What is the experience cure
cost advantages that occur when operating within an industry on a large scale AND THERFORE BEING ABLE TO MAKE BETTER DESCISIONS
as a bs grows and oprates on a largeer scale employyes gain
as a bs grows and operates on a larger scale expain the affect on mangers
3 poinys
become more familiar with whats needs doing wenn
who to ask wat to do wahta
how to fix problems whihc makes DM - faster
bs starting up and operating on a smaker scal may lack x and therefore what may they do
make more mistakes and be less efficient
what is an advantage of experience curve for held by established frms
a major ..
make it difficult for …
major barrier to entry - porter
makes it difficult for new firms to enter mkt as initial unit costs will be so much higher
relating to the barrier to entry point from experience curve why is external groth so appealing
enables a bs to enter a mkt segment with buying expertise and experience of a bs that already exists without having to take the time and energy to recreate it
experience effect has a significant indulence on
unit costs
as a bs gets more experience in producing a products it will lead to it becoming better at
producing that product
therfore it will increase its efficiency leading to lower cost per unit
what does experience curve lead to
a cost advantage
explain how xp curve leads to a cost advanatge
+ loop
as you got lower cpu so can reduce price or keep higher profit margins
can do porters generic startegy of cost leadership
explain further cost advantage from a lower price point
lower price = higher demand = higher mkt share
from lower price leading to more mkt share explain knock on effects of ore mkt share
monopoly which acts as BTE - so an increase prices as only seller in mkt
further EOS - as got mroe mkt share means youre bigger therfore producing more units so may get MANAGERIAL , FINANCIAL TECHNICAL EOS therfore reducing acpu
what efficiency gains from xp cruve
labour specilalistioan
labour eficieny
explain efficienyc gain of labour efficiency
over time experienced workers have more confidence and make fewer mistakes meaning they create less waste e.g with raw materials
helps you to save costs
explain effieicienyg gains in terms of albour specialisation
xperienced workers become more specialsied in certain taks/part of production process
meaning they produce at a faster rate and
therefore are more productive reducing unit costs as make more over the same period of time
experience curve is not Economies of Scale why
experinece curve looks at historical prodcution of untis since day dot
Problems and criticisms of xp curve -
empahsis of xp of bs and historical units can encourage complacenct
growing in xp may elad to more resistance
explain emphasis on xp of bs and historical units can encourage complacency
therfore If got more xp you may not wanna be innovative or find efficiency gains that reduce acpu even further - as used to the way things work and theyre working well
expain how as you grow in xp may lead to more resisance to chang eimpact
therfore this can prevent efficiency gains would reduce acpu
but can use overcoming change startegies but depends on type of strategy used and if it will be effectve