Bioenergetics Flashcards
What is the word equation for Photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide + water-> Glucose + oxygen
What is the symbol equation for Photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
How do plants use glucose?
- for respiration (energy to convert to other substances ie starch)
- making cellulose (strong cell walls)
- making amino acids (proteins)
- stored as oils or fats (seeds)
- stored as starch (roots, stems, leaves, good for storing)
What are Limiting factors affecting Photosynthesis?
- intensity of light (at night)
- concentration of CO2 (if other factors aren’t limiting)
- Temperature (winter)
- Chlorophyll (disease)
What does being a Limiting factor mean?
stopping photosynthesis from happening at a faster rate
What is the inverse square law?
light intensity is inversely proportional to distance ^2
How can you artificially create the ideal conditions for farming?
- grow plants in a greenhouse
-traps sun’s heat + temperature (heater in winter, shade in summer) - light (artificial light)
- increase level of CO2 (paraffin heater)
- free from pests + diseases, add fertilisers to soil
- costs money, needs to balance factors, else wastes money
What is respiration?
The process of transferring energy from the breakdown of glucose, happens in every cell
How do organisms use the energy transferred by respiration?
- build up larger molecules from smaller ones (proteins from amino acids)
- muscle contraction
- keep steady body temp
What is metabolism?
the sum of all chemical reactions that happen in a cell or the body
What is aerobic respiration?
Respiration using oxygen
Most efficient to transfer energy from glucose
happens in mitochondria
What is Anerobic respiration?
Incomplete breakdown of glucose, making lactic acid
What is the word equation for aerobic respiration?
glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water
What is the word equation for Anerobic respiration?
Glucose-> lactic acid
doesn’t transfer as much energy, glucose isn’t fully oxidised, only useful in emergencies (during exercise)
What is the word equation for anerobic respiration in plants + yeast?
Glucose-> ethanol + carbon dioxide
What is anerobic respiration in yeast cells known as?
used for bread, alcoholic drinks