Biostratigraphy Flashcards
originally defined as groups of interbreeding organisms that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.
Linnean Hierarchy
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
are distinct sets which show common characteristics that set them apart from others but which can be still considered of the same species.
is a group of species that are closely related
only required for biostratigraphic purposes otherwise, it is common to identify and classify a fossil only to generic level
Subspecies and Races
is body of rock defined by its fossil content
Biostratigraphic Unit
The fundamental unit of biostratigraphy
Sites where there is exceptional preservation of the soft parts of fossils provide tantalizing clues to the diversity of lifeforms
are deposits known for the exceptional preservation of fossilized organisms or traces
Konservat Lagerstatten
are deposits with a particular “concentration” of disarticulated organic hard parts, such as a bone bed.
Konzentrat Lagerstatten
An exposure of Middle Cambrian which contains one of the most important faunas in fossil record. This fossil locality believe to be the site of “Cambrian Explosion” which radiated 535 million years ago.
Burgess Shale
are units of stratigraphy that are defined by the zone fossils that they contain.
main group of Paleozoic arthropods used in the zonation of the Cambrian period.
preferably in Silurian and Ordovician mudstones, and were used to indicate rapid evolution and have allowed a high-resolution biostratigraphy to develop the Silurian and Ordovician system.
regional correlation purposes only in Silurian rocks due to its sessile lifestyle
main zone fossils for Mesozoic and became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous.
one of Ammonoids’ early form, have been used in correlation of Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks
Abundant in Cenozoic rocks.
- are abundant in some Paleozoic limestones
- have been useful in correlation of regional and worldwide correlation in parts of Cretaceous
mostly contained in extensive outcrops of shallow marine limestones in Devonian and Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian rocks) and have been used as zone fossils within these strata.
are taxa that leave fossil remains that are too small to be clearly seen wit the naked eye or hand lens.
Marine Microfossil
Have been found as fossils in strata as old as the Cambrian. Have tests did not become established until Devonian
important in dating of deep-marine deposits because their skeletons survive as siliceous ooze below CCD. Their stratigraphic range is also greater than Forams, making them important in dating Paleozoic Strata.
are the spherical calcareous cyst of marine algae and the main constituent of some fine-grained limestones such as the Chalk of the Upper Cretaceous in Northwest Europe. They are used biostratigraphically in Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata.
zonation is applied locally in both marine and non-marine environments
- are microscopic spiny structures made of organic material used in Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks.
primitive organisms found from the Phanerozoic through to the present day and zonation are locally important.
is a single representative specimen against which other potential representatives of the species can be compared
additional information about the species can be
drawn through statistics about its shape, size