Blood Development Flashcards
Common myeloid progenitor gives rise to…

orthochromatiphilic erythroblast

basophilic erythroblast

Myelocyte - Specific granules (content differs with cell type) produced by rough ER and GC

Pro erythroblast

Polychromatophilic erythroblast
endosteal niche
site for long-term storage of quiescent HSCs, also houses osteoprogenitors cells, osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Blood cell formation occurs in…
the spaces between sinusoids.

Hematopeoisis location by trimester
1: yolk sac
2: liver
3: Bone Marrow
What do hematopeoitic stem cells yield
myeloid and lymphoid stem cells

Myeloblast - No cytoplasmic granules
Fibronectin, laminin and hemonectin
bind to receptors on developing blood cells, may anchor them to the matrix
common lymphoid progenitor gives rise to…

Metamyelocyte - Nucleus indents. Many specific granules, few azure granules.
mature blood cells and sinusoids consist of…
reticular fibers, fibronectin, laminin, hemonectin, various collagens, proteoglycans, ground substance
Thrombopeoisis steps
hemocytoblast -> common myeloid progenitor –> CFU mega –> megakaryoblast –> promegakaryocyte –> megakaryocyte (via thrombopoeitin)–> platelet
what is this

Bone marrow TEM
Bone marrow makeup
reticular tissue
fat cells
vascular niche
blood vessels and surrounding stromal (reticular cells), mesenchymal stem cells, adipocytes, macrophages and endothelial cells.

Promyelocyte - Azure granules (lysosomes) produced in conjunction with the rough ER and Golgi complex
G-CSF growth factor is important for…
neutrophil lineage. The synthetic form of G-CSF (filgrastim or lenograstim) is used for the treatment of neutropenia such as after cancer chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation.