BioCog 8B sleep Flashcards
wakefulness concentration
- alpha waves
wakefulness normal
- beta waves
stage 1 sleep
- theta waves
stage 2 sleep
- theta waves
- sleep spindle
- K-complexes
- when woken up you dont know you were asleep
REM sleep
= paradoxical sleep
- beta waves (as in bein awake)
- EEG desynchronization
- PGO waves before waking up
- LGN and primary visual cortex activity
- less frontal lobe
- skeletal muscle paralysis
- genital activity
stage 3 sleep
- delta waves
- deepest
- fragmented dreams
- strong stimulus suppression
REM dreams
- narrative
- visual
- emotional
- no time and space continuity
waking up from REM
- 75-95% dream recall
- waking up spontaneously is likely
- feel awake and alert
waking up from stage 3-4
- low dream recall
- feel drowsy and disoriented
sleep deprivation physiological
- loss thermoregulation
- increased sugar fat metabolism
- weight loss
- immune system disruption
- death
sleep deprivation cognitive
- concentration problems
- hallucinations
catching up with sleep
- you catch upu only with REM and stage 4
sleep 4 function
- sugar supply for astrocytes
- fueling brain cells
- clears adenosine and others
- consolidates declarative memory
REM function
- alertness/vigilance
- brain development
- non-declarative learning
control sleep cycle possibilities
- chemical building up during sleep
2. chemical building up during waking (-> adenosine)
control of arousal + alertness
- acetylcholine
- norepinephrine
- serotonine 5-HT
- histamine
- orexin/hypocretin
flip-flop slow wave
- vlPOA promotes sleep
- inhibited by arousal systems
- arousal systems inhibited by GABA
- blocks adenosine receptors in vlPOA
= sublateraodorsal nucleus
amygdala during sleep
- emotions often trigger REM
- because theyre interpreted as dreams
- you think youre getting too little sleep
- trouble breathing during sleep
sudden infant death sydrom
- weakening of breathing muscles
- babies dont have the reflex to wake up when suffocating
- sleepwalking
REM sleep behaviour disorder
- dreams are acted out
- motor system is not inhibited
narcolepsy causes
- lack of orexin
- overactivation in lateral hypothalams
narcolepsy symptoms
- cataplexy (atonia during waking)
- often triggered by emotions
- sleep attacks
- pre- and postsleep paralysis
- hypagnogic hallucinations (dreams before sleeping)
circadian rhythm
- circa one day
- 24h
biological clock
- internal
- suprachiasmic nucleus of hypothalamus
- light
- sound
- temperature
- eating pattern
SCN cell
- each has its own rhythm
- produces protein
- this inhibits production
- > feed back loop
seasonal rhythm
- less light
- more melatonine
- more sleep
- lower body temperature
- less testosterone