BCO 01.08 - Aviation Command and Control Flashcards
What is Marine Aviation Philosophy?
Centralized command and decentral control
What are the six Functions of Marine Aviation?
- Air Recon
- Control Aircraft and Missiles
- EW
- OAS-Offensive Air Suprt
- AAW - Air Antiair warfare
- Assualt Spt
What is part of Off air support?
CAS - Close Air Suprt
- Integration within Fr
DAS - Deep Air Suprt
-Less integration Fr are spread out
What is Antiair Warfare?
-AAW is the actions used to destroy or reduce the enemy air and missile threat to an acceptable
-Offensive antiair warfare (OAAW) are operations conducted against enemy air assets
and air defense systems before they can be launched or assume an attacking
- Air defense includes all defensive
measures designed to destroy attacking enemy
aircraft or missiles in the Earth’s atmosphere
or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of an enemy
What is Assault support?
-Assault support contributes to the warfighting functions of maneuver and logistics
- Assault support uses aircraft to
provide tactical mobility and logistic support to the MAGTF for the movement of high priority personnel
and cargo within the immediate area of operations (or the evacuation of personnel and cargo).
-Combat Asslt Transport
-Air Delivery - equip/suply
-Aerial Refueling
- Air Evacuation
What is Aerial Refueling?
Aerial refueling allows MAGTF aircraft, both fixed- and rotary-wing, to conduct flightferrying operations, extend time on station, and extend mission range
What is Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel (TRAP)
The tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (TRAP) is performed by an assigned and
briefed aircrew for the specific purpose of the recovery
of personnel, equipment, and/or aircraft. T
What is Air Logistical Support
Air logistical support operations are conducted by fixed-wing aircraft and provide
assault support of MAGTF
forces on the ground.
What is Air Recon?
-Air reconnaissance employs visual observation and/or sensors in aerial vehicles to acquire
intelligence information.
What is Electronic Warfare?
EW is any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the
electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy.
-Eletronic Protect, Warfare Support, and Attack
What is Control of Aircraft and Missles?
The control of aircraft and missiles integrates the other five functions of Marine aviation by
providing the commander with the ability to exercise command and control authority over Marine
aviation assets.
-Includes: Air Direction and Air Control
How are Marine Aircraft Wings Organized?
Administratively, Marine aviation is organized into three active duty and one reserve Marine aircraft wings (MAWs).
What is a Marine Air Control Group?
The MACG coordinates all aspects of air command and control, air reconnaissance,
and air defense within the MAW
What is the Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron?
The Marine tactical air command squadron (MTACS) provides equipment,
maintenance, and operations for the TACC of the ACE
What is the Marine Wing Communications Squadron?
The MWCS provides expeditionary communications for the ACE of a MEF, including
the phased deployment of task-organized elements thereof.
What is the Marine Air Support Squadron?
A Marine air support squadron (MASS) provides DASC capabilities for control and
coordination of fixed wing and rotary-wing aircraft operating in direct support of MAGTFs. T
What is Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion?
The mission of the LAAD battalion is to provide close-in, low altitude surface-to-air
weapons fires in defense of the MAGTF.
What is the Marine Aircraft Group?
The MAG provides the staff support necessary for the effective command of
subordinate squadrons of the MAG.
What is the Marine Fighter/Attack Squadron (F-35B Lighting II/ F/A-18A,C Hornet)?
The VMFA intercepts and destroys enemy aircraft under all weather conditions and
attacks and destroys surface targets.
What is the Marine Aviation Command and Control System (MACCS)?
The MACCS is the ACE commander’s weapon system; it facilitates his ability to command and
control his forces.
What are thee Marine Aviation Command and Control System- MACCS functions?
The MACCS is the ACE commander’s weapon system; it facilitates his ability to command and
control his forces.