Biol 108 midterm topic 9-13 Flashcards
Macromolecules of life
Nucleic acids,
proteins, polysaccharides, and lipid
Large molecule with repeated units of the same structure
Characteristic of life Organization
structurally composed of one or more cells
Characteristic of life Homeostasis
Maintenance of internal environment despite external variations
Characteristic of life metabolism
system of management of materials and energy in the form of chemical reactions
Response to stimuli-characteristic of life
changes in growth alteration of alteration of chemical reactions or movement
Adaption-characteristic of life
ability to change over time in response to the environment
Reproduction characteristic of life
ability to produce new individual offsprings
Viruses and viroids
Both-infectious parasitic
Deep Time
Geological or cosmic time
Geological record and eons
-Paleozoic Era
-Mesozoic Era
-Cenozoic Era
Body fossils
Actual remains of the organism after being replaced by minerals
Preserved fossils
Actual remains of organisms with some percentage of organic material sub fossils have a high percentage of organic material
sedimental in fills of space previously occupied by an organism
Trace fossils
records of biological activities left by organisms
Relative dating
sequence of fossils from old to young corresponding to sedimentary strata
-numerical number absent
-based on sedimentary formations
Index fossil
remains of organism that only existed for a short period of time fill in gaps
Absolute dating
using evidence to estimate numerical age before the present
Radiometric dating
based on the decay of radioactive isotopes
half life- time for 50% of it to be gone
based on growth in trees
Amino acid racemization
based on generalized process of protein decay after death
Plate tectonics
Crust of the earth move and collide to reshape earths landscape cause continental drift
oceanic plates- under oceans
continental plates-rock mass above and below sea
epicontenental sea
body of water above the continental plate
End permian
Mass extinction 95 % of species greatest magnitude out of all extinctions
cause extra terrestrial impact and mass volcanic activities