Biol 1057 - Tissue organisation & Homeostasis Flashcards
Briefly outline cells tissues and organ systems
- Cells are composed of molecules and have
specialised functions. - A tissue is a group of cells, all working together.
- An organ contains various types of tissues.
- Many organs are found in an organ system.
Outline tissues more and the 4 types
- Connective Tissue: binds and supports body parts by being flexible and giving structural support
- Bone, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, blood and lymph. - Muscular Tissue: moves the body and its parts
o Skeletal (skeleton), smooth muscle (stomach, intestines),
cardiac (heart). - Nervous Tissue: forms a rapid communication network.
o Neurons, nerves (carry messages-sensory information) - Epithelial Tissue: covers body surfaces and lines body cavities.
o Skin, lungs, respiratory tract, intestines.
Outline 3 types of connective tissues
Outline fibrous connective tissues
Outline supportive connective tissues
➢ Bone and cartilage are the two main supportive connective tissues.
➢ Provide structure, shape, protection, and leverage for movement.
➢ Cartilage (lacks mineralisation) is more flexible than bone.
Outline fluid connective tissues
Outline components of connective tissues
➢ Protein Fibres:
* Include collagen and elastin.
* Provide support, elasticity, flexibility and strength.
➢ Specialised Cells:
* Not attached to one another.
➢ Ground Substance:
* Noncellular material that separates the cells.
* It varies in consistency.
* It may be solid (bone), semifluid (cartilage) or fluid (blood).
Outline muscular tissue and the 3 types
➢Specialised to contract (become shorter)
➢Composed of cells called muscle fibres
➢Containing actin and myosin filaments
* Role = slide past one another (contraction)
➢Function: Movement of tissues, organs and body parts
Outline skeletal muscle
➢Attached by tendons to the bones.
➢Contraction under voluntary control (fast response).
➢ When it contracts, body parts move.
➢Fibres are cylindrical in shape and long.
➢Arise during development when several cells fuse
➢Have multiple nuclei.
➢Appears striated (striped) due to the arrangement of
actin and myosin filaments.
Outline smooth muscle
➢No striations.
➢Spindle-shaped cells with one nucleus.
➢ Mediates involuntary movements (slow response).
➢Found in internal organs (intestine, bladder) and blood vessels.
➢Facilitates movement of substances.
Outline cardiac muscle
➢ Found only in the heart walls.
➢ Mediates contraction of the heart to pump blood.
➢ Involuntary contractions.
➢ Has striations.
➢ Composed of short branched cells, containing one nucleus.
➢ Cells are connected by intercalated disks
* Allow communication between the cells.
* Co-ordinate contraction (heartbeat).
Outline what nervous tissue consists of and the main functions
Nervous tissue consists of:
* Nerve Cells (neurons)
* Glial Cells (cells that support and nourish neurons)
Primary functions in the body:
o Sensory input
* detection of stimuli such as scent, pain, touch etc.
o Integration of the information
* by the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord
o Motor output
* conduction of signals from the brain and spinal cord to organs to trigger a response such
as muscle contraction, secretion of substances by glands etc.
Outline the process of the function of nervous tissue
➢ Sensory input is detected
➢ Information is integrated and processed
by the central nervous system (brain
and spinal cord).
➢ It is transcribed into Motor output by
the peripheral nervous system.
➢ Triggering a specific co-ordinated
response to the original sensory input.
Outline neurons and glial cells
Neurons are specialised cells that have
* Dendrites – extensions that receive signals
from other neurons
* A cell body – contains nucleus and cytoplasm
* An axon – an extension that conducts the
Neurons conduct signals along the bod
➢ Glial cells: specialised cells that support neurons and assist
their function.
➢ Examples of glial cells are microglia, astrocytes, and
Briefly outline epithelial cells
➢ Consists of tightly packed cells that form a continuous layer and have no capillaries
➢ Cover surfaces and lines body cavities, having a protective function.
➢ May also be able to secrete, absorb, excrete or filter substances.
➢ Exposed on one side to the environment, connected to a basement membrane on
the other side.
➢ Named based on the number of cell layers and the shape of the cells.
➢ These features are related to the specialised function that the cells need to
Brief examples of epithelial tisssue
Outline classification of epithelial tissue
Comaprison of one layer to more than 1 layer
Examples of epithelial tissue
Birefly outline microvilli and cilia
- Microvilli increase the surface area
of the cell membrane inorder to
increase absorption - Cilia move to propel mucous and other
substances along epithelial surfaces.
Some cilia also act as sensors
Outline ciliated epithelium
➢ Cilia line the nasal cavities, larynx, trachea, and large bronchial tubes.
➢ Move in wave-like motions to sweep mucus with trapped dust and
bacteria from inhaled air.
➢ Lines women fallopian tubes to sweep the ovum/egg from the ovary to
the uterus
Outline mucus membrane or mucosa
➢ Line the body tracts (systems) that have openings to the environment:
the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts.
➢ Esophagus: stratified squamous epithelium
➢ Trachea: ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium stomach,
intestine: columnar epithelium
Briefly outline all the organ systems
Outline homeostasis
➢ Homeostasis is the maintenance of a relatively constant internal
➢ The body systems help maintain homeostasis by adjusting their
physiologicalresponses when conditions change.
➢ Internal environment is maintained close to an optimal point even
though the external environment may change dramatically.
o e.g. the external temperature may change but body temperature remains
near 37oC.
➢ If homeostasis is not maintained, the function of the organism is
adversely affected and illness occurs.
Outline negative feedback
➢ Negative feedback is the primary mechanism that is used to
keep a variable close to the optimum level and maintain
➢ Has three components:
o A sensor that detects a change in the internal environment.
o A control centre that instructs a response to counteract the
o An effector that gets activated to produce a physiological
response that brings conditions back to the optimumlevel.
Outline regulation of body temperature as negative feedback
➢ When body temperature rises above normal:
o The hypothalamus senses the change and causes
* Blood vessels to dilate
* More blood flow near surface of body = heat loss.
* Nervous system to activate the sweat glands to secrete.
* Evaporation of sweat.
➢ Lowers body temperature to normal value.
➢ When body temperature falls below normal:
o The hypothalamus senses the change and causes
* Blood vessels to constrict = conserves heat
* Nervous system activates skeletal muscles to induce
➢ Increases body temperature to normal value.
Outline regulation of body temperature as negative feedback
➢ Baroreceptors are mechanoreceptors that respond to
changes in blood pressure of the blood.
➢ When blood pressure rises, baroreceptors signal the
regulatory centre in the brain, which responds by sending
out nerve signals to the arterial walls, causing their smooth
muscle to relax.
➢ The blood pressure then falls to normal.
➢ Once blood pressure is returned to normal, the
baroreceptors are no longer stimulated.
Outline regulation of blood pressure as negative feedback
➢ Baroreceptors are mechanoreceptors that respond to
changes in blood pressure of the blood.
➢ When blood pressure rises, baroreceptors signal the
regulatory centre in the brain, which responds by sending
out nerve signals to the arterial walls, causing their smooth
muscle to relax.
➢ The blood pressure then falls to normal.
➢ Once blood pressure is returned to normal, the
baroreceptors are no longer stimulated.
Diagram for low blood pressure
Outline regulation of blood glucose as negative feedback
- Detected by alpha cells in islets of Langerhands
- Alpha cells release glucagon and adrenal gland releases adrenaline
- Second messenger model occurs to activate enzymes to hydrolyse glycogen
- Glycogen is hydrolysed to glucose(Glycogenolysis) in liver and more glucose realeased back into blood or
- Detected by beta cells on islets of Langerhans
- Beta cells release insulin
- Liver cells become more permeable to glucose and enzymes activated to convert glucose to glycogen(Glycogenesis) in liver
- Glucose removed from blood and stores as glycogen in cells
Outline positive feedback
➢ Positive feedback is a mechanism by which the body responds to a change by
amplifying it.
➢ It brings about rapid change in the same direction as the stimulus.
➢ Positive feedback does not maintain homeostasis.
➢ Normal biological functions demonstrating positive feedback.
➢ Examples: childbirth, blood clotting.
➢ Positive feedback may also occur in disease.
➢ Example: fever that rises above 42oC.
Outline childbrith as an example of positive feedback
➢ Positive feedback is a mechanism by which the body responds to a change by
amplifying it.
➢ It brings about rapid change in the same direction as the stimulus.
➢ Positive feedback does not maintain homeostasis.
➢ Normal biological functions demonstrating positive feedback.
➢ Examples: childbirth, blood clotting.
➢ Positive feedback may also occur in disease.
➢ Example: fever that rises above 42oC.
Outline blood clotting as an example of positive feedback
➢ When an injury occurs, blood clots form
protecting against further blood loss.
➢ Blood clotting involves platelets and proteins.
➢ Prothrombin and fibrinogen are two inactive
blood proteins. They circulate constantly,
ready to be activated to form a clot if needed.
➢ Without blood clotting, excessive bleeding
may cause death even from a small cut.
Outline fever as an example of positive feedback
➢ Body temperature is normally controlled by negative
feedback mechanisms.
➢ If temperature rises above 42-43oC, the metabolic rate
increases, causing the body to produce heat faster, further
increasing body temperature (positive feedback).
➢ A positive feedback mechanism can be harmful, as when a
fever causes metabolic changes that push the fever higher.
➢ Death occurs at a body temperature of 45°C, because
cellular proteins denature at this temperature and
metabolism stops.