Block 2: Practice Exam #2 Flashcards
All of the following are features of the coxal bones EXCEPT:
A) Gluteal tuberosity
B) Iliac fossa
C) Linea aspera
D) Pubic tubercle
gluteal tuberosity
linea aspera
Which of the following attaches to the ischial tuberosity?
A) Adductor longus
B) Gracilis
C) Sacrospinous ligament
D) Sacrotuberous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
The adductor tubercle is a feature of which bone?
A) Femur
B) Ilium
C) Ishium
D) Pubis
A femur that is shortened on one side when compared to the other is most likely a
result of?
A) Anteversion
B) Coax valga
C) Coax vara
D) Retroversion
Coxa Vara
In ability to adduct the thigh would likely be due to an injury of which nerve?
A) Common peroneal
B) Femoral
C) Obturator
D) Tibial
The medial border of the femoral triangle is formed by the:
A) Lateral border of adductor longus
B) Medial border of adductor longus
C) Medial border of sartorius
D) Medial border of tensor fascia latae
Lateral border of adductor longus
Which of the following is NOT located in the femoral triangle?
A) Femoral artery
B) Femoral nerve
C) Femoral vein
D) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
E) All of the above are located in the triangle
All of the above are located in the triangle
Damage to the posterior branch of the obturator nerve would affect the function of which muscle?
A) Adductor magnus
B) Adductor longus
C) Obturator externus
D) Pectineus
Adductor magnus
The tensor fascia latae’s innervation is most closely related with which muscle?
A) Gluteus maximus
B) Gluteus medius
C) Iliacus
D) Sartorius
Gluteus medius
Muscles of the posterior thigh receive their primary blood supply from which artery?
A) Descending branch of lateral circumflex
B) Femoral
C) Middle genicular
D) Profunda femoris
Profunda femoris
A patient presents with a diagnosis of a positive Trendelenberg sign. You ask the patient to stand on their right leg and their left hip sags. You suspect a weakness of the?
A) Left gluteus maximus
B) Left gluteus medius
C) Right gluteus maximus
D) Right gluteus medius
Right gluteus medius
Which of the following is NOT located in the popliteal fossa?
A) Common peroneal nerve
B) Popliteal artery
C) Profunda femoris artery
D) Tibial nerve
Profunda femoris artery
The lateral sural cutaneous nerve arises from which nerve?
A) Common peroneal
B) Femoral
C) Posterior femoral cutaneous
D) Tibial
Common peroneal
Which nerve passes deep to the Pes Anserinus group and is at risk for entrapment?
A) Lateral femoral cutaneous
B) Lateral sural cutaneous
C) Medial sural
D) Saphenous
A patient receives a stab wound to the medial aspect of the thigh. It has been determined that the anterior branch of the obturator nerve has been completely severed. All of the following muscles are affected EXCEPT:
A) tensor fascia lata
B) adductor longus
C) adductor brevis
D) obturator externus
tensor fascia lata
obturator externus
All of the following ligaments act as reinforcements to the joint capsule of the knee EXCEPT:
A) arcuate ligament
B) lateral collateral ligament
C) oblique popliteal ligament
D) superficial medial collateral ligament
lateral collateral ligament
Which of the following arteries is NOT a branch of the popliteal artery?
A) anterior tibial
B) descending genicular
C) inferior medial genicular
D) superior medial genicular
descending genicular
A patient comes to you complaining of knee pain. Her history reveals a motor vehicle accident in which she was a passenger. She reports that her left knee slammed into the dashboard driving her tibia posteriorly. You would suspect injury to which ligament?
A) posterior cruciate ligament
B) anterior cruciate ligament
C) superficial medial collateral ligament
D) arcuate
posterior cruciate ligament
Muscles that invert the foot include the:
A) peroneus tertius, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis
B) tibialis posterior, and tibialis anterior
C) tibialis posterior, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis
D) tibialis posterior, tibialis anterior, and peroneus longus
tibialis posterior, and tibialis anterior
A patient, in the hospital, received an injection that pierced a nerve. The patient presents to you with weakness of the gluteus medius. Which nerve was damaged?
A) Inferior gluteal
B) pudendal
C) sciatic
D) Superior gluteal
Superior gluteal
A patient severs the superficial peroneal nerve during an accident. Which of the following muscles is paralyzed?
A) peroneus brevis
B) tibialis anterior
C) extensor digitorum longus
D) extensor hallucis longus
peroneus brevis
A college football player receives a severe blow to the inferolateral side of the left knee joint. X-rays reveal a fracture to the head and neck of the fibula. Which of the following nerves is damaged?
A) common peroneal
B) deep peroneal
C) sciatic
D) tibial
common peroneal
Following the injury to the nerve in the situation in # 22, which of the following muscles could be paralyzed?
A) extensor hallucis longus
B) flexor digitorum longus
C) gastrocnemius
D) popliteus
extensor hallicus longus
A lesion of which of the following muscles most likely causes weakness in flexing the hip joint and extending the knee joint?
A) gracilis
B) rectus femoris
C) sartorius
D) vastus medialis
rectus femoris
Which muscle is innervated by both the obturator nerve and tibial portion of the sciatic nerve?
A) adductor magnus
B) gracilis
C) pectineus
D) sartorius
adductor magnus
The projection on the medial aspect of the calcaneus that helps support the talus is called the:
A) medial malleolus
B) peroneal trochlea
C) sinus tarsi
D) sustentaculum tali
sustentaculum tali
A sprained ankle from excessive eversion would most likely demonstrate an injured:
A) anterior talofibular ligament
B) anterior tibiofibular ligament
C) calcaneofibular ligament
D) deltoid ligament
deltoid ligament
The lateral plantar nerve innervates all of the following EXCEPT:
A) adductor hallucis
B) flexor digiti minimi
C) flexor digitorum brevis
D) quadratus plantae
flexor digitorum brevis
A sprained ankle from excessive inversion can result in an avulsion fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal. The fracture is a result of the pull of what muscle?
A) anterior tibialis
B) peroneus brevis
C) peroneus longus
D) peroneus tertius
peroneus brevis
Flexor hallucis longus tendon courses between which two bony landmarks?
A) lateral malleolus and peroneal tubercle
B) medial and lateral processes of the calcaneus
C) medial and lateral processes of the talus
D) sustentaculum tali and medial malleolus
medial and lateral process of the talus
Which of the following is a branch of the anterior tibial artery?
A) arcuate
B) deep plantar
C) dorsal pedis
D) medial plantar
dorsal pedis
The sesamoid bones located at the plantar aspect of the head of the first metatarsal are located in the tendon(s) of which muscle?
A) abductor hallucis
B) adductor hallucis
C) flexor hallucis brevis
D) flexor hallucis longus
flexor hallucis brevis
A patient is unable to initiate flexion of the knee when it is in full extension. Which of the following muscles is most likely damaged?
A) biceps femoris
B) popliteus
C) rectus femoris
D) semimembranosus
Which of the following muscles is damaged if the patient cannot flex and internally rotate the thigh during running and climbing?
A) rectus femoris
B) sartorius
C) semimebranosus
D) tensor fasciae latae
tensor fasciae latae
Fracture of the cuboid bone around the lateral plantar aspect would most likely damage which muscle tendon?
A) flexor digitorum longus
B) flexor hallucis longus
C) peroneous longus
D) tibialis posterior
peroneus longus
Fracture of the neck of the femur results in avascular necrosis (death) of the femoral head, because of a disruption of the blood supply from which of the following arteries?
A) inferior gluteal and superior gluteal
B) lateral and medial circumflex
C) obturator and inferior gluteal
D) superior gluteal and femoral
lateral and medial circumflex
Which of the following muscles functions normally even if the greater trochanter is fractured?
A) gluteus maximus
B) gluteus medius
C) obturator internus
D) piriformis
gluteus maximus
Excessive compression of the anterior compartment of the leg due to excessive swelling will likely impair the function of which nerve?
A) common peroneal
B) deep peroneal
C) superficial peroneal
D) tibial
deep peroneal
Injury to which of the following muscles most likely causes weakness in flexing both the leg and thigh?
A) biceps femoris
B) rectus femoris
C) sartorius
D) semitendinosus
Which of the following structures can be found in the popliteal fossa?
A) common peroneal nerve
B) femoral nerve
C) peroneal artery
D) saphenous nerve
common peroneal nerve
The plantar interossei muscles of the foot function to:
A) abduct and adduct all of the toes
B) abduct the medial three toes
C) adduct the lateral four toes
D) adduct the lateral three toes
adduct the lateral three toes
Classically, the largest sesamoid bone in the body is found in the tendon innervated by the __________________ nerve.
A) common peroneal
B) femoral
C) obturator
D) tibial
If the dorsalis pedis artery is severed just proximal to its metatarsal branches, blood may reach the dorsum of the foot through which of the following arteries?
A) descending genicular
B) lateral plantar
C) medial plantar
D) peroneal
lateral plantar
Which nerve supply provides the most extensive cutaneous supply to the dorsum of the foot?
A) lateral plantar
B) saphenous
C) superficial peroneal
D) sural
superficial peroneal
The dermatome over the lateral side of the foot is:
A) L5
B) L3
C) S1
D) L4
The “Unhappy Triad” involves which of the following structures?
A) medial collateral ligament lateral meniscus, posterior cruciate ligament
B) medial collateral ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, medial meniscus
C) medial meniscus, lateral meniscus, medial collateral ligament
D) anatomy class, kinesiology class, research class
medial collateral ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, medial meniscus
Which of the following is not a true hamstring by anatomical definition?
A) long head of biceps femoris
B) semimembranosus
C) semitendinosus
D) short head of biceps femoris
short head of biceps femoris
A football player presents to you complaining of extreme pain over the lateral aspect of the iliac crest. He reports that an opposing player gave him a direct blow to the area. You suspect nerve involvement because of the severity of point tenderness. The nerve root(s) for the nerve you suspect is/are:
A) L1
B) L2
C) L1, L2
D) L2, L3
What branch of the femoral nerve supplies cutaneous sensation to the skin over the medial malleolus?
A) medial plantar
B) posterior femoral cutaneous
C) saphenous
D) sural
A sprain of the transverse tarsal joint is likely to involve which ligament?
A) anterior talofibular
B) anterior tibiotalar
C) bifurcate
D) calcaneofibular