Block 2: Practice Exam #3 Flashcards
Increased shear forces transmitted through the head and neck of the femur, along with an increased risk of femoral neck fracture occurs with which positioning of the femoral neck?
A. Coxa valga
B. Coxa vara
C. Femoral anteversion
D. Femoral retroversion
coxa vara
Which of the following ligaments is the primary restraint to hyperextension at the hip joint?
A. iliofemoral
B. iliolumbar
C. ischiofemoral
D. pubofemoral
Which of the following nerves supplies cutaneous innervation to the medial plantar aspect of the heel?
A. Medial calcaneal nerve
B. Saphenous nerve
C. Medial plantar nerve
D. Sural nerve
Medial calcaneal nerve
The nerve that innervates the posterior compartments of the leg contains which of the following nerve root contributions?
A. L2, L3, L4
B. L4, L5, S1
C. L3, L4, L5, S1, S2
D. L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
The two muscles that originate on the dorsum of the foot are innervated by which of the following nerves?
A. deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
B. lateral plantar nerve
C. superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
D. tibial nerve
deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
Which of the following plantar muscles is located in the second layer?
A. abductor digiti minimi
B. abductor hallucis
C. flexor hallucis brevis
D. quadratus plantae
quadratus plantae
A man sustained a gunshot wound to the gluteal region while escaping from prison. He has lost the ability to rise from a sitting position.
Which of the following nerves was most likely damaged in the shooting?
A. inferior gluteal
B. posterior femoral cutaneous
C. medial cluneal
D. superior gluteal
inferior gluteal
Damage to the posterior divisions of the lumbar plexus would affect the innervation to all of the following muscles EXCEPT:
A. articularis genu
B. rectus femoris
C. sartorius
D. adductor longus
adductor longus
The anterior branch of obturator nerve runs ____________ to the adductor brevis muscle and posterior branch of obturator nerve travels ____________ to the adductor brevis muscle.
A. deep; superficial
B. lateral; medial
C. medial; lateral
D. superficial; deep
superficial; deep
Which of the following muscles flex and medially (internally) rotate the thigh at the hip joint?
A. rectus femoris
B. sartorius
C. semimembranosus
D. tensor fascia lata
tensor fascia lata
The medial meniscus of the knee joint:
A. is attached to the lateral collateral ligament
B. is C-shaped
C. is extra-synovial (lies outside the synovial tissue)
D. is smaller than the lateral meniscus
is C-shaped
Which of the following arteries anastomoses with the lateral plantar artery to form the deep plantar arch?
A. arcuate artery
B. deep plantar artery
C. medial plantar artery
D. posterior tibial artery
deep plantar artery
Which of the following nerves innervates the muscle that is the middle tendon (at the level just distal to the knee) of the pes anserinus group?
A. common peroneal nerve
B. femoral nerve
C. obturator nerve (anterior branch)
D. tibial nerve
obturator nerve (anterior branch)
Which of the following ligaments is intra-articular?
A. posterior cruciate ligament
B. lateral collateral ligament
C. medial collateral ligament
D. oblique popliteal ligament
posterior cruciate ligament
All of the following statements regarding the muscles of the pes anserinus insertion/group are true EXCEPT:
A. one of these muscles is innervated by the femoral nerve
B. one of these muscles is innervated by the common peroneal (fibular) nerve
C. one of these muscles is innervated by the obturator nerve
D. one of these muscles originates from the ASIS
one of these muscles is innervated by the common peroneal (fibular) nerve
Which of the following ligament’s primary role is to support the medial longitudinal arch?
A. anterior talofibular
B. bifurcate
C. calcaneo-cuboid
D. plantar calcaneo-navicular (spring)
plantar calcaneo-navicular (spring)
The innervation of the portion of adductor magnus that inserts on the adductor tubercle of the femur is:
A. anterior branch of obturator nerve
B. posterior branch of obturator nerve
C. tibial nerve
D. both A &C
tibial nerve
The lateral border of the femoral triangle is formed by the:
A. lateral border of adductor longus
B. lateral border of sartorius
C. medial border of sartorius
D. medial border of tensor fascia lata
medial border of sartorius
The semimembranosus muscle has an attachment to which of the following ligaments?
A. arcuate ligament
B. oblique popliteal ligament
C. posterior meniscofemoral ligament
D. posterior cruciate ligament
oblique popliteal ligament
The origin of the extensor hallucis longus is the:
A. distal 1/3 of the anterior surface of the fibula
B. lateral condyle of the tibia and proximal 2/3 anterior surface of the fibula
C. medial surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
D. posterior surface of the tibia, superior 2/3 of posterior fibula
medial surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
All of the following muscles have an attachment (origin or insertion) at least in part to the hip (coxal) bone EXCEPT:
A. gluteus maximus
B. iliacus
C. psoas major
D. rectus femoris
psoas major
Damage to the superior gluteal nerve would affect all of the following muscles EXCEPT:
A. gluteus maximus
B. gluteus medius
C. gluteus minimus
D. tensor fascia lata
gluteus maximus
Which of the following nerves is the nerve supply to the muscle whose function is to straighten the line of pull of the flexor digitorum longus tendons?
A. deep peroneal (fibular)
B. lateral plantar
C. medial plantar
D. tibial
lateral plantar
Which of the following arteries contributes to the genicular anastomosis?
A. descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral
B. medial circumflex femoral
C. transverse branch of lateral circumflex femoral
D. all of the above contribute to the genicular anastomosis
descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral
Your tank mate drops a scalpel that lands in the web space between your 3rd and 4th toes. Which of the following nerves provides the cutaneous innervation from this region…allowing you to feel the injury?
A. deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
B. saphenous nerve
C. superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
D. sural nerve
superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
All of the following are bony landmarks of the femur EXCEPT:
A. gluteal lines
B. lesser trochanter
C. intertrochanteric crest
D. linea aspera
gluteal lines
Which of the following arteries gives off the descending genicular artery?
A. femoral artery
B. lateral circumflex femoral artery
C. popliteal artery
D. profunda femoris artery
femoral artery
At what point does the anterior tibial artery change names to become the dorsal pedis (dorsal) artery?
A. as it emerges from under the inferior extensor retinaculum
B. as it emerges from under the superior extensor retinaculum
C. as it enters under the inferior extensor retinaculum
D. as it enters under the superior extensor retinaculum
as it emerges from under the inferior extensor retinaculum
Which of the following muscles functions at both the hip and the knee joints?
A. adductor longus
B. adductor magnus
C. gracilis
D. vastus medialis
Difficulty with hip flexion, abduction, and external (lateral) rotation could indicate injury to which of the following muscles?
A. gluteus medius
B. gracilis
C. sartorius
D. tensor fascia lata
All of the following have an attachment (origin or insertion), at least in part, to the ischial tuberosity EXCEPT:
A. adductor magnus muscle
B. long head of the biceps femoris muscle
C. sacrospinous ligament
D. sacrotuberous ligament
sacrospinous ligament
All of the following muscles have an attachment (origin or insertion), at least in part, to/from the tibia EXCEPT:
A. tibialis anterior
B. flexor digitorum longus
C. flexor hallucis longus
D. posterior tibialis
flexor hallucis longus
All of the following muscles are innervated by the lateral plantar nerve EXCEPT:
A. quadratus plantae
B. adductor hallucis
C. flexor digiti minimi
D. flexor digitorum brevis
flexor digitorum brevis
The bifurcate ligament of the foot attaches to all of the following bones EXCEPT:
A. Calcaneus
B. Cuboid
C. Navicular
D. Talus
The muscle that inserts on the navicular tubercle originates in which compartment of the leg?
A. anterior
B. lateral
C. deep posterior
D. superficial posterior
deep posterior
Which of the following muscles acts to pull the suprapatellar bursa and synovium from the knee joint?
A. Articularis genu
B. Pes anserine group
C. Vastus intermedius
D. Semimembranosis
Articularis genu
Excessive femoral anteversion often results in which of the following lower limb postures?
A. genu varum
B. genu valga
C. toeing out
D. toeing in
toeing in
What is the primary restraint to posterior tibial translation at the tibiofemoral joint?
A. Anterior cruciate ligament
B. Posterior cruciate ligament
C. Medial collateral ligament
D. Oblique popliteal ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
Which of the following bones does NOT contribute to the formation of the acetabulum?
A. ilium
B. ischium
C. pubis
D. sacrum
The insertion for the fibularis (peroneus) tertius muscle is:
A. dorsal aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal
B. medial aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal
C. lateral surface of the cuboid
D. plantar aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal
dorsal aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal
Which of the following muscles is innervated by the common peroneal (fibular) nerve?
A. hamstring portion of adductor magnus
B. long head of biceps femoris
C. short head of biceps femoris
D. tensor fascia lata
short head of biceps femoris
Which of the following nerves innervates the muscle that inserts on the lateral aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal?
A. deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
B. lateral plantar nerve
C. superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
D. tibial nerve
superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
Which of the following arteries runs between the iliopsoas and the pectineus muscles?
A. femoral artery
B. lateral circumflex femoral artery
C. medial circumflex femoral artery
D. profunda femoris artery
medial circumflex femoral artery
Which of the following actions would be MOST affected by injury to the deep peroneal (fibular) nerve?
A. abduction of the lateral 4 toes
B. dorisflexion of the foot
C. eversion of the foot
D. plantar flexion of the foot
dorisflexion of the foot
All of the following ligaments are parts of the deltoid ligament of the medial ankle EXCEPT:
A. anterior tibiotalar
B. medial talocalcaneal
C. posterior tibiotalar
D. tibiocalcaneal
medial talocalcaneal
Which of the following is a causative factor in chondromalacia patellae (as listed in the blue boxes of the Moore and Dalley textbook)?
A. Hamstring muscle imbalance
B. Osgood Slaughter’s disease
C. Quadriceps muscle imbalance
D. Tibial plateau fracture
Quadriceps muscle imbalance
While babysitting your nephew kicks you in the tibia just proximal to the medial mallelous. The sensation perceived is from which of the following dermatomes?
A. L4
B. L5
C. S1
D. S2
During the final phase of knee extension (terminal knee extension) the knee “locks” into extension. Which of the following muscles helps to unlock the knee as it moves into flexion from an extended position?
A. Lateral gastrocnemius
B. Medial gastrocnemius
C. Plantaris
D. Popliteus
Contraction of the plantar interosseous muscle between the fourth and fifth toes results, primarily, in which of the following motions?
A. abduction of the 4th toe
B. abduction of the 5th toe
C. adduction of the 4th toe
D. adduction of the 5th toe
adduction of the 5th toe
Which of the listed artery branches comes off of the dorsal pedis (dorsal) artery first (most proximal)?
A. Arcuate artery
B. Deep plantar artery
C. Dorsal digital arteries
D. Dorsal metatarsal arteries
Arcuate artery
Structures found within the tarsal tunnel include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. flexor hallucis longus tendon
B. peroneal (fibular) artery
C. tibial nerve
D. tibialis posterior tendon
peroneal (fibular) artery
Which of the following bones contributes to the lateral plantar arch of the foot?
A. navicular
B. lateral cuneiform
C. talus
D. cuboid
Paralysis of the muscles that insert into the trochanteric fossa would result in weakness during which of the following motions with the hip in a neutral position?
A. hip flexion
B. hip adduction
C. hip external rotation
D. hip internal rotation
hip external rotation
Which of the following arteries (typically) gives off the lateral circumflex femoral artery?
A. femoral artery
B. lateral circumflex femoral artery
C. popliteal artery
D. profunda femoris artery
profunda femoris artery
Which of the following arteries pierces the vastus lateralis below the greater trochanter and anastomoses with the medial circumflex femoral artery?
A. ascending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery
B. descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery
C. transverse branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery
D. none of the above.
transverse branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery
What is the origin of the Adductor Longus?
A. Ischial Tuberosity
B. Body of the Pubis
C. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
D. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
E. Linea Aspera
Body of the Pubis
Which of the following areas receives innervation from the anterior division of the lumbosacral plexus?
A. Medial leg
B. Lateral leg
C. Dorsum of the foot
D. Plantar surface of the foot
Plantar surface of the foot
hat is the origin of the Vastus lateralis?
A. Ischial Tuberosity
B. Body of the Pubis
C. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
D. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
E. Linea Aspera
Linea Aspera
Which nerve would most likely be damaged if a patient were unable to plantar flex AND evert the foot?
A. deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
B. tibial nerve
C. superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
D. lateral plantar nerve
E. medial plantar nerve
superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
Which nerve would most likely be damaged if a patient were unable to abduct or adduct the toes?
A. deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
B. tibial nerve
C. superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
D. lateral plantar nerve
E. medial plantar nerve
lateral plantar nerve
Which nerve would most likely be damaged if a patient were unable to extend the great toe?
A. deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
B. tibial nerve
C. superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
D. lateral plantar nerve
E. medial plantar nerve
deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
Which nerve would most likely be damaged if a patient were unable to plantar flex and invert the foot?
A. deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
B. tibial nerve
C. superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
D. lateral plantar nerve
E. medial plantar nerve
tibial nerve
Which nerve root level/dermatome supplies cutaneous innervation to the lateral side of the foot?
A. L3
B. L4
C. L5
D. S1
E. S2
Which nerve root level/dermatome supplies cutaneous innervation to the medial aspect of the knee?
A. L3
B. L4
C. L5
D. S1
E. S2
Which nerve root level/dermatome supplies cutaneous innervation to the medial side of the foot?
A. L2
B. L3
C. L4
D. L5
E. S1
Which nerve root level/dermatome supplies cutaneous innervation to the lateral 1/2 of the posterior thigh?
A. L1
B. L2
C. L3
D. S1
E. S2
Which of the following arteries runs cranial to the lateral femoral condyle?
A. Anterior Tibial Artery
B. Posterior Tibial Artery
C. Popliteal Artery
D. Inferior Medial Genicular Artery
E. Superior Lateral Genicular Artery
Superior Lateral Genicular Artery
Which of the following arteries runs in the posterior deep compartment of the leg?
A. Anterior Tibial Artery
B. Posterior Tibial Artery
C. Popliteal Artery
D. Inferior Medial Genicular Artery
E. Superior Lateral Genicular Artery
Posterior Tibial Artery
Which of the following arteries begins at the adductor hiatus?
A. Anterior Tibial Artery
B. Posterior Tibial Artery
C. Popliteal Artery
D. Inferior Medial Genicular Artery
E. Superior Lateral Genicular Artery
Popliteal Artery
Which of the following arteries contributes to the genicular anastamosis and arises from the anterior tibial artery?
A. Anterior Tibial Recurrent Artery
B. Posterior Tibial Artery
C. Descending Genicular Artery
D. Inferior Medial Genicular Artery
E. Inferior Lateral Genicular Artery
Anterior Tibial Recurrent Artery
Which of the following is NOT an expected clinical finding associated with an injury caused by extreme inversion of the ankle?
A. Avulsion fracture of the 5th metatarsal tuberosity
B. Comminuted fracture of the calcaneus
C. Disruption or sprain of the lateral talocrural ligaments
D. Fracture of the lateral malleolus
Comminuted fracture of the calcaneus
During an evaluation a patient is asked to perform single leg stance on the right lower extremity. It is observed that the patient’s pelvis drops on the non-weight bearing (left) side. This deviation is caused by weakness of the:
A. Left gluteus maximus
B. Left gluteus medius
C. Right gluteus maximus
D. Right gluteus medius
Right gluteus medius
Genu Varum deformity of the knee is associated with a medial angulation of the leg in relation to the thigh. This type of alignment causes excessive stretching of which structure?
A. Anterior cruciate ligament
B. Lateral collateral ligament
C. Medial collateral ligament
D. Posterior cruciate ligament
Lateral collateral ligament
Weakness of the lumbrical and interosseous muscles of the foot can result in a deformity known as Hammer toe. What are the characteristics of this deformity?
A. Dorsiflexion of the MTP joint, plantarflexion of the PIP, dorsiflexion of the DIP
B. Dorsiflexion of the MTP, plantarflexion of the DIP
C. Plantarflexion of the MTP, dorsiflexion of the PIP, plantarflexion of the DIP
D. Valgus angulation of the great toe
Dorsiflexion of the MTP joint, plantarflexion of the PIP, dorsiflexion of the DIP
Which of the following does NOT attach to the lateral tibial condyle?
A. Iliotibial tract
B. Extensor digitorum longus muscle
C. Lateral collateral ligament
D. Tibialis anterior muscle
Lateral collateral ligament
A 35-year-old powerlifter has been diagnosed with a herniated lumbar disc that is compressing the L4 nerve root. Damage to the L4 nerve root is consistent with which of the following impairments?
A. Weak dorsiflexion, inversion, and decreased sensation to the medial foot
B. Weak knee flexion and decreased sensation to the posterior thigh
C. Weak plantarflexion, eversion, and decreased
sensation to the lateral foot
D. Weak hip extension, knee flexion, and decreased sensation to the sole of the foot
Weak dorsiflexion, inversion, and decreased sensation to the medial foot
A softball player was hit by a pitch during a game and has been diagnosed with compartment syndrome of the leg. She is able to flex and extend her toes, invert and plantarflex her ankle, but has very weak eversion. Which of the following structures make up the boundaries of the involved compartment?
A. Anterior intermuscular septum; posterior intermuscular septum; crural fascia; lateral surface of the fibula
B. Anterior intermuscular septum; tibia; interosseous membrane; crural fascia
C. Transverse intermuscular septum; crural fascia
D. Transverse intermuscular septum; tibia; fibula; interosseous membrane
Anterior intermuscular septum; posterior intermuscular septum; crural fascia; lateral surface of the fibula
The muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh rotate the femur internally. The action of this group is counterbalanced by the muscles of the , ________, including the ________ which rotates the femur externally.
A. Gluteal region; tensor fascia lata
B. Gluteal region; quadratus femoris
C. Lateral thigh; vastus lateralis
D. Posterior thigh; biceps femoris
Gluteal region; quadratus femoris
During knee surgery a tourniquet was applied to the femoral artery at the mid-thigh at the level of the adductor canal to decrease blood flow to the popliteal artery. Blood flow to the posterior thigh musculature would remain intact in this scenario because:
A. the medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries supply the posterior thigh.
B. the descending genicular and descending branch of the femoral supply the genicular anastomosis.
C. the inferior gluteal and superior gluteal arteries supply the posterior thigh and originate from the internal iliac artery in the posterior abdomen/pelvis.
D. the profundal femoris artery supplies the posterior thigh via perforating arteries from the anterior compartment.
the profundal femoris artery supplies the posterior thigh via perforating arteries from the anterior compartment.
In the movie, Caddyshack, the gardner (Bill Murray) recommends cutting a golfer’s hamstring muscle to disrupt his golf game during a tournament. Which hamstring muscle is CUT if the knee is subsequently pulled into external tibial rotation? (please understand the direction from the gardner is considered violence and is not supported by the faculty or staff of the TTUHSC, SHP, or IAS and is included here simply as context for an exam question…and perhaps to make you smile).
A. Adductor magnus, hamstring portion B. Biceps femoris long head
C. Biceps femoris short head
D. Semimembranosis
Which of the following muscles is a single joint muscle and is innervated by the tibial nerve?
A. Plantaris
B. Popliteus
C. Semitendinosis
D. Short Head of Biceps Femoris
A college aged patient stepped on a piece of glass while attending a post COVID-19 beach party at South Padre Island (they were not paying attention to social distancing…). The laceration is on the plantar surface of the foot at the level of the midshaft of the fourth and fifth metatarsals, which structure is most likely affected?
A. Adductor hallicus transverse head
B. Lateral plantar artery
C. Medial plantar nerve
D. Quadratus plantae
Lateral plantar artery
A patient was hit by a car while riding a bicycle sustaining a fracture to the distal fibula. The patient was casted from the proximal leg down to the toes with the talocrural joint in a neutral position. A few hours after casting, the patient begins to feel burning and numbness between the 1st and 2nd toes within the web space. Which structure is most likely affected?
A. Sural nerve
B. Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
C. Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
D. Saphenous nerve
Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
A soccer player experiences an inversion ankle sprain. There is moderate swelling at the time of injury. Based on imaging and clinical testing it is determined that she sustained a second-degree lateral ankle sprain. Which of the following ligaments is/are most likely involved?
A. anterior tibiofibular ligament and posterior tibiofibular ligament
B. anterior talofibular ligament
C. anterior talofibular ligament and calcaneofibular ligament
D. anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, and posterior talofibular ligament
anterior talofibular ligament and calcaneofibular ligament
While attempting a new skill on the balance beam a gymnast misjudged her landing and fell. As she fell her right lower extremity struck the beam forcing her hip into hyperabduction. Which of the following coxafemoral joint ligaments is most likely damaged?
A. Ischiofemoral
B. Iliofemoral
C. Pubofemoral
D. Posterior sacroiliac