begrippen samenvatting flow, niet in hoorcolleges Flashcards
Two types of interaction
- Designing the interaction between user and product
- Designing the interaction and communication between people
Old media
Forms of analogue, rather than digital, media that are still in use (television, radio, newspapers)
the integration of features of an old medium into a new medium, the content of media remains the same (news websites instead of a newspaper)
Emerging media
communication formats or channels in the process of becoming known as part of a long evolution of our communication architecture
Ubiquitous computing
(computers become invisible, everyday object become computers), smart object: processors, sensors, wearables, communicating and connecting with the internet (manipulating; of physical objects & responding)
Internal consistency:
Refers to designing operations to behave the same
within an application (difficult to achieve with complex interfaces)
External consistency:
Refers to designing operations, interfaces etc. to be the
same across applications and devices (people don’t have to learn how to use operations in your application, because you use the same operations as other applications, so people are already familiar with using them)
pragmatic attributes vs. hedonic attributes.
What are pragmatic attributes?
dit zijn volgens het model van hassenzahl de attributen ddie te maken hebben met usability. In het model valt hieronder alleen manipulation.
making an existing product or service better
Verschil affective computing
Uit welke 3 aspecten bestaat het emotional design model van Norman?
(Niet de hefonische attributen uit het hassenzahl model)
1. Reflective: meaning & personal value hoe het reflecteert op wie we willen zijn
2. Behavioral : usability (en onze reactie daarop)
3. Visceral : aesthetics
- Sensory complexity
Similarity between the virtual and real environment/ person/ object
In het model heb je naast pragmatische attributen ook hedonische attributen, welke 3 zijn dit?
- Evocation
- Iddentification
- stimulation
Het model van Hassenzahl bestaat uit prodduct features > apparent product character > Consequences.
Welke 4 aspecten zijn onderdeel van product features.
- Content
- Presentation
- Functionality
- Interaction
In het model van Hassenzahl doorloop je 3 stappen die bestaan uit verschillenden aspecten.
Welke zijn dit?
- Product features
- Apparent prodduct character
- Consequences
In het model van Hassenzahl doorloop je 3 stappen die bestaan uit verschillenden aspecten.
Welke zijn dit?
- Product features
- Apparent prodduct character
- Consequences