BBC program - on final Flashcards
is one hemisphere more involved with insight?
RH- spatial awareness and intuition
LH- thinking and knowledge
which hemisphere leads to sudden flash of insight?
right hemisphere
how to measure brain activity when solving insight problems
fMRI (where it happens)
EEG (when it happens)
part of brain where insight moments occur
anterior superior temporal gyrus
have one on either side- but right side activates
how does insight happen?
blast of alpha waves, brain blinks, seconds later burst of gamma rays which is why you experience at the moment of insight
divergent thinking task example used
brick- asked to come up with different uses
white matter in brain
intelligence- more white matter is better
creativity- less white matter is better
playing piano (improv) and fMRI results
- changes in prefrontal cortex (see shut down in this area when improvising)
- see the decrease when switch from non-creative to generate creativity component
when doing divergent thinking task when take a break what is the best thing to do
people given midnless easy task (Ex: sort lego) does better in creativity
- ming wandering facilitates creative processes
what brain area is activated during mind wandering?
see change in frontal lobe