Common name of
S. japonicum
S. mansoni
S. haematobium
S. japonicum = Oriental blood fluke
S. mansoni = Manson`s blood fluke
S. haematobium = Vesical blood fluke
Largest adult blood fluke
Smalles adult blood fluke
S. japonicum (largest)
S. mansoni (smallest)
IH is Oncomelania quadrasi
S. japonicum
IH is Biomphalaria, Planorbis,
Tropicorbis spp.
S. mansoni
IH is Bulinus, Physopsis spp
S. haematobium
Infective stage of blood flukes
Forked tailed Cercaria
Pathology of blood flukes:
1. Cercarial dermatitis aka
2. due to initiation of egg laying
- Swimmer`s itch
- Katayama fever
Specific habitat:
“Superior mesenteric veins of the intestine”
Intestinal disease and hepatic involvement
S. japonicum
Specific habitat:
“Inferior mesenteric veins of the rectum”
Intestinal disease and hepatic involvement
S. mansoni
Specific habitat:
“Vesical veins of urinary bladder”
Urogenital disease,
obstructive uropathies,
bladder carcinoma
S. haematobium
Morphology characteristics:
Smooth integument or non tuberculated
Non-operculated with a minute lateral spine
S. japonicum
Morphology characteristics:
Coarse integument / tuberculated
Non-operculated with a distinct lateral spine
S. mansoni
Morphology characteristics:
Fine integument / slightly tuberculated
Non-operculated with a minute terminal spine
S. haematobium
eggs resemble S. japonicum but are smaller and infections are geographically localized
“minute lateral spine; vein of small inestine”
S. mekongi
eggs resemble S. hematobium with a terminal spine and acid fast but of larger size and are found in stool
“terminal spine; found in veins of colon”
S. intercalatum