Blood & Lymphatics 1 Flashcards
Contrast blood & lymphatic system
What are the infections associated with blood and lymphatic system?
Describe the plasmodium spp.
Describe the life cycle of plasmodium
What are the clinical manifestations of malaria?
How do P. vivax and P. Ovale exhibit benign tertian?
How does P. Malaria exhibit quartan malaria?
How does P. Falciparum exhibit malignant tertian malaria?
Discuss the lab diagnosis of malaria
What does plasmodium look like?
What are the complications of malaria ?
What are the periods of plasmodium?
Describe malaria and pregnancy
What are the genetic factors of resistance to malaria?
How do we treat malaria ?
How do we prevent malaria?
What is babesiosis?
Describe the B. microti life cycle
What are the clinical manifestations of Babesiosis?
Describe the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of babesioisis