Big Concepts Flashcards
What cells responsd to LH
Leydig cells
What cells respond to FSH
Sertoli Cells
What secretes LH
Anterior Pituitary
What enzyme takes Testosterone into dihydrotestosterone
What the main enzyme in thyroid synthesis that takes T4 to T3
What is the order of the uterine layers
Most common tumor in women
Most common invasive cancer of the female tract
Uterine Adenocarcinoma
What type of enzyme converts testosterone and androstenodion to estrione
First two weeks of cycle what is dominant
Second two weeks what is dominant
What happens when progesterone drops
we get a period, when we dont get this drop we are prego
What day are we ovulating? What spikes right before ovulation
Day 20
What is the most common benign tumor of the breast in women under 30
What is the number 1 female cancer
Carcinoma in ducts and glands
In spermatogenesis the first meiotic division is____ the second is ___
Meiosis =
What is the first named structure after fusing of the pronuclei
What is the final implanting structure
why is 12 or more blastomeres
What are the stages of development
Day 1: fertilization to zygote formation
Day 2-3: Zeell stage through morula
Day 4-5: Free Blastocyst
Day 5-6: Blastocyst attaches=implantation
What is the prmary site of fertilization
The ampulla
What comes from the ectoderm
CNS PNS Sensory Epithelial of eye, ear, nose Epidermis and appendages Mammary Glands posterior pituitary Adrenal Medulla
What comes from the Mesoderm
Connective tissue, cartilage, bone muscle heart blood, lymph, cells kd,ovary, testes, genital ducts serous membrane spleen adrenal cortex
What comes from the endoderm
Gastric and Respiratory epithelium
Parenchyma of tonsills, thyroid, parathyroid, liver, thymus, pancreas
Epithelial linning of bladder, most of urethra, tympanic cavity, tympanic antrum, auditory tube
Anterior pititary
What type of blood does the umbilical vein carry
Arterial oxygenated blood
What does the umbilical vein become
ligamentum teres
what does the umbilical artery become
Lateral umbilical ligaments
What does teh foramen ovale become
fosa ovales
What does oxytocin do and where does it come from
postior pit for ejection of milk and smooth muscle contraction
where does prolactin come from and what does it do
anterior pit for milk production
In pregnancy what secretes progesterone
corpous leuteum
In pregnancy what secretes estrogen
what organs are not open to toratogens exept for early on
Heart, lower limb
What are the purines
Adenine and guanine
what is 100% dependent on folic acid purine or pyrimidine syntheisis
purine synthesis
polymerase 1
Polymerase 2
polymerase III
What takes oxytocin and ADH to the posterior pituitary to store it there until its ready to be released
secretory neuron/axons OUT
what does the posterior pit come from
neurophypophysis, neuro ectoderm of forebrane
where does the portal vein go to and what does it secrete
The anterior pituitary
TSH ACTH Growth Prolac FSH LH
What is the adenohypophysis
anterior pit
what is the neurohypophysis
post pit
What does the anterior pit come from
rafkies pouch and grows backwards
what syndrme caues panhypopituitaryism in the anterior pituitary empty sella syndrome
Wher does the pituitary gland sit
in the cella turisca at the center of the skull/sphenoid bone
What disease arises when you have NO ADH from the posterior pituitary
Diabetes insipidus
can’t balance osmolarity
what do somatotrpic adenomas cause
Excess GH
Acromegaly in adults
Giantism in children
Corticotroph tumors secrete what, this leads to what
What amino acid makes thyroid hormone
What secretes thyroid hormone
In graves disease what happens to the thyroid hormones
Increased T3 and T4 low TSH
When is calcitonin excreted and by what cells
Parafollicular cells in response to high blood calcium
What hormone raises serum calcium when its low
parathyroid hormone
What is the order of the adrenal corex and what do they serete
GFR SALT SUGAR SEX the deeper you go the sweeter it gets
Reticularis-sex steroids
what does the adrenal medulla do
Sympathetic stimulation of Ne and EPI
What is the medulla made out of
chromafin cells
Hyperparathyroidism causes what
Elevated calcium which can lead to kidney stones, hypertension and gastric ulers
lowcalcium high phosphate
chvosteks sign and trousseaus sign
Tumor confined to adrenal medulla that secretes catecholamines
childhood tumor of the adrenal medulla that is not confined there
increached ACTH, hypoadrenalism
extopic ACTH
what is it called when you have a solitary aldosterone secreting adeoma in the adrenal cortex
Conn’s syndrome
This enzyme is only found in the adrenal meddula and converts NE to EPi
What does epinephrine do to adipose tissue
incraeses lipase activity to free fa
what does epi do to the liver and muscle
phosphylase to glygogenolysis to make more glucose
What is the parent steroid in which all others are made from
does the endocrine pancrease have ducts
Wtha does the exocrine pancrease have
ducts lined with cuboidal epithelium
what cells serete glucagon
alha cells
what cells secrete insulin
beta cells
what cells secrete somatostatin
delta cells
What activates angiotensin I and where does this come from
renin from the juxtoglomerular cells
where does angiotensinogen come from
what activates angiotensin I to angiotensin II and where does t his come from
ACE from the lungs
what does angiotensin II do
Tells the adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa) to serete aldosterone which tells the distal tubules to reabsorb sodium and excrete potassium
Tells the efferent arteriols to constrict
This is a syndrome where there is atumor in the pancrease secreting gastrin
Zollinger-ellison syndrome
whaich arteriole is sensitive to epinephrine
fAferent arteriole
what comes off the vasa recta
efferent arterioles
Where does calcium get reabsorbed
distal tubule
whree does most of sodium get reabsorbed
proximal tubule
where does ADH act
collecting duct
where does aldosterone act
distal tubule
where is potassium secreted and reabsorbed
distal tubule
What reaction takes an amino acid and makes it into its alpha ketoacid
oxidative deamination
what do we combine together to make urea
Co2 and ammonia
What is the main step in the mitochondria in the urea cycle
Carbamaoyl phosphate to ornithine
what is the main step in the mitochondria in the urea cycle, what amino acid is involved
ornithine=argenine to urea
Red cell casts think
acute nephritis, acute post strep glomerulonephritis
purpuric skin lesions, IgA percipitation and in kids
Henoch-schonlein purpura
Nephrotic syndrome
Painless hematuria think what
wilms tumor
What is a common primary renal tumor in kids
koplick spots
What are the two attachments of the stomach
lesser omentum: hepato duodenal, hepato gastricligaments)
Greater omentum: peritoneal ligament, mets happens here
Gastric ulcer
lesser curvature
worse with food
duodenal ulcer
better eating
Where is the start of post gastric digestin
What are three facts about the duodenum
cradles the pancreatic head
bile enters through the greater duodenal pipilla
pancreatic enzumes enter through the greater and lesser duodenal papilla
The Jejunum has ___ lymphatics than ___ and ____ vascualature than ____
The jejunum has less lymphatics and vasculature than the illeum
Is the jejunum shorter or longer than the illeum
what does parasympathetic innervation to the large intestine
the pelvic splanchnics