Biopsychology Flashcards
the nervous system
-The nervous system –> specialized network of cells that provides the body’s communication system. Collects/responds information from the environment and coordinates organs/cells of the body
what are the two subsections of the nervous system
CNS –> central nervous system (spine + brain)
PNS –> peripheral nervous system (muscles, glands, effectors)
order of the nervous system
Nervous system –> CNS –> spinal cord –> Brain –> PNS –> somatic nervous system –> autonomic nervous system –> sympathetic nervous system –> parasympathetic nervous system
brain and spinal cord
the brain
-involved in all psychological processes
-divided into 4 main regions
-occipital lobe = processes visual information
-temporal lobe = processes auditory information
-parietal lobe = integrates information from senses and spatial navigation
-frontal lobe = associated with high order functions e.g logic etc
-brain stem = connects brain and spinal cord
spinal cord
-transfers messages to and from the brain and rest of body
-responsible for simple reflex actions
relay messages (nerve impulses) from the CNS to the rest of the body. Consists of 2 main components; somatic and autonomic nervous system
Somatic nervous system
-maintains communication between CNS and outside world
-consists of sensory receptors which carry information to the spinal cord and brain e.g detect if it is hot or cold
-motor pathways allow the brain to control movement
Autonomic nervous system
-plays an important role in homeostasis which maintains internal processes like bodily temperature, heart rate and blood pressure
-only consists of motor pathways and has two components
-sympathetic nervous system + parasympathetic nervous system
sympathetic nervous system
involved in responses that prepare the body for fight or flight. Increases heart rate, blood pressure, inhibits bladder/digestion, dialate pupils etc
parasympathetic nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system –> returns body to its normal resting state e.g contracts bladder, slows heartbeat, constrict pupils
true or false - the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system can occur at the same time
false - separate processes
the endocrine system
The endocrine system is made up of a series of glands that produce chemical substances known as hormones. Like neurotransmitters, hormones are chemical messengers that must bind to a receptor in order to send their signal.
pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, testes, thyroid, adrenal gland
pineal gland
Pineal gland (brain) –> releases melatonin –> responsible for important biological rhythms e.g sleep
Hypothalamus (brain) –> stimulates and controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland
Thyroid gland (neck) –> releases thyroxine –> responsible for regulating metabolism
pituitary gland
Pituitary gland (brain) –> releases oxytocin (uterus contracting during childbirth) and releases ACTH (stimulates adrenal cortex and release of cortisol during stress response)
Ovaries (female) –> releases oestrogen to stimulate release of egg and regulates menstruation
Testes (male) –> releases testosterone and sperm
adrenal gland (medulla)
Adrenal gland (medulla) –> releases adrenaline and nonadernaline which are key hormones in fight or flight response
adrenal gland
Adrenal gland (cortex) –> releases cortisol and glucose to provide body with energy while suppressing immune system
explain the role of hormones in human behaviour
-hormones are chemical messengers that are released from endocrine glands that travel through the bloodstream to influence the nervous system and regulate behaviours
explain what is meant by the fight or flight response
The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee.
mylein sheath
Myelin Sheath - fatty layer, protects the axon, speeds up electrical transmission of impulse
carries impulses away from the cell body, down the length of the neuron
branch-like structures that protrude from the cell body and carry nerve impulses from neighbouring neurons towards the cell body
what happens to sympathetic nervous system during fight or flight
-pupils dilate
-increased heart rate and blood pressure
-increased alertness
-increase blood flow
-reduced digestive activity to conserve activity
exam response - exiactory vs inhibitory
inhibitory neurotransmitters (e.g.
serotonin) reduce the potential difference across the postsynaptic membrane through the closure of
the voltage-dependent sodium ion channels, reducing the likelihood that an action potential will be
* Excitatory neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine) increase the potential difference across the
postsynaptic membrane through triggering the opening of more voltage-dependent sodium ion
channels, increasing the likelihood that an action potential will be generated.
assumptions by biopsychologists
-biopsychologists assume that behaviour and experiences are caused by activity in the nervous system
-the nervous system transmits signals for communication via the billions of nerve cells (neurons) it has
-the nerve cells communicate with each other through electrical and chemical messages within the body and brain
define a neuron
nerve cells that process and transmit messages through electrical and chemical signals (conduct nerve impulses)
types of neurons
sensory neuron
-carry messages from PNS to CNS (impulse to spinal cord)
-long dendrite
-short axon
relay neuron
-connecting nerve
-connects the sensory neuron to motor or other relay neurons
-short dendrite
-short axon
motor neuron
-connect CNS to effectors such as muscles or glands
-short dendrite
-long axon
knee jerk reflex (reflex arc steps)
-1) A stimulus is detected by sense organs in the peripheral nervous system
2) Sense organs convey a message along a sensory neuron
3)Message reaches CNS
4) CNS connects with a relay neuron
5) Relay neuron transfers message to a motor neuron
6) Motor neuron carries message to an effector (such as a muscle)
7) This causes a reflex response (e.g. causes muscles in knee to contract –> knee moves or jerks - knee-jerk response)
synaptic transmission
Synapse – junction/gap between 2 neurons
Synaptic transmission –> process by which neighboring neurons communicate with eachother
-chemicals that are released from a synaptic vesicle into the synapse by neurons
-they affect the transfer of an impulse to another nerve or muscle
-these neurotransmitters are “taken back up” into the terminal buttons of neurons through the process of reuptake or are broken down by an enzyme
action potential
occurs when a neuron sends information down an axon away from the cell body. An actional potential is an explosion of electrical activity which means a stimulus causes the resting potential to move forward
synaptic connections
Synaptic connections can be excitatory or inhibitory – difference lies in the action of the neurotransmitter at the post synaptic receptor
-normal brain function depends upon a regulatory balance between both synaptic connections
Excitatory – makes it more likely that the next neuron will fire e.g nonadrenaline –> EPSP (excitatory post synaptic potential
e.g if nonadrenaline binds to post synaptic receptors it will cause an electrical charge in the cell membrane which results in an EPSP
Inhibitory – makes it less likely that the next neuron will fire e.g serotonin –> IPSP (inhibitory post synaptic potential)
process of synaptic transmission
1) nerve impulse travels down an axon
2) nerve impulse reaches the synaptic terminal
3) this triggers the release of neurotransmitters
4) the neurotransmitters are fired into the synaptic gap
5) neurotransmitter binds with receptors on the dendrite of the adjacent neuron
6) if successfully transmitted the neurotransmitter is taken up by the post-synaptic neuron
7) the message will continue to be passed this way via electrical impulses
fight or flight
-the nervous system breaks down even further
-two divisions of the autonomic nervous system are:
-sympathetic branch (responsible for fight or flight response)
-parasympathetic branch (brings body back to normal after fight or flight response)
Purpose of the fight or flight response is to enable the body to take action and protect itself in dangerous situations. Ensures a reaction to potentially life threatening experience
Fight or flight response –> innate and automatic mode for survival
-dilates pupils
-inhibits flow of saliva
-accelerates heartbeat
-dilates bronchi
-inhibits secretion and peristalsis
-conversion of glycogen to glucose
-secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline
-inhibits bladder contraction
-constricts pupils
-stimulates flow or saliva
-slows heartbeat
-constricts bronchi
-stimulates release of bile
-contracts bladder
steps for fight or flight response
1) Situation is appraised and perceived as stressful by amygdala
2) Hypothalamus is alerted whch recognises the stress is acute so activates the sympathomeduallary (SAM) pathway
3) This activates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system
4) This then stimulates the adrenal medulla which is part of the adrenal gland
5) The adrenal medulla secretes the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline into the bloodstream
6) this prepares the body for fight or flight and as such causes a number of physical bodily changes e.g dialates pupils
7) However, the body cannot maintain this increased level of activity so after time the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system is activated (returns body back to normal resting rate)
how are localisation and holistic theory different
localisation is more reductionist and states that some parts of the brain have particular purposes whereas holism refers to a theory stating that various brain parts are not localized and cannot get differentiated
what is the cerebal cortex
outer layer that lies on top of the cerebrum. It carries out essential functions of your brain such as memory, thinking, learning and reasoning
localisation of function
-The theory that specific areas of the brain are responsible for different behaviours, processes or activities (physical and psychological functions)
division of the brain
-the brain is divided into 2 hemispheres (left and right)
-language areas are only found in the left hemisphere
parts of the brain
-frontal lobe
-temporal lobe
-parietal lobe
-occipital lobe
-motor cortex
-auditory cortex
-wernicke’s area
-broca’s area
-visual area
-somatosensory area
frontal lobe
Frontal lobe –> Front of head (left side) –> Home of personality and mood e.g voluntary movement, excessive language, higher cognitive functions (CONSCIOUSNESS)
temporal lobe
Temporal lobe –> Above cerebellum –> auditory information –> manage emotions, store memories and understand language (AUDITORY AND MEMORY)
occipital lobe
Occipital lobe –> Right side of temporal lobe –> visual functions –> interpretate information from the eyes (VISUAL)
parietal lobe
Parietal lobe –> Right side of frontal lobe –> respond to sensory information (SENSORY AND MOTOR)
Cerebellum –> corpus callosum -> enable messages to move from left and right hemisphere. Regulates higher intellectual processes. Outermost layer called cerebral cortex (grey matter)
motor area
Motor area –> region in frontal lobe involved in regulating movement
Broca’s area
Broca’s area –> Area of frontal lobe in left hemisphere responsible for speech production. If damaged can lead to speech aphasia
auditory area
Auditory area –> Located in temporal lobe and concerned with analysis of speech based information
Wernicke’s area
Wernicke’s area –> Located in temporal lobe in left hemisphere responsible for language comprehension
visual area
Visual area –> Part of occipital lobe that receives and processes visual information
somatosensory area
Somatosensory area –> area of parietal lobe that processes sensory information such as touch
strengths of localisation of function
-brain scan evidence –> Petersen et al –> Discovered Wernicke’s area as active during a listening task and Broca’s area was active during a reading task –> objective method for measuring brain activity
-neurosurgical evidence -> lobotomy
-Case study evidence –> Phineas Gage –> damage to frontal lobe has impact on personality
Limitations of localisation of function
-Reductionist –> plasticity –> brain attempts to recognise itself and recover lost function when damage is done e.g stroke patients (law of equipotentiality)
-Case studies cannot be generalised
-Lashley’s research –> higher cognitive functions are distributed more holistically. He removed 10-50% of a rats brain and no area was proven to be anymore important, all was required to learn to maze – learning is too complex to be localised
case of phineas gage
-rod went through his left cheek due to an explosion damaging his frontal lobe
-he vomited a teacupful of brain, dropped in an out of a coma, has hemorrhages and epilepsy
-damage to personality –> turned from someone calm and reserved to someone rude and quick-tempered.
-disrespectful to colleagues, unable to accept advice
-impulsive and blasphemous
-supports localisation theory
explain how a hierachy and relaxation might be used in the treatment of someone who has a phobia of wasps
-client and the therapist work together
-list situations from provoking least to most anixety
-client can only move onto next stage if they have managed to stay calm at previous ones
-relaxation techniques = meditation and breathing exercises
Outline brain localisation of function, use research to support your points (6 marks)
-define localisation of function
-2 hemispheres and 4 lobes
-Brocas and Wernicke’s area
-Phineas gage
-holistic theory
-summarise point
grey matter =
define plasticity
Plasticity = Refers to the brain’s ability to physically and functionally adapt and change in response
trauma, new experiences and learning
what does the right hemisphere control
left side of the body
brain plasticity
-Brain plasticity –> brain can grow new facts and association. Our brain/neurons can develop and learn new things past adulthood
-the capacity of living things mold themselves in new conditions –> brain cells and synapses change connections everyday.
-number of synapses peaks when your young and learning
Pruning –> weaking and removal of connections that you no longer need (connections are lost due to lack of use)