bawal buksan may virus Flashcards
Its function is to connect the upper limb to the trunk.
Shoulder Girdle
Rotation in AP projection of the shoulder that places the epicondyles at 45-degree angle to the plane of the film.
neutral Rotation
The position of the shoulder introduced by Lawrence that project the proximal humerus within the shadow of the thorax
transthoracic lateral
A wedge-shaped compression fracture of the articular surface of the humeral head
hill sachs compression
What method is used to demonstrate separation of the acromioclavicular joints utilizing 2 exposures with weight and non-weight?
Pearson method
What rotation in AP projection of the shoulder places the humerus in true lateral position?
internal Rotation
What method is used to project the acromioclavicular joint above the acromion?
AP axial projection alexander method
What part of the scapula is evaluated if the arm is extended upward or placed across the upper chest by grasping the opposite shoulder in lateral projection?
body of scapula
What position of the clavicle is utilized if the patient lean back in a position of extreme lordosis with the neck and shoulder resting against the vertical grid device?
AP axial projection lordotic position
What method in Infero-superior axial projection is utilizing a dual angulation of 25 degrees
inferosuperior axial projection westpoint method
anteriorly from the horizontal and 25 degrees medially?
inferosuperior axial projection westpoint method
What is the best position to demonstrate the clavicle in great detail with no magnification?
Projection useful in the evaluation of suspected shoulder dislocations.
Scapular Y PA oblique (RAO/LAO position)
Reference point in AP projection of the shoulder
1inch inferior to the coracoid process
What joint articulates with manubrium and 1st rib cartilage?
sternoclavicular joint
It forms the posterior part of the shoulder girdle.
What rotation of the shoulder demonstrates the humeral head in profile?
ap projection external rotation
An infero-superior axial projection that required an exaggerated external rotation of the arm
rafert modification
What central ray is utilized in AP Axial projection Lordotic position if the patient is in supine?
What body rotation is required for an AP Oblique Projection of the scapula using the moderate oblique position?
Rotate to affected side 15-25deg
Projection of the wrist that corrects
foreshortening of the scaphoid.
PA Ulnar Deviation
Projection that demonstrates anterior and
posterior displacement in fractures of the
Lateral in flexion
Projection of the elbow that demonstrate
the coronoid process free from
Ap oblique medial rotation
Projection of the humerus that places the
epicondyles perpendicular to the film.
lateral projection
What structure is best demonstrated in
AP oblique lateral rotation of the elbow?
Radial head
Reference point for PA projection of the
3rd Metacarpophalangeal joint
Projection of the hand used to evaluate
early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
Ap oblique Norgaard Method
Central Ray for infero-superior axial
projection of the carpal canal.
25-30 degrees
Projection of the wrist that demonstrate a
slight oblique image of the ulna.
PA projection
.Position of the wrist that demonstrates
the scaphoid at right angle to the central
Pa axial Stecher
These bones made up the wrist joints.
Radius and 2 carpal bones
Best projection of the hand to localize
foreign body.
Lateral projection
Reference point for Lateral projection of
the hand.
2nd metacarpophalengeal joint
Best projection of the wrist that
demonstrates a better image of carpal
Ap projection
Projection of the wrist that separates the
pisiform from the adjacent carpals?
Ap oblique projection medial rotation
What method of the wrist is performed
when a routine radiograph of the wrist do
not identify fracture?
Rafert long ulnar deviation
Reference point for tangential
infero-superior projection of the carpal
1” distal to 3rd metacarpo base
Which carpal bones are
superimposed if we do not rotate the hand
towards the radial in infero-superior axial
projection of the carpal canal?
- Pisiform
Which coronal plane is parallel to the
plane of the film in AP projection of the
What projection of the elbow requires
that anterior surface of the elbow forms 45
degre angle to the plane of the film?
Ap oblique medial rotation
Which projection of the elbow
demonstrate the olecranon process within
the olecranon
Ap oblique medial rotation
Which projection is performed when the
elbow cannot be extended for an AP projection
Ap partial flexion
What structure is seen in profile without
superimposition in Tangential projection Gay
method for carpal canal?
Reference point for AP projection acute
flexion of the distal humerus.
-2’ superior to olecranon process
What bone is seen in profile according
to Griswold when you perform lateral project
Olecranon process
Which projections superimposes the
bones of the arm and forearm?
Ap/Pa acute flexion
Reference point for PA projection acute
flexion of the proximal forearm
2’ distal to olecranon process
Which projection of the elbow
demonstrate the entire circumference of the
Lateromedial Rotation
Reference point for projection of the 1st
Metacarpophalengeal Joint
The only metatarsal with a tuberosity