Bio Flashcards
What is organic molecules and the atoms they contain
An organic molecule are carbon atoms. Covently bonded to other carbon atoms and to other elements such as hydrogen and oxygen
A generalization of amino acids s
The amino group - H_N
Generation of lipids
-OH} Functional group
Describe the different carbohydrates and give examples
Monosaccharide- One simple sugar, EX. Glucose fructose and ribose
Fisaccharide- 2 simple sugars. Ex, Sucrose, matose, and lactose
Pollysaccharides- Three or more simple sugars ex, starch, glycogen, cellulose
Describe the procceof of dehydration synthesis
Two molecules combined by attaching and removing their o h and H to create a water
The Small molecules that make up hyperbohydrates
Simple sugars
The small molecules that make up fat
Daddy acids and glycerol
Small molecules that make up proteins
Amino acids
Difference between fats and oils
Fats are saturated, solid at room temperature, Hard to break, and are found in animals.
Oils are unsaturated fountain plants, Liquid at room temperature. and are easy to break
What does unsaturated and saturated fat mean
saturated facts are single bonded and are hard break
Unsaturated facts are double bonded and easy to break, Which is why they’re seen as more healthy? They are break down sooner and used for energy sooner
Describe the difference between starch glycogen and cilio los
Starch is an energy source for our plants
Glycogen is an energy source for animals
Celeos are the structural walls of plants And cannot be digested
What is the function of proteins and lists some
Proteins are structural components of cells
They make up: Organelles mussels nerves skin etc
Examples of proteins are a keratin, acting and myelin. And hemoglobin
Describe the two different chorestra
LDL (low density, lipoProtein) is bad to have high levels. Your blood will become saturated with chorestral and then dumped into arteries
HDL is considered good cholesterol ( high density, lipoproteins) H d l will pick up cholesterol in the arteries and transport them to the liver for disposal
What are enzymes
Enzymes are a catalyst that will speed up chemical reactions. Speed up the process of bringing two molecules together or breaking them apart
What is active site
The active site is a specialized shape area of the enzyme that fits perfectly with the specific substrate
What is the substrate
The substrate is the molecule. The enzyme is working on
What is active energy
In order for a chemical reaction to occur, molecules must collide with enough energy and positioned in the right spot in order to happen
What is denatured
Change of the shape of active sight
Factors that affect how well enzymes
Enzymes are sensitive to high temperatures and ph levels. The proteins in the enzyme will begin to denature, and the active site will no longer fit with the substrates.
What is a vitamin
Organic molecules essential to an organism. That you need in small amounts, and it cannot provide yourself
How are vitamins classified
Vitamins are classified to the different things they do. An effect
What are Vitamers
Vitamins are not one molecule, but a group of molecules related to each other called vitamer
Functions a vitamins in the body
Vitamin A is a regulator of cell and tissue growth and Differenation
Vitamin d regulates mineral metabolism for bones and other organs
Be complex, vitamins, enzymes, cofactors, or the pre. Cursors
Vitamin c and e are antioxidants
Describe the way deficiency diseases can occur
Primary cause organisms get too few nutrients. Or secondary cause problem with storage or processing of nutrients
What is scruby, and how can it be prevented
Scurvy is a lack of vitamin C. Vitamin c is required to make the building blocks for collagen, carniten, and catecholamines, and assist the intestine in the absorption of iron and food
You can prevent scurvy by eating foods high in vitamin sea, such as fruits, veggies and organ meats
What is ricketts, and how can it be prevented
Ricketts is a condition that causes weak or soft bones because of genes ( unable to absorb calcium) or dietary deficiency
Are sure and children get enough sunlight while young And get enough vitamin d, so they can absorb calcium
What is the purpose of a nutrient labels
So a buyer is aware of what is contained in the food, so they can easily find foods. They want to eat and don’t want to eat. And foods that would help them in a deficiency
What is a functional group
A cluster of atoms that influenced the properties of the molecule they compose
How many amino acids
How are molecules combined
With dehydration sympto
How have we stopped deficiencies
By adding vitamins into food , fortified
Different ways to get vitamins
You can absorb them through the sun through your skin
Why might vitamin d supplements be better than increased supposure to sunlight
Prolonged exposure to the sun without protection increases the risk of skin cancer
The cause of berry berry
Caused by low levels of thigh mine, most likely to occur with a diet of white rice and alcoholism