Blackcloud Body Wall and Thorax p.65-78 Flashcards
only structures that are ____ are dependable in location
the pancreas is secondarily retroperitoneal except ____, which is intraperitoneal, within the splenorenal ligament
the tail
stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum proximal to bile duct
foregut derivatives
distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending and tranverse (proximal 2/3) colon
midgut derivatives
midgut derivatives are supplied by
SMA (origin L1)
tranverse colon (distal 1/3), descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, superior canal, epithelium of bladder and urethra
hindgut derivatives
hindgut derivatives supplied by
IMA (origin L3)
an ileal diverticulum (yolk sac persistence) in 2% of population in antimesenteric border of iluem
Meckel’s diverticulum
a primarily retroperitoneal structure is ____ to a secondarily retroperitoneal structure
always posterior
primarily retroperitoneal organs drain
directly into IVC
formed by end-to-end anastomoses of ileocolic, right colic, mid colic, left colic, and sigmoidal arteries
marginal artery
closely related to pigmented skin of scrotum
dartos fascia
responsible for rugose appearance of scrotum
Fat-free fascia layer including dartos muscle
posterior scrotal branches of perineal, anterior scrotal branches of deep external pudendal
supply to scrotum
perineal artery is branch of
internal pudendal
deep external pudenal artery is branch of
cremasteric artery is branch of
inferior epigastric
drains scrotum
scrotal veins
lymphatics in scrotum
superficial inguinal lymph nodes
genital branches, anterior and posterior scrotal nerves, perineal branches
innervation to scrotum
anterior scrotal nerves are branches of
Ilio-inguinal nerve (L1)
posterior scrotal nerves are branches of
perineal (from pudendal, S2-S4)
genital nerve branch is branch of
genitofemoral nerve (L1, L2)
perineal nerve branch is branch of
posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh (S2-S3)
internal spermatic fascia origin
transversalis fascia
cremasteric fascia origin
internal oblique fascia
cremaster muscle origin
internal oblique muscle
external spermatic fascia origin
external oblique fascia
formed within testes, stored in epididymis, external to abdomen
runs through inguinal canal to enter abdominal and pelvic cavities
ductus deferens
where sperm enter the urethra
prostate gland
the surface of the testis is smooth because
covered by visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
epididymis consists of head, body and tail, all continuous with
ductus deferens
inguinal canal contents in males
spermatic cord
inguinal canal contents in females
round ligament
apo of external obliques, fibers from internal obliques
anterior wall of inguinal canal
transversalis fascia, conjoined tendon from internal oblique and transversus abdominis apo
posterior wall of inguinal canal
inguinal ligament and lacunar ligament (attaches inguinal ligament to pectineaus muscle)
floor of inguinal canal
arching fibers from internal oblique and transversus muscles
roof of inguinal canal
internal entrance to inguinal canal, evagination of transversalis fascia
deep (internal) ring
exit from inguinal canal, slit-like opening between diagonal fibers of aponeurosis of external oblique
superficial (external) ring
inguinal canal, femoral ring, umbilicus and linea alba
regions prone to hernias
most common hernias
Inguinal (14% of men, 2% of women)
hernias exclusive to women
femoral and umbilical
necrosis of bowel and fecal obstruction
if bowel is trapped in hernia sac
section of bowel enters spermatic cord, passes through inguinal canal, and can enter scrotum
indirect hernia
result of patent process vaginalis in young males
indirect hernia
gut pushes through abdominal wall into media 1/3 of inguinal canal, does not enter spermatic tube or scrotum
direct hernia
occurs in males over 40
direct hernia
in all cases, the hernia sac is covered in
parietal peritoneum
bounded by inferior epigastric vessels, rectus abdominus, and inguinal ligament
inguinal (Hesselbach’s triangle)
inguinal canal contents in both sexes
blood and lympathic vessels, ilio-inguinal nerve
internal pudendal artery and vein, pudendal nerve enter perineum via
lesser sciatic foramen
internal pudendal artery and vein, pudendal nerve travel in ____ with ____.
pudendal canal, fascia of obturator internus
space formed by sacrotuberous ligament (vertical), sacrospinous ligament (horizantal) between sacrum and ishial spine
lesser sciatic foramen
originates in sacral plexus, ventral rami of S2-S4, exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen, enters perineum via lesser sciatic foramen
pudendal nerve
inferior rectal, deep and superficial perineal, dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris, posterior scrotal/labial nerves
branches of pudendal
innervate skin and external anal sphincter
inferior rectal nerves
innervate muscles of the perineum, continues as dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris
deep perineal nerve
continues into posterior scrotal/labial nerves (to skin)
superficial perineal nerves
folds of skin extending from anterior to posterior boundaries of urogenital triangle. Has hair laterally.
labia majora
thin folds of hairless skin media to labia majora
labia minora
visible erectile body at anterior end of labia minor
glans of clitoris
covers the remainder of clitoris
medial to labia minor, contains vaginal orifice and external urethral orifice
vaginal vestibule
formed by buld and crura of penis within urogential triangle
root of penis
expansion at head of penis
glans (head)
portion of penis between root and glans
ridge that distinguishes body from glans
corona of the glans
double layer of skin covering the glans
prepuce (foreskin)
labia majora homolog
labia minora homolog
spongy urethra
external pudendal branches of femoral, labial branches of internal pudendal vessels
blood to labia majora
perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
nerves to labia majora and minora
labial vessels and dorsal vessels of clitoris (terminal branches of pudendeal)
blood to labia minora
ischium and inferior part of obturator internus (covered in fascia)
lateral border of ischioanal fossa
external anal sphincter and levator ani
medial border of ischioanal foss
sacrotuberous ligament and gluteus maximus
posterior border of ischioanal fossa
pubic bone
anterior border of ischioanal fossa
inferior rectal artery (from internal pudendal), inferor rectal nerve (from pudendal), and via pudendal canal: internal pudendal artery (from internal iliac artery) and pudendal nerve. And FAT.
contents of ischioanal fossa
large voluntary sphincter forming broad band on either side of inferior 2/3 of anal canal
external anal sphincter
nerve to external anal sphincter
S4 through inferior rectal nerve
fiber direction of external anal sphincter
circumferential around anal canal, perpendicular to levator ani
potential space between membranous layer of subcutaneous tissue and perineal membrane, bound laterally by ischiopubic rami
superficial perineal pouch
deep membranous layer of perineal fascia
colles fascia
colles fascia and perineal membrane
boundaries of superficial perineal pouch
bulbs and crura and surrounding skeletal muscle, superficial tranverse perineal and bulbospingiosis muscle
contents of superficial perineal pouch, both sexes
clitoris, greater vestibular glands
contents of superficial perineal pouch, females only
urethra (proximal part of spongy urethra)
contents of superficial perineal pounch, males only
where male erectile tissue is found
crura and bulb of penis
where female erectile tissue is found
clitoris and corpora cavernosa
vessels and nerves of superficial perineal pouch
deep perineal vessels and nerves
veins draining penis (corpora cavernosa)
venous plexus that becomes deep dorsal vein of penis, enters prostatic venous plexus
veins draining penis (superficial coverings)
superficial dorsal vein, ends in superficial external pudendal vein
veins draining clitoris
deep dorsal veins of clitoris, to vesical plexus
Point and Shoot
parasympathetic erections, sympathetic ejaculation
sympathetic innervation of trigon and internal urethral sphincter prevent
semen from entering the bladder
perineal membrane, inferior fascia of levator ani, fascia of obturator internus
boundaries of deep perineal pouch
urethra (just intermediate portion in males), deep transverse perineal muscles, external urethral sphincter, anterior recess of ischioanal foassa, vessels and nerves to clitoris/penis
contents of deep perineal pouch
deep perineal contents, male specific
bulbourethral gland
pierced by urethra, vagina, and branches of the pudendal neurovascular bundle
perineal membrane
rupture of intermediate urethra will result in accumulation in
deep perineal pouch, leaks from there through urogenital hiatus in levator ani
presynaptic autonomic neurons supplying perineum are located
spinal cord. Upper lumbar (sympathetic) and sacral (parasympathetic)
located within deep perineal pouch, but ducts empty into spongy urethra (superficial pouch)
bulbourethral gland
located on each side of vestibule, posterolateral to vaginal orifice, secrete mucous into the vestibule during arousal
greater vestibular glands
lymphatic drainage of the perineum is almost entirely to
nodes in the inguinal region
divides pelvis into false (greater) and true (lesser)
pelvic brim
contains some abdominal viscera, such as sigmoid colon and some loops of ileum
false pelvis
contains pelvic viscera: bladder and reproductive organs
true pelvis
covered over much of their surface by parietal peritoneum, and considered intraperotineal because they have mesenteries
uterus, uterine tubes and ovaries
pouch where parietal perotineum reflects from uterus onto bladder
vesicoutertine pouch
pouch where parietal perotineum reflects from uterus onto rectum
recouteruine pouch
most of the vagina and cervix of the uterus are
internal male genitalia are
pouch where parietal perotineum reflects from bladder onto rectum (males)
rectovesical pouch