below inguinal lig
saphenous nerve block site
adductor canal or medial tibial condyle
pudendal nerve block site
ischial spine tip
obturator nerve block site
obturator canal
apolipoprotein E risk
late-onset alzheimer’s
1 / ARI
ARI = rate AE (drug) - rate AE (placebo)
best approach to somatic symptom disorder
regular visits with the same provider
what determines need to abx tx in a person with GAS?
swab for GAS antigens; gram stain isn’t effective because the mouth contains other g+ cocci
cerebellar injury
motor planning and coordination of ipsilateral extremities
prolonged diarrhea, abd pain, constitutional sx, malabsorption, weight loss, a/w ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis
terminal ileum commonly involved where bile acids are normally reabsorbed and recycled (vit K is a fat-soluble vitamin so can have coagulation issues)
inadequate thyroid hormone levels in infants being treated for congenital hypothyroidism..
rapid growth > increasing need for thyroid hormone
decreased absorption of levothyroxine
coadministration with certain foods or drugs can lead to poor intestinal absorption
caused by accessory conduction pathway (bundle of Kent)
Triad: short PR, wide QRS, delta wave (slurred upstroke into QRS)
atopic dermatitis
pruritic, lichenified plaque; often flares w/ low humidity; genetically-mediated epidermal barrier dysfunction and immune dysfunction part of pathogenesis; Th2 response > IL-4 and IL-13 trigger IgE production
propionic acidemia
congenital def in propionyl-CaA carboxylase (converts propionyl to methylmalonyl) > met acid, hypoglycemia, ketosis
uses valine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine for energy
primary hyperparathyroidism
pituitary tumors
pancreatic tumors (esp. gastrinomas)
medullary thyroid cancer (calcitonin)
primary hyperparathyroidism
medullary thyroid cancer (calcitonin)
mucosal neuromas/marfanoid habitus
HPV affects _____ vocal cords
dantrolene MOA
blocks RYR1 to prevent Ca release from SR into cytoplasm of skeletal muscles
prolonged muscle weakness after receiving succinylcholine
plasma pseudocholinesterase def > genetic polymorphism in BCHE gene > lot of drug reaches NMJ
STEMI tx w/o percutaneous coronary intervention
thrombolytics (alteplase) > reperfusion related arrhythmia
pt with low HDL levels…
should focus on lowering LDL with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins); niacin is most effective for raising HDL but doesn’t reduce risk of CV events and is a/w AE (flushing, hyperglycemia)
elderly w/ myopia…
can actually have improved vision with age d/t age-related presbyopia
carcinoid syndrome develops when a carcinoid tumor has
abd pain/distension, bloody diarrhea, fever, shock in setting of untreated UC
Toxic megacolon > XR
Common hepatic artery gives off…
R gastric (inferior lesser curvature) and gastroduodenal (supplies pylorus, prox duodenum, and head of pancreas)
cyanosis, pulmonary HTN, reversal of blood through a defect (VSD, ASD, or PDA), 2nd or 3rd decade w/ s/s of RHF, diffuse cyanosis, and clubbing
VSD alone doesn’t produce cyanosis
Dandy Walker malformation
congenital brain anomaly involving posterior fossa and cerebellum; begins w/ cystic enlargement and posterior extension of 4th ventricle; causes hypoplasia and cephalad rotation of cerebellar vermis
tx for acute pulm edema in setting of decompensated HF
loop diuretic
SCC of the lung
centrally located; hypercalcemia of malignancy; keratin pearls w/ intracellular bridging; strong a/w smoking
spherocytes, elevated reticu, reduced haptoglobin, and +direct Coombs
where do the nerve roots exit the spinal cord?
above the corresponding vertebrae; so a herniated C6/7 disc corresponds to C7
middle meningeal artery
enters through foramen spinosum and is terminal branch of maxillary a (arises from external carotid)
language aphasia affected based on location
arcuate fasciculus: conduction, intact fluency, impaired repitition, intact comprehension
primary motor cortex: no aphasia (dysarthria), intact rest
Broca: impaired fluency and repetition, intact comprehension
Wernicke: intact fluency, impaired repetition and comprehension
Systolic HF (HFrEF) loop
decreased SV and increased ESV and EDV
Whipple disease
arthralgias, weight loss, steatorrhea, abd pain
CYP450 inducers
carbamazepine, rifampin, griseofulvin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, St John’s wort, chronic alcohol
Inhibitors of CYP450
Diltiazem, itraconazole, ketoconazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin, grapefruit juice, protease inhibitors, nefazodone, acute alcohol
common cause of bleeding in ped patient w/ no hemorrhoids or anal fissures…
Meckel diverticulum
duodenal ulcers should suspect…
ZES > overproduction of gastrin in G cells of pyloric antrum and duodenum
Parinaud syndrome (dorsal midbrain syndrome)
impaired vertical gaze, NML to lg pupils, light-near dissociation, convergence-retraction nystagmus, and eyelid retraction (Collier sign); caused by pineal gland tumor, hydrocephalus, MS, brainstem infarction
diabetic neuropathy findings
mesangial expansion, GBM thickening, podocyte injury, glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules)
primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn)
HTN, unexplained hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, low renin; d/t adrenal hyperplasia or adrenal adenoma
inflammatory lung disease, verrucous skin lesions, lytic bone lesions
degradation of fibrin through conversion of plasminogen to plasmin
bone spurs
osteophytes seen in osteoporosis
spinal cord hemisection (Brown Sequard)
ipsi spastic paralysis, ipsi loss of touch and sensation , contra loss of pain and temp about 2 levels below lesion
biggest complaint after being on an estrogen agonist years later…
postmenopausal bleeding > endometrial hyperplasia and cancer
tx of acute chest pain in angina pectoris
nitroglycerin > stimulate GC > increase cGMP > activate myosin light chain phosphatase > vasodilation
anterior spinal cord syndrome
paraplegia below, loss of temp and pain bilaterally, intact pinpoint and vibration
tx of HTN in pregnant pt
methyldopa (alpha-2 agonist), hydralazine (reduce afterload by increased cGMP), labetalol, nifedipine
medullary CA of thyroid
high calcitonin d/t prolif of parafollicular C-cells
MC primary CNS tumor in 4th-6th decades; HA, seizure, confusion, cognitive dysfunction, focal weakness, sensory abnormalities, aphasia; fried egg appearance, chicken wire appearance; frontal lobes MC
tx of organophsphate poisoning
atropine and pralidoxine
Horner =
damage to sympathetics; ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis
conversion of AA to PGDs by COX
alpha-1 receptor blockers > treat HTN and BPH
atypical antidepressant weak inhibitor of 5-HT2A receptor; se = priapism
temporal arteritis
tenderness @ temporal region, jaw claudication, HA, visual impairment; granulomas w/ giant cells; a/w polymyalgia rheumatica (both a/w HLA-DR4)
decline in sensitivity of ovaries to stimulation by gonadotropins > high FSH, LH
ADPKD association
berry aneurysms > rupture = subarachnoid hemorrhage
increased prevalence of disease…
increases PPV, reduces NPV
decreasing the cutoff value for a test…
increases NPV, reduces PPV
type II pneumocytes
make up the largest # of alveolar cells (although type I make up the largest SA) and act as progenitor cells for type I, which cannot regenerate on their own; produce surfactant
gonadal arteries arise from…
abdominal aorta
H pylori infection = increased risk of…
gastric ulcers, gastric adenocarcinoma, and MALT lymphoma
mild galactosemia..
def in galactokinase > cataracts d/t buildup of galactitol
postpartum blues (i.e. normal postpartum rxn)
resolves w/i 2 weeks; mild depression, tearfulness, irritability
postpartum depression
onset w/i 4-6 weeks; >2w of moderate to severe depression, sleep, or appetite disturbance, low energy, guild, difficulty concentrating, suicidal ideation
overflow incontinence
impaired detrusor contractility or bladder outlet obstruction; involuntary and continuous leakage when bladder is full w/ incomplete emptying
drugs > rash, fever, AKI, pyuria, hematuria, WBC casts, urinary eosinophils
PaO2 and % sat would be NML but O2 content would be low d/t lower Hb
high-altitude pulmonary edema; reduced PiO2 > hypoxic pulm vasoconstriction > increased pulm arterial pressure > unbalanced hypoxic vasoconstriction > alveolar-capillary membrane disruption
DNA polymerase I in prokaryotes
5’ to 3’ exonuclease activity
DNA polymerase III
3’ to 5’ exonuclease activity, 5’ to 3’ polymerase activity
contains modified bases; CCA sequence at 3’ end > serves as AA binding site
Rickettsia ricketsii
RMSF > nonspecific sx followed by macular-petechial rash that moves distal to central > tx w/ doxy
major RFs for AAA
age >65, smoking, male
metabolites of morphine
glucoronide > renal elimination > w/ renal dysfunction, metabolites accumulate and opioid toxicity results
pharyngeal arch 1
trigeminal; maxillary a
pharyngeal arch 2
facial n
pharyngeal arch 3
glossopharyngeal n; common carotid, proximal ICA
pharyngeal arch 4
superior laryngeal branch of vagus; true aortic arch, subclavian aa
pharyngeal arch 6
recurrent laryngeal branch of X; pulmonary aa, ductus arteriosis
produced in response to fasting; stimulates appetite and promotes weight gain
produced in response to short-term food intake > acts on hypothalamus to decrease appetite (obesity blunts this)
what viruses are capable of reassortment?
segmented - orthomyxo (flu), reo (rota), bunya, arena
how is copper excreted?
through bile
amniotic fluid embolism
pregnancy complication that results from amniotic fluid entering maternal circulation; hypotensive shock > fetal squamous cells seen in pulmonary vasculature
sympathomimetic weight loss drugs
phentermine, diethylpropion, benzphetamine > short-term tx of obesity; stimulate release and inhibit reuptake of NE
prevention of neonatal tetanus
vaccination of mother and those of childbearing age; hygienic delivery and cord care
permissiveness in pharmacology
hormone has no direct effect on a physiologic process but allows another hormone to exert its maximal effect on that process
meds ineffective in MRSA
oxacillin, methicillin, cephalosorins, and other beta-lactams
type I HS
IgE degranulates mast cells > following repeat exposure IgE can release preformed histamine and LTs (wheal and flare) > late phase stimulate Th2 cells to activate eosinophils > proteins (MBP, peroxidase) cause tissue damage > indurated lesion 2-10 hours following
glioblastoma multiforme
MC primary brain tumor in adults; increased vascularity, pseudopalisading tumor cells around necrotic areas
radial n action
extends the wrist > “Radial n Reaches back”
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
patchy lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates, focal fibroblastic proliferation, fibrosis, honeycombing, hyperplasia of T2 pneumocytes > inhibit TGF-beta and other GFs
glucocorticoid MOA
bind cytosolic receptor, translocate to nucleus, alteration in transcription (in immune cells inhibit NF-kB)
P falciparum
predominant in Africa; chloroquine-resistant > atovaqoune-proguanil, artemisinins) > no primaquine required d/t no dormant liver form
anterograde transport (toward +, distant from nucleus)
Asherman syndrome
intrauterine adhesions mostly d/t D&C; secondary amenorrhea w/ no other signs
hydatidiform mole
proliferation of chorionic epithelium and cystic swelling of villi
DPP-4 inhibitors
“-gliptins” increase levels of endogenously secreted GLP-1 (increased insulin release and satiety, decreased glucagon release and gastric emptying)
hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, acanthosis, elongated rete pegs, hypervascular dermal papillae
immune-mediated disease characterized by widespread noncaseating granulomas, restrictive lung disease, bilateral hilar LAD, Bell’s palsy, rash, erythema nodosum, blurry vision; causes rise in ACE, hypercalcemia, hypervitaminosis D
lack of puberty development, lack of secondary sex characteristics, decreased sense of smell
Hypogonadism, gynecomastia, psychosocial problems, and infertility, 47 XXY karyotype
prophylactic tx for seizures in HELLP
mag sulf > evaluate DTRs for hypermagnesemia
macrolides severe side effect
prolonged QT
type I HS in sensitized individual
binding of antigen to IgE antibodies on surface of mast cells and basophils
cytokine that activates CD4 and 8 cells
simultaneous thrombolysis and clot formation > D-dimer high d/t thrombolytic effect, but fibrinogen is low d/t formation of clots > “consumption of clotting factors and platelets”
anterior talofibular
always tears first; inversion ankle sprain; lateral malleolus to neck of talus
vasopressin receptor antagonist; prevents ADH action in CD
similar presentation to IBD, but steatorrhea not common in IBD
dermatomyositis associations
increased risk of adenocarcinoma, particularly ovarian cancer
overactive body > IgG antibodies against TSH in Graves
papillary carcinoma appearance
papillary growth with optically clear nuclei (ground-glass chromatin/orphan-annie eyes)
irritated rash common in the webbing of fingers and toes; low hygiene and overcrowding (homeless shelters) facilitate spread
ACEI is DOC for hypertensive pt w/…
diabetic nephropathy
Thiazide diuretics are DOC in hypertensive pt w/….
no other comorbidities
BB are DOC in hypertensive pt w/…
angina or hx of MI
alpha-blockers are DOC in hypertensive pt w/…
Friedreich ataxia is a/w what cardiac abnormality?
“worst headache of my life”
subarachnoid hemorrhage
Ehler Danlos is a/w what vascular pathology
berry aneurysm
Holstein-Lewis fractures commonly injure what nerve
Radial n
tibial n innervates…
posterior leg mm
milky fluid composed of TGs within pleural space a/w trauma or lymphoma
45, XO; short stature, broad chest, primary amenorrhea
Swan-Ganz catheters measure pulmonary artery occlusion pressure which closely reflects…
left atrial and left ventricular ED pressures
TAP proteins
Load cytoplasmic proteins onto MHCI > activate CD8 cells
lactase def can be caused by…
inflammatory or infectious processes that damage microvilli