Bio Psych lecture 3 Flashcards
-tip of the sperm that contains enzymes and breaks down ovums outer layer.
Sperm enters cytoplasm of ovum
After 4-6 days, cell is called
Ectopic Pregnancy
when baby is still in the fallopian tube.
-this tube is not meant to expand.
Dramatic Growth in
foetal period.
Embryonic Stem Cells
-created during IVF treatment.
-can turn into any type of cell.
Adult Stem Cells
-exist throught the body.
-remain stable unil its activated by a disease.
-toti-differentiate into all cells.
-plurii-differentiate into most cells.
-multi-differentiate into related type of cells.
-oligo-differentiate into limited type of cells.
-uni-differentiate into only their own type (but can self-renew).
Stem cells have potential to treat serious illnesses.
Plitopotent cells can grow replecament cells to treat illnesses like parkinsons or spinal cord injury.
Gastrulation Phase
-in this phase, invagination happens which is embryo beginning to take multicellular form and produces 3 cells layers.
1-Endoderm (outer layer)
2-Mesoderm (middle layer)
3-Ectoderm (inner layer) (gives rise to brain)
Primitive streak
-establishes the symetrry of the embryo and the body.
Neural Plate
-nervous system develop from neural plate.
-it has 2 parts; neural crest and neural tube.
-neural tube turns into the brain and spinal vord.
-somites give rise to skeletal structure and develop into spinal cord.
-anterior neural fold develop into brain.
-neural crest becomes peripheral and autonomic nervous system.
-PNS consists of cranial, spinal, visceral nerves and ganglila.
-PNS starts as bipolar but when 2 nerves from sesnory cells and central nervous sytem meets, they become unipolar cells.
-ANS arises from throcic region of neural crest.
Satelite Glial Cells
-controls the microenvironment of the cell.
Neural Tube Defects
-spina bifida-failure of lower spinal neural tube to fully close.
-anencephaly-baby borns without parts of the brain and skull.
Folid Acid Supplements
-should be start taken before conception.