Biological- Maguire et al Flashcards
- Ability of the brain to rewrite itself and form neural connections in response to changes in demand from the environment- Brain plasticity
Whether the hippocampus might also show plasticity among humans
-16 Right handed male London taxi drivers 32-62 years
-Knows ‘The Knowledge”
-Been taxi drivers 1 and a half years
-All healthy
-MRI taken of their brain
-Scans compared against MRI scans of control group
-Maguire chose 50 scans to compare the taxi drivers
Research Method
Quasi Experiment
Analysed in 2 ways?
Pixel counting
Voxel-Based Morphometry
Pixel Counting
2D measurement area
Old method
Counted manually
Done for the hippocampus
Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM)
3D measurement of volume
New done by a computer
Volume of grey matter and whole brain
Findings/ conclusion
- Significantly more grey matter in the posterior parts of the hippocampus
-Less grey matter in the anterior of the hippocampus
Procedure-Correlation Part
Mri= further analysis
Maguire interested in correlation between length of time as a taxi driver and volume grey matter in the hippocampus
Findings- correlation part
positive between= length of time and grey matter rear
Negative= length of time and grey matter front
Human brain has plasticity
Change can occur with line demands placed on taxi drivers