BEO160829 Block 1 Flashcards
______________ is the ability to achieve a desired effect:
* Under specified standards and conditions
* Through combination of means and ways.
The Air Force _____ ______:
*Supports operational mission
*Provides capabilities measured against mission-essential tasks
Air Force Medical Service (AFMS)
The ___ ____ _____supports the AF mission by:
*Promoting and sustaining force health
*Prevent injury and illness
*Restore health
*Sustain human perfomance
Aerospace Medicine Enterprise (AME)
Aerospace Medicine Enterprise (AME) optimize health and sustain performance of personnel in the following 6 areas:
*Combat Mission Cyberspace
*Weapons Systems
*Special Duty Assignments
The 5 key team AME players include:
* Aerospace and Operational Physiology
* Flight and Operational Medicine
* Optometry
* Public Health
Which program protects military and civilian employees health while enhancing combat and operational capabilities?
Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH) Program
The 4 key team OEH program players are:
* Aerospace and Operational Physiology
* Flight and Operational Medicine
* Public Health
The Air Force Health Readiness Program is responsible for:
* Ensuring a healthy and fit force
* Maximize operational readiness and performance.
The 5 key team players of the Force Health Readiness program are:
* Aerospace and Operational Physiology
* Flight and Operational Medicine
* Optometry
* Public Health
The Community Health program is responsible for protecting the military, dependents, and beneficiary civilians from:
*Infectious diseases
*Food borne illness
*Environmental hazards
Name the 5 Aerospace Medicine programs that support the operational aerospace mission:
*Flying, operation, and Special Duty
*Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH)
*Force Health Readiness
*Community Health Program
*Emergency Response/Disaster Management Program
The 4 key team players in the Community Health Program are:
* Aerospace and Operational Physiology
* Flight and Operational Medicine
* Public Health
Which program sustains the performance of airman for ALL environments they may encounter?
Human Performance Sustainment Program
The 5 key team players of the Human Performance Sustainment Program are?
* Aerospace and Operational Physiology
* Flight and Operational Medicine
* Optometry
* Public Health
Name the 3 purposes of the Emergency Response/Disaster Management Program:
*Provide timely and professional emergency response.
*Minimize adverse health consequences.
*Preserve operational capabilities.
The 4 key team players of the Emergency Response/Disaster Management Program are?
* Flight and Operational Medicine
*Public Health Emergency Officer
* Public Health
Optimize combat capabilities by preventing casualties and enhancing performance in the deployed and garrison environment through full spectrum threat risk reduction.
What is the BEE vision?
Optimize combat capabilities by preventing casualties and enhancing performance in the deployed and garrison environment through full spectrum threat risk reduction.
Provide operational health risk assessment (HRA) expertise to enhance COMMANDER decision-making and health service support capabilities.
What is the BEE mission?
Provide operational health risk assessment (HRA) expertise to enhance COMMANDER decision-making and health service support capabilities.
What is the BEE Mission Focus?
*Perform Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) using the operational context of Risk Managment.
*Maintain a common set of capabilities applicable to garrison and deployed environments.
To maintain a common set of capabilities applicable to garrison and deployed environments is the BE’s _____ _____?
Strategic Objectives
*Vulnerability Assessments (WVA/TIC/TIM)
*Conduct Predictive Exposure Assessment
*Identify/Approve Potable and NonPotable H2O Sources
*Occupational and Environmental Health Site Assessment (OEHSA)
*Identify OEH Hazards
*Analyze OEH Hazards
*Recommend OEH Hazard Controls
*Respond to OEH Threats
*Associate Exposure with Affected Personnel
*Assist with Health Risk Management
New BE Capabilities
*Health Surveillance
*Plan, prepare, and provide CBRN response
*Ensure safe potable and non-potable water
*Reduce vulnerabilities
*Reduce health risks
The _____ _____ _____provides tailored force packages to meet theater Commander in Chief requirements across a full spectrum of response AND provides USAF assignments managed to coincide with AEF battle rhythm?
Aerospace Expeditionary Force (AEF)
The two fundamental principals of the Aerospace Expeditionary Force (AEF) are:
- Provide trained and ready air and space forces for national defense.
- Meet national commitments through a structured approach which enhances force readiness and sustainment.
The Aerospace Expenditionary Force (AEF) will:
provide predictability over two 12 month global force sourcing cycles (24 months).
The ______ _______ _______ aligns force appointment, assignment and allocation; provides process to quickly and accurately assess risk of proposed changes.
Global Force Management (GFM)
The Global Force Management (GFM) has two specific supporting processes:
- Allocation in support of specific requests for capabilities.
- Allocation in support of combatant command rotational force needs.
The _____ _____ _____ is a scalable, rapid response medical package.
Expeditionary Medical Support (EMEDS)
_____ is usually 3 to 6 months.
Aerospace Expenditionary Force (AEF)
_____ _____ _____ is a predefined standardized grouping of manpower and/or equipment to provide a specific wartime capability.
Unit Type Code (UTC)
Each UTC is created to …….
conduct/be a part of a specific mission.
The purpose of the Unit Type Code (UTC) is to:
Document total Air Force manpower and logistics requirements needed to support the national military strategy during operational planning and execution activities.
The ______ _____ _____ tells you what team members and equipment are needed for specific missions.
Unit Type Code (UTC)
The _____ _____ _____ provides a brief explanation of mission capabilities; the type and amount of workload the UTC is capable of; types of bases the unit can deploy to; response capability; other UTCs needed for support; classification.
Mission Capability Statement (MISCAP)
True or False: The UTC personnel and equipment can be sourced from other units.
The _____ _____ _____ _____dictates the personnel required for the UTC.
Manpower Force Element Listing (MFEL)
The _____ _____ provides:
* Description of item, can include NSN
*Movement characteristics
Logistics Detail (LODGET)
True or False: The UTC can consist of manpower force element (MFE) only, equipment (LOGDET) only, or both manpower and equipment.
Which team is the initial team assigned during rapid opening of contingency airfield; conducts pre-deployment assessments (influences site selection during laydown ops) and includes a BE officer or craftsman?
Global Reach Laydown Team (FFGRL)
The _____ _____ _____ Team provdes preventative medicine to new bed down locations with 9 personnel in three increments.
Preventative Aerospace Medicine Team (PAM)
The Preventative Aerospace Medicine (PAM) Team consists of:
*Aerospace Medicine
*Public Health
*BE (1 officer + 2 techs)
This team provides CBRN surveillance, works with emergency management, and includes 1 BE officer +2 BE techs.
MNBC / Medical Counter - CBRN (FFGL1)
The Air Force _____ _____ Team provides rapid global response to nuclear/radiological threats.
Air Force Radiation Assessment Team (AFRAT)(FFRN1-7)
The Air Force Radiation Assessment Team (AFRAT) consists of the following members:
*Crisis ADVON team
*Surveillance team
*Lab team
*Dosimetry team
To include BE and Med Lab techs
Ensures each unit is able to meet its assigned expeditionary and installation response missions.
Medical Readiness Committee (MRC)
The Medical Readiness Committee (MRC) address the following items:
*Unit plans review
*UTC brief/update
*Exercise update
*UDM brief
*Deployment AAR Update
*Logistics update
*Unit Report Update
*Inspection Results Update
The ______ database is used to track deployment readiness.
Medical Readiness Decision Support System (MRDSS)
The _____ _____ _____ _____
Post Incident / Exercise Summary
Medical Readiness Committee (MRC) members include:
Unit Commander
Medical Readiness Manager
Executive Management Team
Public Health
Medical Logistics Officer
Medical EET Chief
Education and Training Officer
True or False: The Medical Readiness Decision Support System (MRDSS) tracks the mission ready and non-ready unit members and is the sole source of documentation for medical readiness training
True or False: BE readiness metrics (QUSI/RSV) are captured in MRDSS and the BE Team Chief ensures the accuracy of the training dates and info.
To protect health while enhancing combat and operational capabilities.
Occupational and Environmental Health Program Introduction
An effective OEH program:
Active hazard prevention and controls through:
*Education and training
*Analyze hazards
*Develop controls
*Recommend use of controls
What is the hierarchy of OEH solutions:
- Engineering –> stop the source
- Admin –> signs, messages, education
- PPE –> reliant on the user to follow thru
What are the desired effects of the OEH Program?
- All OEH hazards and risks identified
- All known risks mitigated through engineering, admin or PPE controls.
- All hazards and risks communicated effectively to personnel.
- All personnel exposed to hazards are surveyed for the effects.
What is the OEH Management Information System (OEH-MIS)?
Defense Occuptional and Environmental Health Readiness System (DOEHRS)
* tracks exposure data and Longitudinal Exposure Record
Plan - Do - Check - Act
* Continuous Method for Improvement to develop, implement, and sustain OEH capabilities
* Evaluate effectiveness of the OEH program
Plan (Leadership, Policy, and Planning)
* Establish Policy
* Identify and prioritize issues
* Develop objectives and targets
* Prepare Implementation plans
Do (Execution)
*Design, review and managment of change
*Health Risk Assessment
*Clinical surveillance
*Education and Training
*Emergency preparedness
Check (Measurement and Assessment)
* Metrics
* Audits
Act (Managment Review)
*Management review
*Outcomes and follow up
What are the key roles in Risk Management that BE personnel play a role?
* Identify actual and potential health threats
* Assess and determine significance of health risks.
* Recommend control measures.
* Communicate health risk info
The most critical elements of the OEH Program are contained in which series publications?
* 90 series
* 48 series
Planning and Program Policy Flow
DOD –> Air Force –> Program Requirements–> Program “how to”
What are the most common Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) publications?
* Title 10, Energy - Nuclear materials, NRC
* Title 29, Labor - Protect human health and wellness in the workplace
*Title 40, Environment - Human health in the environment
*Title 49, Transportation
DOD ______ are used by the OSD to issue policy, guidance, and instructions to the DOD components to meet the requirements and direction of legislation, the President, or the Secretary of Defense.
What are the types of DOD Issuances?
* Directives (“what”) - broad
* Instruction (“how”) - implementation
* Manual (“step by step”) - extentions providing additional guidance.
What are the types of Air Force Publications?
* Directives
* Instructions (AFI)
* Manuals (AFMAN)
* Pamphlets (AFPAM)
* Supplements
* Installation Pubs
* Operation Instructions (OI)
* Technical Orders (TO) - difficult to change
* AFOSH - transitioning to AFI
True or False: AFIs direct action, ensure compliance, give detailed procedures to standardize actions.
True or False: AFMANs are extensions of AFIs which provide additional guidance.
True or False: Supplements are base specific.
True or False: Operational Instructions (OI) are shop/flight specific.
True or False: Technical Orders (TO) are extremely difficult to change.
What do inspection programs and periodic program management reviews provide?
* Insight into how the BE flight is functioning at any given time.
* Health of the BE flight.
Inspections and Management reviews assist with:
* Control operations
* Plan and set priorities and expectations
* Establish a feedback loop for evaluation against the priorities and expectations.