Bio Psych lecture 4 Flashcards
-red blood cells.
-white blook cells.
Dendritic cells
-eating cells
-granulocytes are eat and die cells.
-monocytes eat larger pieces, they are slower and live longer, activated version is macrophage.
-recognize and remove T-Cells, B-Clells, NK Cells.
Non-communicable Disease
bulasici olmayan
-viruses are not alive, cannot divide, they infect host cell and uses its repliction process to produce.
-entirely dependent on host cells.
-viruses use glyocoprotein to attach to their host cells.
-viruses can use either DNA or RNA.
-to replicate RNA, they encode enzymes but its more likely to create mutations cuz of a mistake during transcription.
-more rapid change in RNA viruses.
-DNA viruses (chichkenpox, hepatisis B, herpes…)
-RNA viruses (hepatitis C)
Virions have…
capsids (protective protein coverage layer.)
-made out of capsomeres.
-viral envelope is the structre that surrounds the capsid.
-nonenveloped so more resistant to environmental conditions, causes respitory illnesses in humans.
-nonenveloped viruses more likely to resist to changes in tempreture, ph…
Cythopathic Effects
-dramatic chemical and structural change in the host cell.
-can change or destroy the cell.
-animal viruses like HIV leaving the cell individually.
Viral Replication Cycle
Attachemnt to the host cell
-viruses has spesific attachment proteins.
-virus can only attach to correct receptors
Entry to the Cell
-bacteriopaghes inject their DNA or RNA into the host cell.
-plant and animal viruses enter through endocytosis.
-once inside the cells, capsids is broken down and viral nucleid acid is released and is ready for replication.
Release of New Viruses
-Cell Lysis
new viruses need to leave the host cell to infect other in some way
-cell lysis-host cell burst open and releases new viruses but cell is dead.
-budding-getting a piece from the host cell as their new envelope.
same approach for ebola and kuduz.
antiviral drugs dont cure but it reduces/controls the symptoms.
-they stop viruses by blocking the proteins that makes the virus.
Anti HIV Drugs
-they work by attacking different stages of replication process.
-they work cuz it cant develop ressitance to all of it.