Behaviorist classical study - Watson & Rayner - Describe F&c Flashcards
F: emotional tests- did A show any fear response when first shown the objects?
F: emotional tests- how did A react to the loud noise for the first time?
started violently, breathing was checked and arms were raised (defensive position)
F: S1- how did A react when the rat and loud noise were presented together for the first time and second time?
- 1st = jumped, fell forward, burying his head on the table, didn’t cry
- 2nd = fell forward again, whimpering a little
F: S2- how did he react to the rat w no noise?
- this time he didn’t reach for the rat, just stared at it when placed near, reached out carefully toward it
- withdrew hand when rat started to nuzzle it
F: S2- how did he react when given blocks to play with?
happily played with them
F: S2 - what was his reaction after the joint stimulation?
became more distressed. When he was again shown the rat, behan to cry and crawl away rapidly
F: S3- how did A respond to these objects?
- Rabbit = burst into tears & crawled away
- Neither the dog or the fur coat produced such a violent reaction as the rabbit
- Wool = not touching at first, then later being less cautious
- Watson’s hair = no fear
F: S4 - How did A respond to the rat, dog , rabbit?
- less extreme reaction than b4
- after ‘freshening up’ the conditioned fear response was stronger
F: S5- were A’s responses to the furry objects (test objects) similar or diff to the blocks (cntrl objects)?
- A reacted to the test objects in a clearly diff way than to the blocks
C - W&R concluded how many ‘joint stimulations’ were needed to create a conditioned emotional response?
C - W&R concluded how many ‘joint stimulations’ were needed to create a complete reaction?
C -what did this study demonstrate?
such learned (conditioned) responses generalise to similar stimuli
C - W&R suspected the persistence of such conditioned responses would only be found in?
persons who are ‘constitutionally inferior’
C - they also suggested A’s thumb sucking might have been what?
a form of compensation to block fear
C - which other views in psy do these conflict w?
- memories being pushed down into the UCM as they could acc be conditioned.
F: summary - emotional tests?
- No fear - L.A was a calm & even tempered baby
- Started violently, arms raised, started to cry
F: summary - S1?
- A jumped and fell forward
- Fell forward & began to whimper
F: summary - S2?
- stared, reached carefully, withdrew when nuzzled
- played happily w control
- more distressed each time. Cried quickly and crawled away
F: summary - S3?
- Rat = fear
- Rabbit = feat = crawled away (generalisation of fear)
- Dog & fur coat = less extreme fear
- JW hair = negative reaction
- Cotton wool = some fear
F: summary - S4?
- less extreme fear than B4 to the rat, rabbit, dog - still shows a learned response as no fear shown to wooden blocks
- After the CR was ‘freshened up’, fear response was stronger
F: summary - S5?
- Furry objects = fear response although ‘a certain loss in intensity if the reaction’
- Wooden blocks = no fear
C: summary?
- W&R concluded that phobias in adults cannot be traced back to the UCM as Freud argued. Instead it is likely that most phobias are conditioned emotional reactions. Just 2 ‘joint stimulations’ can create a CR
- this study demonstrated that learned responses do transfer (generalise) to other objects. A maintained a fearful response to many furry objects over a period of time
- It is however suspected that the persistence of such CR’s would only be found in ppl who are ‘constitutionally inferior’ (ppl who are not very robust)