BCO 01.06 - MAGTF Logistics Command and Control Flashcards
What are the six functional areas tactical logistics is categorized in?
- Supply
- Maintenance
- Transportation
- General Engineering
- Health Services
- Services
What does Supply involve?
Supply involves the requisition authority, distribution, care of supplies while in storage, and salvage of supplies, including the determination of kind and quantity of supplies.
What does Maintenance involves?
Maintenance involves those actions taken to keep materiel in serviceable condition (preventive maintenance) and actions required to return materiel to serviceable condition (corrective maintenance).
What does Transportation invovle?
Transportation is moving from one location to another using railways, highways, waterways, pipelines, oceans, and airways.
What does General Engineering involve?
- General engineering (GE) is considered a tactical logistic function, while combat engineering is considered a combat support function.
- General Engineering (GE) complements and supports combat engineering (mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability) and encompasses those engineer tasks that establish and maintain the infrastructure required to conduct and sustain military operations.
What does Health Service invovle?
Health service support (HSS) refers to those activities and organizations that minimize the effects that wounds, injuries, and disease have on unit effectiveness, readiness, and morale.
What does service invovle?
-The Marine Corps subdivides the services functional area into two components: “command support” and “combat service support” services.
How is the Logistics organized?
- Marine Logistic Group (MLG)
- Combat Logistic Regiment (CLR)
- Engineer Support Battalion (ESB)
- Medical and Dental Battalions
- Combat Logistics Regiments
What is the Marine Logistic Group responsible for?
- MLG is responsible for providing tactical logistics above the organic caps of supported units to all elements of the MEF
- MLG is that it is a permanently organized command charged with the responsibility of providing all major tactical logistic functions (i.e. six functions of tactical logistics) for the MEF beyond the organic capabilities of the supported units/organizations.
What is the Combat Logistics Regiment? (CLR)
-A CLR designated by a double number, such as CLR 25, is one that is organized to provide general logistic and maintenance support to the deployable MEF.
What is Engineer Support Batt? (ESB)
The mission of the Engineer Support Battalion (ESB) is to provide general engineering support of an expeditionary nature to the MEF to include: Mobility enhancements and counter-mobility, survivability, EOD, and bulk fuel.
What are Medical and Dental Batt?
The mission of medical battalion is to provide direct and general support medical support to the MEF including preventive, readiness related, combat stress related and forward resuscitative health care and coordination of patient evacuation.
What are Logistics C2 Centers?
The LCE establishes fixed installations (including Combat Service Support Areas) to build up logistic capabilities.
What is the LCE COC?
The LCE establishes a LCE combat operations center (COC) that controls and coordinates the day-to-day operations of the LCE and focuses on meeting the needs of supported units.
What is Combat Service Support Area? (CSSA)
The LCEs operate combat service support areas (CSSAs) in accordance with the supported unit’s scheme of maneuver.
What is the function of GCE Admin & Logistics Operations Center (ALOC)?
The GCE establishes a logistic operations center that controls and coordinates day-to-day operations within the GCE organization.
What is combat Service Support Request (CSS-Request)?
Because the logistics operations center is co-located with the GCE, combat service support requests must be made to the supporting LCE.
What is the unit Movement Control Center (UMCC)?
Unit movement control centers (UMCCs) are agencies that plan, route, and schedule personnel, supplies, and equipment movements over Lines of Communication (LOCs) (point of origin to port of embarkation (POE), port of debarkation (POD) to final destination or movements within the AO).
What is a Repair and Replenishment Point (RRP)?
A repair and replenishment point is a combat service support installation, normally in forward areas near the supported unit, established to support a mechanized or other rapidly moving force.
What is a Convoy and Logistic train?
A convoy is group of vehicles organized for the purpose of control and orderly movement with or without escort protection that moves over the same route at the same time and under one commander.
What is Convoy Control?
Convoy Control is the exchange of information used to control the various elements within a convoy.
What are passage of lines coordination?
Prior to entering friendly lines when arriving at a destination, or when departing friendly lines, permission to pass must be granted.
What a Combat and Field Logistics Trains?
A supply train is a convoy that has the primary purpose of transporting supplies.
What is Air MEDEVAC Request?
Air Medical Evacuation can be coordinated additionally through the Tactical Air Request/Helicopter Request (TAR/HR) information exchange process as well.