B13 Genetics and Reproduction Flashcards
What is Asexual Reproduction?
- Only involves one parent
- Cells divide by mitosis
- no joining of gametes (sex cells), no mixing genetic information, NO VARIATION IN OFFSPRING= genetically identical offspring (clones)
- common in small animals + plants, fungi, bacteria
- body cells-> growth, replace worn out tissue
What is Sexual Reproduction?
- male sex cell and female sex cell (gametes/parents cells fuse) fuse to form zygote-> forms genetically varying offspring
- gametes form through meiosis
- inherit genetic information from both parents
- more variation in offspring than asexual reproduction
Plants gametes= egg cells, pollen
Animals= egg cells (ova), sperm
Why is Sexual Reproduction risky and good?
- relies on 2 sex cells, often from 2 individuals, meeting and fusing
- BUT introduces variation= key to long term survival of a species
Where does Meiosis take place?
In the reproductive organs of animals and plants
- humans= ovaries and testes
What is the process of Meiosis?
only takes place in reproductive organs
- all chromosomes in the cell are copied
- the genetic material moves to the edges of the cell and divides into two
- the genetic material moves to the edges of the cell again
- the cell divides one more time (forming 4 genetically varying gametes-> half the number of chromosomes in a normal cell)
How many chromosomes are there in a cell?
23 pairs
1 from mother= maternal chromosomes
1 from father= paternal chromosomes
What is a Haploid?
a cell that only has half the amount of normal genetic material
ie gametes (23 single chromosomes)
What happens in Fertilisation?
- 2 sex cells join, forming a single new cell with a full set of chromosomes
- unique cell, begins dividing rapidly by mitosis
- cells differentiate as embryo develops (tissues, organs, organ systems)
What is the difference between Asexual and Sexual reproduction?
- offspring produces from mitosis of parent cells
- same chromosomes, same genes
- no variation in genetic material
- gametes produces by meiosis in sex organs of parents
- variation: each gamete is different
- gametes fuse, more variation
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction?
- only 1 parent, less time and energy wasted finding a mate/spreading gametes
- faster than sexual reproduction
- environmental changes can cause species to die out (lack of variation, cannot adapt
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction?
- produces varying offspring, survival advantage if environment changes (natural selection)
- 2 parents/ gametes are needed-> time and energy to find mate/spread gametes
How does Fungi usually reproduce?
- toadstool, puffballs= asexual fruiting bodies full of spores
- mould= reproduce asexually
Why and how do Fungi reproduce sexually?
- when conditions aren’t good ie dry
- 2 hyphae from different fungi join, nuclei fuse, hypha has 2 sets of chromosomes
- meiosis, haploid spores, may produce fungi better adapted to changing conditions
How do plants reproduce?
Sexually- pollen and egg cells (gametes)
- pollen reaches egg cell of another plant= pollination (Insects, birds)
- pollen fuses with egg cells, seeds are formed
- variation, plants survive in changing conditions (natural selection)
How can some plants reproduce asexually?
specially directed mitosis
- tiny new plants form on runner stems (strawberry plants, spider plants)
neg= new plants are identical to parents, no variation
pos= new plants formed even if flowers are destroyed (frost, eaten etc)
How do the parasites that cause malaria reproduce?
Both Asexually and Sexually
Asexually= in human host
Sexually= in mosquitos
the mosquito takes blood meal, temp drops between human body, mosquito triggers Sexual reproduction in parasites in red blood cells
- sexual forms develop, burst out of blood cells, meet + form zygotes
- zygotes undergo meiosis, produce new asexual parasites, infect new human host
What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
What is DNA?
A polymer made up of many repeating units
What are chromosomes made of?
Long molecules of DNA
- in long strands of DNA twist and spiral, form double helix structure
What are genes?
small sections of DNA where genetic information (determining inherited characteristics) is stored
- each gene codes for a specific sequence of amino acids-> make specific protein
- genes control proteins, proteins control make up of specialised cells that form tissues, tissues form organs, organs systems make up whole body
What is the genome of an organism?
The entire genetic material of an organism
What is the Human Genome Project?
a project that sequences the entire human genome