Causes of neutrophilia
Neutrophilia = HIGH neutrophils
- bacterial infection
- malignancy, inflammation, tissue damage
- steroids
Causes of neutropenia
Neutropenia = LOW neutrophils
- viral infection (lymphocyte mediated)
- chemotherapy/RT
- clozapine
- carbimazole
Which drugs cause neutropenia (low WCC)?
- chemotherapeutic drugs
- clozapine
- carbimazole
- methotrexate
Causes of lymphocytosis
Lymphocytosis = HIGH lymphocytes
- viral infection
- lymphoma
Causes of low platelets
Increased destruction = drugs, DIC, ITP, TTP, heparin, hypersplenism
Decreased production = drugs, myelodysplasia, BM failure
Causes of high platelets
Plts = acute phase reactant
- bleeding, infection, inflammation
- myeloproliferative disorders (all blood cells ++)
Types and causes of anaemia (MCV)
Microcytic - iron def, thalassaemia
Normocytic - blood loss, chronic disease
Macrocytic - B12/folate def, alcohol
Causes of high Na+
Drips (too much IV fluids)
Diabetes insipidus (pure water loss)
Which drugs cause hyperNatraemia?
What causes hypoNatraemia?
- XS water loss - dehydration, D+V, diuretics, adrenal insufficiency
- Inadequate intake
- Too much water in the body - XS water intake, SIADH
SIADH and Na+
++ ADH = more water retained = dilutional hypoNa+
Euvolaemic causes of hypoNa
Hypervolaemic causes of hypoNa - how does it occur?
CCF, hypoalbuminaemia/liver disease, nephrotic syndrome
Reduced circulating volume, so ADH released and dilutional hyponatraemia
Hypovolaemic causes of hypoNa
D+V, burns, sweating adrenal insufficiency, diuretics
Causes of hyperkalaemia
Drugs - ACEis + K+ sparing diuretics Renal failure Endocrine (addisons/adrenal insufficiency) Artefact e.g. clotted blood sample DKA
Causes of hypokalaemia
Drugs - loop diuretics + thiazide diuretics
Inadequate intake/intestinal loss
Renal tubular acidosis
Endocrine (cushings + conns)
When may urea levels be raised?
AKI GI bleed (breakdown product of Hb)
To distinguish between them, check Hb level (low in bleeds)
What may cause a raised ALP?
Fracture Liver/cholestatic disease Cancer Pregnancy Osteomalacia
LFTs and liver damage
Prehepatic - raised bilirubin
Intrahepatic - raised bilirubin + raised AST/ALT
Posthepatic - raised bilirubin + raised ALP