Beliefs- Theories of Religion Flashcards
Why is the definition of religion very hard to pin down?
Some definitions can either exclude belief systems commonly thought of as religion, or fail to distinguish between religious and secular organisations
What is the substantive definition?
The substance or content of a religion- belief in God or a higher power
What is a problem with the substantive definition?
They exclude belief systems such as Buddhism which do not worship a God
What is the functional definition?
Based on what the religion actually does, either for an individual or for society as a whole
What does the functional definition focus on?
The idea of community and integration
How can problems arise from the functional definition focusing on community?
An organisation that gives a sense of community isn’t necessarily a religion
What do social constructionists concentrate on?
How individual members of society define religion
What is good about the social constructionist attitude?
It is very inclusive
What is bad about the social constructionist attitude?
It makes it virtually impossible to come up with a general or universal definition
How do functionalists see religion?
As something that inhibits change and helps keep society as it is
What did Durkheim suggest after studying Aboriginal society?
That the sacred worship of totems was equivalent to worshipping society itself and sacred religious worship encourages shared values
What did Malinowski look at?
How religion deals with situations of emotional stress that threaten social order
What did Malinowski say?
Unpredictable or stressful events like births and deaths create disruption and religion manages these tensions and promotes stability
What did Parsons write?
That religion provides guidelines for human action in terms of ‘core values’ and religion helps to integrate people into a value consensus and allows them to make sense of their lives
What does Bellah suggest?
The idea of Civil Religion which is when secular symbols and rituals create social cohesion in a similar way to religion