Biology: Living things and their environment Flashcards
Why is it important to look after our environment?
Resources of Earth are limited and need to be managed.
What can we do to protect the environment?
Use less energy, burn less fuels, produce less pollution, protect habitats.
What is sustainable development?
Careful management of resources so needs of the population can be met without harming the environment.
Damaging the environment of one species can have a huge effect of other species…why?
By disrupting the food chain.
How can captive breeding help with conservation?
Animals with critically low number are bred in captivity to help increase their numbers and then they are reintroduced into the wild.
How can fishing quotas help with conservation?
Quotas limit the amount of certain fish that fishermen are allowed to catch. This stops overfishing and allows ocean food chains to continue.
Protected areas also help with conservation…why?
National parks and nature reserves limit the number of buildings and the amount of farming and industry in the area. This protects habitats.
What factors can affect the population of an animal species?
Amount of food, competition for habitat, competition for mates, disease and number of predators.
What factors can affect the population of a plant species?
Competition for water, light, nutrients and space. Presence of toxins in the soil.
Why are plants called producers?
They use the suns energy to make (produce) their own food.
What is a primary consumer?
An animal that eats producers (eats plants).
What is a carnivore?
An organism that eats meat.
What is a secondary consumer?
Something that eats a primary consumer.
What is a top carnivore?
An animal that is not eaten by anything else.
What do arrows in a food chain show?
The transfer of energy or energy flow.
Which animals are likely to be worst affected by toxins or poisons?

Animals higher up the food chain because the toxins build up.

Name three ways a cactus is adapted for desert conditions?

Spines instead of leaves to reduce water loss and to decrease risk of being eaten.
Thick stem for storing water
Pores closed during the day to reduce water loss
How are polar bears adapted to survive in cold conditions?
Large feet to stop it sinking in snow.
Thick white fur for insulation and camouflage
Layer of fat for insulation
Small eyes reduce heat loss.
How are penguins adapted to suit their environment?
Streamlined body to reduce drag in water
Flipper shaped wings to help it swim
Blubber for insulation
The arctic hare has different couloured fur at different times of the year, why?

White in winter as camouflage against the snow, brownish grey in summer to blend with the ground. It adapts to seasonal changes.

How can we estimate the population of small, slow moving or still organisms, such as daisies?
Using a quadrat. Randomly place it, count the organisms, repeat several times and find the avarage. This will tell you an average number per metre squared.

How could you measure light intensity in an environment?
Data logger.
How could you measure temperature in a habitat?
Thermometer or data logger.