Blood transfusion Flashcards
difference between whole blood and packed RBCs
Whole blood : RBCs,plasma,plasma proteins ( rarely indicated for blood transfusion
Packed RBCs: RBCs, small amount of plasma ( indications: massive bleeding, symtomatic anemia)
nearly no WBCs so lower the transfusion reaction
Equipment for blood transfusion
Blood administration set : filter to remove microaggregates during blood transfusion
Prime IV line with NS : red cells should only diluted with normal saline
Other solution must not be ‘hypotonic’ which
cause haemolysis
Other solution contains calcium which can initiate clotting
Pre-administration of blood component from blood bank
start infusion as soon as possible
medications never add to blood
blood warm for massive transfusion
Allergic reaction after blood transfusion
s/s : rash , flushing, generalized itchiness, asthmatic wheezing
managment: stop infusion, antihistamines
Mangement of suspected transfusion reaction
stop blood transfusion immediately
notify the doctor and blood bank
monitor patient’s general conditions
do not flush the blood transfusion set
administer oxygen if needed
save blood bag and all tubing and sent them to clood bank