Bedside Procedures, Safety, Delegation, Related Civil Law In Health care delivery Flashcards
Before approaching a client or for any procedures, what
the nurse would do?
Introduce self to client to reduce patient’s anxiety
Most important method used to protect each client
against microorganisms.
Handwashing (prevents spread of microorganism)
Hand washing required time for contaminated hands
* Hand washing uncontaminated hands
Hand wash for 2 minutes
* 20 seconds
Best antimicrobial agent to use in hand washing or
client’s skin.
Chlorhexedine gluconate (CHG) or Hibeclens
Inner cannula of tracheostomy is removed and cleansed
with hydrogen peroxide every? (frequency)
Every 2-4 hours
How do you use a Fire Extinguisher?
P- Pull the pin
A - Aim at the base of the fire
S- Squeeze the handle
S - Sweep side to side
Donning of Personal Protective equipment (PPE)
Place in order
Wear gown first, mask or respirator, goggles or face
shields, and gloves.
Removing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Place in order (drag and drop)
Remove the gloves first, then goggles, gown and mask
the last to remove.
Prime mechanism in preventing infection.
Good hand washing
Donning of gloves
The inside surface of the glove is touched first while
pulling it onto the hand.
Test (assessment) performed to a client who undergone
Trousseau sign and Chovstek’s test
When opening a sterile package and to maintain its
sterility can be up to touch from
inch border?
1-inch (it is considered unsterile), if touched beyond an
inch of the folded sterile drape.
One guiding principle in handling and maintaining sterility
of sterile objects is by?
By holding sterile objects above the waist level.
A surgical mask can only be worn for how long?
20-30 minutes. When greater than 30 minutes, there will
be moisture build up making the mask ineffective
against maintaining sterility.
While client is in the hospital for vascular headache and
developed a bacterial pneumonia, this is called?
Nosocomial infection (hospital acquired infection)
Major sites of nosocomial infections
Respiratory tracts, urinary tracts, blood stream.
Surgical or traumatic wounds
Main cause of spread of infection
Lack of proper hand washing.
Catheterization of male client, how many inches to insert?
6-9 inches (15-23 cm)
Securing indwelling catheter in male client.
Catheter is taped to the abdomen to straighten the
angulation of the penoscrotal junction to reduce
pressure on the urethra.
Catheterization of female client, how may inches to
2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm)
(female urethral canal 3.0-4.0 cm)
Securing indwelling catheter in female client.
Catheter is taped to the thigh.
When discontinuing the NGT, instruct the client to?
Exhale to facilitate pulling the NGT with ease
When lubricating the NGT, you will not use
Oil-soluble such as petroleum jelly) instead use a
water-soluble (K-Y jelly), which is water soluble to
prevent risk of aspiration).
Vaginal suppository length of insertion
8-10 cm ( (3-4 inches) to the posterior wall of the vagina
Cleansing enema retained for (duration)
5-10 minutes
Oil retention enema retained for (duration)
At least 30 minutes to 2-3 hours
Height of the enema container from the bed
above the rectum:
18 inches (45 cm)
12 inches (30 cm)
Rationale for positioning client to the left with right leg
acutely flexed during enema administration.
Facilitates the flow if solution by gravity into the sigmoid
and descending colon (anatomically to the left side),
right leg flexed for adequate exposure of the anus.
Hypodermic needle size to administer heparin
Use gauge 25-26 needle - 5/8 mm (1/2 inch)
(when administered subcutaneously)
Discharge teaching for patient with xerostomia. (dry mouth)
Use hydrogen peroxide to cleanse mouth
Assessment in general
Inspection, Palpation. Percussion, Auscultation
Abdominal assessment
Inspection, Auscultation, Percussion, Palpation
Temperature in administration of pediatric enema
100 degrees (to avoid burning of rectal tissues)
Temperature of tepid sponge bath (TSB)
90 degrees (32°C)
Nursing diagnoses post liver biopsy
Bleeding and infection
Nurse alert: ensure patient’s safety from bleeding and
Nursing diagnoses post amniocentesis
Infection and premature rupture of membrane.
What to avoid when mixing the solution from a vial?
Rotating the vial between palms of the hands.
Do not shake the vial to avoid bubbles and foaming.
Safety in aspirating medication from an ampoule.
Aspirate medication using a filter needle to trap any
possible broken glass piece (possibly not visible by
Gastrostomy height from the patient to cone syringe or
feeding source.
No more than 18 inches.
NGT feeding alert
Hold for residual volume of 50-100 ml (policy protocol),
Head of bed (HOB) - no less than 30 degrees,
Preferred elevation- semi-fowler’s position.
Rectal tube is gently administered
3-4 inches (7-10 cm)
Rationale on why the foley catheter being secured
laterally to the thigh or to the lower abdomen
To prevent penoscrotal angle and prevent fistula
BP cuff placement is correctly done of an8-month child
Approximately 2/3 of the length of the humerus.
A chemical spill to eye is best performed by?
Instilling sterile normal saline from the inner canthus to
the outer canthus.
Contraindications of enema in pregnant woman
Vaginal bleeding or premature labor, if the presenting
parties not engaged, or if there is other than a vertex
How to manage a client on isolation and experiencing
social isolation
Keeping g client informed of the time as to what time the
nurse will return.
Comfort measure to a sickle cell client with joint pains
Apply heat to affected area, as ice has vasoconstricting
effect and will increase the pain due to hypoxemia to the cells.
Lumbar puncture indication?
Primarily to rule out meningitis and to diagnose Lyme
Non-pharmacological pain management
Positioning, elevation, promoting relaxation by using
slow, rhythmic breathing, purse-lip breathing).
Guided imagery.
Decreasing noxious stimuli (splinting abdominal incision
during coughing and deep breathing.
Application of cold or warm compresses.
Distraction by focusing patient’s attraction from his
painful Sensations.
Size of a needle to access AV fistula during dialysis.
14 to 16 gauge (needle is color coded as red and blue).